Sunday, June 11, 2006

Monday, June 12, 06

Happy Monday! I'm trying to think postively about Mondays since they are my least favorite day of the week! LOL
I promised to post some printable to-do lists and here they are.

To-Do Lists (scroll down)

More To-Do Lists

I have had the same 3 things on my list since the last week of April (yup, I just looked it up!) and I'm tired of crossing them off, unfinished at the end of the week!

~List some things on (Hopefully sell them!)
~Touch-up paint in the bathroom
~Organize the seasonal decorations in the garage

I also have alot of other things that need to get done this week. Maybe a pretty list will help! ;0)

What do you have planned for this upcoming week?

1 comment:

  1. Kelli, thanks for the printables. They are beautiful. You are very talented.


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