Sunday, June 04, 2006

Sunday, June 4, 06

Originally uploaded by pwinn.
My friend Tina, over at "Blessings in the South" shared some amazing photos of her hummingbirds recently. I picked up this feeder for $2.50 at Lowe's yesterday afternoon along with some mix packets. Just add water and stir, no boiling required! I don't have very much blooming in this particular garden so hopefully the red will stand out.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

My climbing rose has finally reached halfway up the arbor! I planted it last summer and it stayed green all winter so hopefully it will complete it's journey sometimes next year. :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Lastly, some advice on mint. If you ever read how you should plant this herb in a pot because it is invasive, believe it!! I planted one innocent looking plant a few years ago and it has taken over. As you can tell, some of it has snuck into my vegetable garden box as well as behind it. I'm not a huge fan of the smell (am I the only one?!) so I wait until the last minute before weeding it down. I leave a couple of plants for Grace's lemonade though!

What have you been up to this weekend??


  1. I'm so glad you got a feeder! I bet it want be long & you will have visitors. Kelli I have read that the food coloring is not good for the birds. I have used the mix when it comes with the feeders but then mix my own when it is time to refill. Didnt you tell me you had some hummers visiting your flowers this year?

  2. Hi Tina,
    I have read the same thing about the mix but this box says the food coloring is in it "100% USDA approved. Non-toxic and harmless to hummingbirds."
    I'm sad to say that I have only seen a hummingbird once in my whole life. It was in my backyard a few years ago...just for a few seconds!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.