Saturday, July 01, 2006

4th of July T-shirts

Originally uploaded by pwinn.
When cleaning out my closet last week, I found two red t-shirts that I thought would be perfect for making 4th of July shirts with. I picked up another one for Benjamin last night, along with white and blue fabric paint and a star stamp. Everyone designed their own shirts! They drew their plan on paper first. I helped Benjamin with the stamp and Grace and Emily did theirs all by themselves! We added glitter to some of the paint. Everyone was so excited with how they turned out!! To complete the look, the girls and I will be painting our toenails and fingernails alternating red, white and blue. Benjamin will wear his white and blue sailors hat.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.


  1. Kelli,
    Those are so cute! your so crafty, love it! *Ü*

  2. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Cute shirts! The kids did a great job!

  3. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Like mother, like children! What super looking t-shirts. Your children did a wonderful job. They must take after their mom.

  4. Thanks for the compliments! I will share pictures of everyone wearing the shirts on the 4th. :0)

  5. Those are really nice! They did a great job on them!


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