Sunday, May 21, 2006

Merry-Go-Round Fun

Originally uploaded by pwinn.
Recently, Phillip and I were talking about how we don't see merry-go-rounds at parks anymore. I don't think we've ever seen one in the last 10 years we've been in Texas. When Phillip cuts his hair really short he has some scars on the back of his head that are very noticeable. Grace was asking him about them and he told her about the time when he fell over backwards off of a merry-go-round and had to go get stitches.

Yesterday we went to the lake with some church friends. I don't have any pictures to share but we all had a fun time. There was a little swimming hole, some hiking trails and the best part? Bathrooms close by! ;0)

On the home we passed through a cute little town of 1500 people. As we drove along, I saw a sign that said "Friendship Park" and there under some big trees sat a merry-go-round! We pulled over and ran to check it out. I don't know who was more excited. The adults or the kids! Phillip was sure to show them how *not* to sit on one, like he once had!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I don't know how long it has been here but the bars were well worn by the little hands that once held on tight. For about 10 minutes or so it didn't feel like 2006 at all.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.


  1. Kelli,
    The merry-go-round was one of our favorite things when I was a kid, but by the time my own kids came along most of the merry-go-rounds were gone around here also.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog, and thanks so much for the link!

  2. Hi Kelli,
    I liked this things when I was a kid. But when I try them now I get sick :)

  3. Hi Sylvia,

    Me too! I think kids' stomachs must be made of steel! LOL


  4. I had forgotten them! But you are right they are hard to come by. I loved playing on them as a child and my boys did too.


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