Friday, June 23, 2006

My Messes

Originally uploaded by pwinn.
I'm going to be brave here and post some "before" pictures of my pantry and bedroom closet.

I have been blessed with a very large pantry and normally I keep it neat but I got some new shelf paper and since I knew I would be replacing the old stuff, I wasn't very careful about keeping things organized. Today I will pull everything out and hopefully when everything goes back in, it will look alot better!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Now, my bedroom closet is used to store alot of my craft stuff...yarn, fabric, candle supplies etc. but along the way some other things got added! I can't even walk inside!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Lastly, here is a picture of my sewing area in my bedroom. It needs straightended up and I need to put something on the wall above the sewing machine.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I'm off to get to work! Wish me luck!


  1. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Kelli, you ARE brave! I couldn't help but laugh when I saw your pictures. Kinda reminded me of things around my house. Can't wait to see your after pictures. Maybe you will inspire some of us!

  2. Hi Kelli, I can't wait to see the "after" pictures. I think we all have spots like that in our houses but you are the brave one for showing them!


  3. At least you have closets ! This house of ours is so old there are only tiny tiny closets in each bedroom. No pantry, no linen closet, no place for the vacuum etc. One good thing about it, it prevents me from keeping too much stuff : )

  4. That is a good point Patty! I have a feeling I will be making a big drop-off a Goodwill after cleaning it out.


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