Friday, June 02, 2006

Sunbonnet Sue Quilt

Originally uploaded by pwinn.
We were at our last garage sale this morning when I spotted some Sunbonnet Sues in the distance. This is my favorite quilt square!! I just had to have it! Imagine my surprise when I saw the price tag of $3.00!!! I asked for some information about the quilt, but all they knew was that their old neighbor had given it to them.

It is in rough shape. Most of the bonnets are almost off, 2 are missing, along with quite a bit of the decorative stitches. But it is so soft and cozy!! It has been tied and the backing hand sewn on so it would be pretty easy to take apart and repair. The batting inside is all balled up from washing so it would need replaced.

I have never fixed a quilt before so should I attempt to or just leave it be? Any suggestions?

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Quilt squares
Originally uploaded by pwinn.


  1. I found a quilt like this at a yard sale for 5.00!!! What a great piece this the colors on yours...enjoy your weekend...

  2. Are you going to try and repair it yourself?

    Speaking of quilts, weren't you working on one? How's that coming?

  3. Thanks Flora and Mindy! I'll be sure and post pictures after I fix it up. :0)

    Amanda, I'm "working" on several. LOL I'll show you the most recent one soon!


  4. Sounds like a "Revee" question to me. She will tell you what to do. That is a really pretty quilt..are your girls fighting over it? It is very cheerful!

  5. Dear Kelli,
    This looks like a fun find! It's hard to tell from the photos, but it appears that the dress fabrics are in good condition. If you are missing bonnets, one option might be to reformat the quilt into a smaller one and salvage bonnets from damaged blocks. Alternatively, you could find vintage fabrics and re-create the template.
    Quilter's Dream is a good choice for a replacement batt. Instead of tying it, you might want to consider mounting it on a muslin backing, which would give it more stability.
    Good luck with your project!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.