Saturday, June 17, 2006

Farmer's Market

Originally uploaded by pwinn.
We got up early this morning and headed to the donut store for breakfast and then to the Farmer's Market. We got some rain last night so it was nice and cool.

I got a basil, lavendar and lemon verbena plant. $5.00 for all three!
Onion, zucchini, cucumbers and peaches. Yum!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.


  1. Hi Kelli, I like the looks of your market find. Do you live close to a Fiesta grocery store? We used to go to one in Huston, Tx. I remember roasted corn you could buy outside the store. It was roasted right there at the site. That was the best corn I have ever eaten. I would like to have an ear right now.LOL

  2. Clara, I seem to remember going to a Fiesta a few years ago when my parents still lived in Houston. The corn sounds great!


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