Saturday, June 10, 2006

Saturday, June 10, 06

~I am hearing...The Sound of Music. Emily has wanted to watch it for weeks.

~A Thought Crossing my mind...Will it really be 102F on Tuesday?

~A Few Plans Today...Enjoy dinner with our company

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

~On My Desk...Papers and post-its

~What’s For Supper...White Bean Enchiladas, Spanish Rice, Chips and Quacomole

~The Children are...Watching Sound of Music!

~I Awoke to...Grace saying, "Mommy, I'm starving."

~Tomorrow In Brief...Church and a picnic afterwards.

~In the oven...Enchiladas

~In The Piesafe...Chocolate cookies for homemade Ice Cream Sandwiches

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

~Something new...A little door knocker in the shape of a garden spade. It was 40% off so how could I leave it at the store?!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend with your family. I will be back on Monday with some pretty to-do lists for you to print out. I need to get some things crossed off my list that have been there for many, many weeks!!


  1. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Those cookies are beautiful. Will you share the recipe?

  2. Dot, I will post the recipe later on this week. :0)


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.