Friday, June 16, 2006

Lazy Summer Days

Originally uploaded by pwinn.
Here in Texas our summer days are spent mostly indoors. The temperatures have already been in the 100'sF. This morning we all slept in, had breakfast and I got to work on my piano practice. I'm going to be in big trouble on Monday! ;) Actually, it was going quite well when I noticed that the house seemed awfully quiet. Grace was in the kitchen playing with our Revolutionary War playset. She likes the horses best.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Emily was in the livingroom playing with our Egyptian mummy set. (Creepy, I know) We recently finished an Egyptian unit and the girls came away with the belief that the Egyptians had some pretty crazy ideas about religion and the afterlife! I have to agree. LOL Both of these toys are the result of a trip to a used homeschooling store, of which I have banned myself from for a few months!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Benjamin was in the bedroom playing with good old-fashioned legos.

Tomorrow we have a trip to the farmers market planned and I'll make my menu around what I find there. Emily's birthday is this coming Tuesday. She turns 7! I need to do a little shopping for her this weekend and also plan a little party we are having on Thursday with her playgroup friends. We haven't seen everyone in awhile.

I'm going to make some lemonade and hope that it rains this weekend and cools everything off.


  1. After nearly two weeks in rainy cool weather, this Texas heat feels horrid. We hybrinate in summer too. Staying inside each afternoon, working only in the early morning. Good time for needlework and such

  2. Oh those lazy hazy days of summer. Sounds like you know how to enjoy them and stay cool at the same time!


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