Thursday, June 29, 2006

Thursday, June 29, 06

Originally uploaded by pwinn.
We had a busy, but fun day today. We picked up Nana (Phillip's mom) around noon and went grocery shopping. Well, first we stopped by Williams Sonoma and got a cherry pitter. I was amazed at some of the beautiful things they have, so fun to look at, but was shocked at some of the prices. $58.00 for 8 white dinner napkins?!!
Then we went to Whole Foods, Costco and Tom Thumb. Got back home at around 5:00pm. Put away groceries and decided to sit down and rest for 5 minutes. 45 minutes later, we thought maybe we should start dinner. ;0)

On the menu, more of that Cherry Lettuce Salad, Sweet and Spicy Bratwursts. Philllip grilled them when he got home. Stuffed mushrooms, and lemon pepper green beans. Oh, and sweet tea of course!! We put on a pot of water for corn on the cob and then realized it hadn't made it into the grocery cart. I'm still trying to figure out what happened. I remember ripping off two bags from the roll and walking over to the corn, but evidently I didn't actually put it in the bag!
After dinner, and everything was cleaned up, we pitted cherries with the new pitter. Lots of fun! LOL Then, everyone but me, did Sudoku puzzles. Maybe I should find out what all the fuss is about those little games!


  1. Sounds like a busy day, i was food shopping today too. Always lots of fun but work too.

  2. Ummm, it looks delish! What a nice table you set. *Ü*

  3. Busy, busy lady!! Your evening meal sounds yummy!

  4. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Busy lady today. I forget things like that too. I call them my senior moments. LOL


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