Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Birthday Fun

Our morning started bright and early. Emily usually likes sleeps in but she was up before 7:30am today! I did hear a rumor that Grace may have helped her out with that. ;0) She loved her new ballet outfit that I hung up on the dresser.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Grace drew this ballerina picture for her sister. She worked all of yesterday afternoon on it. Grace also let Emily wear her favorite dress to Vacation Bible School this morning.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Clarice over at Storybook Woods posted about the cutest dollhouse book recently. The story takes place in a Victorian dollhouse. It is Annabelle's birthday and her mom has hidden wrapped presents throughout the house that you have to try and find. We gave the book to Emily this morning and she found the first present in the kitchen hutch. She was so excited to discover that I had done the same thing in our own kitchen hutch! Throughout the day we would have her read a few pages and then find a gift hidden behind a vase, on the bookshelf, in the bathroom cupboard, etc, just like in the story!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Emily chose potato soup, corn on the cob and chicken drumsticks for dinner. The cake was vanilla with pink vanilla frosting. We had a wonderful day together and she has lots of new things to keep her busy! Happy Birthday Emily!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.


  1. What a fun day for your sweet one.
    The doll house book looks like one I would enjoy owning. Will have to check that out.
    I have had a doll house all my life. Right now mine is packed away in the attic.

  2. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Oh what a fun birthday! The cake looks yummy!

  3. Looks like lots of fun! How old is Grace, she's very talented.

  4. That sounds like a wonderful birthday. That book sounds really interesting as well. Thanks for sharing Kelli.

  5. Tori, Grace turned 8 in February. I gave her a package of crayons for her 1st birthday and she's been drawing ever since! LOL


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