Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Tuesday, May 8, 2006 Bedrooms and Hall

Antique stove
Originally uploaded by pwinn.
I'm going to tell you a shocking secret. I washed sheets today!!! Maybe this new cleaning schedule is working. :0)

Here are a few things I keep on my dresser. The little antique woodstove belonged to my Great Grandmother. I don't know much about her. I know we visited her house once in Toronto, Ontario but I was so young I barely remember a thing. I do remember we had to be on our best behavior though! The dolls belong to my sister and I but I take care of them both. The same Great Grandmother made them for us when we were around 8 and 10 years of age. She made quits and clothes for them also. I let Grace and Emily hold them when we read stories about Mary and Laura Ingalls.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Sewing machine
Originally uploaded by pwinn.
This is the sewing machine I actually do my sewing on. (When I get around to doing it!)
A friend from church gave it to me when she found out my old one broke. It is from the 1940's and came over to the United States from Scotland. Can you see the nifty 1/4 inch marker I made from masking tape?! While I love the looks of it, a new sewing machine is at the top of my list for this coming Christmas!


  1. What nice treasures from your Grandmother!! I want the stove!

  2. What lovely treasures you have from your great grandmother! Thanks for sharing pictures of them. :)


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