Monday, June 12, 2006

Ice Cream Sandwiches

Icecream Sandwiches
Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Ice Cream Sandwich Cookies

1 cup plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/4 cups sugar, plus more for coating
2 tablespoons corn syrup
3/4 cup butter, room temperature
1 large egg

1. Into a medium bowl, sift flour, cocoa, baking soda, baking powder, and salt, set aside.

2. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat sugar, corn syrup, and butter until light and fluffy about 2 minutes. Add egg, and beat to combine. Slowly add flour mixture, beat until combined.

3. Preheat oven to 375F. Pour enough sugar for coating cookies (I used about 1/2 a cup) into a small shallow bowl. Make 1 1/2-inch balls of dough and roll each in sugar until completely coated. Place balls of dough 2 inches apart on lightly greased baking sheets. Press down each cookie slightly with the bottom of a glass. Refrigerate for 20 minutes.

4. Bake cookies until firm around the edges but still slightly soft in the center. The recipe said 12-14 minutes. My oven baked them in less than 8 so keep a careful eye on them. Let cool for a few minutes on pan. Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

5. Place 1 scoop of coffee or vanilla ice cream on an upside down cookie. (You may need to let the ice cream soften until it scoops easily.) Top with a second one, right side up. Press cookies together until ice cream reaches edges. Freeze until firm, at least 30 minutes. (Or you can be naughty and eat them right away like we did!). To store, wrap in plastic.


  1. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Oh yummy yummy! I'm going to make some one day for the grandkids. I won't eat a one of them myself! (hehe) Thanks for the recipe.

  2. They look yummy! I'm going to make this recipe with the girls. :)

  3. If you send it FED X then maybe mine want melt before I get it!!

  4. Flora,
    I let Martha Stewart do the thinking for me...LOL. I just
    steal her ideas. ;0)


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