Monday, March 20, 2006


Last night, I taught Sunday School for the last time. I have been teaching for 2 years and loved it but it's time for a break. We will be able to attend the morning service on a regular basis now and have time for a Sunday dinner without having to be at the next service by 5:00pm. I plan on visiting about once a month or so though. The service lasts for 1 1/2 hours and the Sunday School lesson only lasts about an hour so I throw in a seasonal craft. Since today is the first day of spring, we made an old-fashioned weather device that measures "birdometric" pressure with the help of a friendly yarn worm. Be sure to consult it before braving the blustery March weather!!!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.


  1. My husband and I teach Sunday school too (although we don't use that term, the kids simply call it church), but it is such a big church that we are only 2 of the many teachers, and we do it every other week. We also get a CD of the service that we miss, so that's nice.
    I took a break too when I got pregnant with the 3rd one, but felt led to come back a few months ago. It has become a family ministry since, when my oldest decided to be a helper at mom and dad's class.
    Okay, sorry this is getting too long!


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