Monday, July 24, 2006

~Monday, July 24, 06~

Good Afternoon! I hope you all had a great weekend. Let's see, Friday evening, Phillip had his movie night. That has turned into a regular Friday night thing so if anyone is bored and wants to chat, ask me for my AOL Instant messenger name. :0)
Saturday, I got to sleep in a little. I practiced piano in the morning, then Phillip's brother and sister-in-law came over for dinner and we drove about 45 minutes south to a *huge* Half Price Book store. This place is the size of a warehouse! I found 2 books and a magazine.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

A spring edition of Martha Stewart kids. It is filled with lots of fun ideas, like a spa sleepover party that I want to do with the girls sometime soon. Included are instructions on how to make adorable "felt sleep masks."

Next up is a book called A Victorian Courtship-The story of Beatrice Potter and Sidney Webb. It took me awhile to figure out it wasn't the story of Beatrix Potter, creator of Peter Rabbit. But, I got the book anyway, since it looks interesting.
Last but not least, a Emilie Barnes book, The Spirit of Loveliness. I read it yesterday. :0) It is full of wonderful homemaking and hospitality ideas, stories and quotes. She talks about how she created a Prayer Basket with her Bible, a devotional, a prayer planner, etc. I plan on putting one together this week. I will post pictures. :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

One of the best parts about Saturday was finding a $20.00 IKEA gift certificate, while cleaning out some papers. Phillip's parents gave it to us this past Christmas and I must have tucked it away. You know what they say..."Finders...keepers....";0)

Sunday, we went to church. I read my book, took a nap, and went to bed early. I woke up at 7:05am this morning, ready to face the day!


  1. The Martha Kids magazine was SO great - my boy has worn that particular copy out because he's obsessed with the marble machine inside. I'm sad that it's stopped publication... it was a dandy.

  2. Anonymous9:10 PM

    You might also like to read Simple Social Graces...Recapturing the Joys of Gracious Victorian Living by Linda S. Lichter published in 1998. I got it at a discount book store and found it facinating. Love your blog.

  3. All I have to say is I LOVE IKEA!!!

    Wish I were there to shop with you! ;0)

  4. You also have IKEA in the USA? Funny.
    I love the department where you get all the stuff for your home like bedclothes, sofa cushions, things for the kitchen, pictures, plants etc.

    Here in Muenster I live in an apartment that only has one room, a small kitchen and a bathroom. I bought all my furniture from IKEA because it's so cheap.

  5. Hi Beck, I thought that looked fun too! Benjamin has alot of the toys already so I'm going to see about helping him build one.
    I just found out that publication has been stopped. I was wondering why I never saw them in the store anymore..LOL

    Alex, my library has this book on tape and I listened to 3 of the 12 tapes and really enjoyed it! Thank you for the reminder...I'll go check it out again.

    Tori, I love IKEA too!!

    Sylvia, the store in Dallas opened about 2 years ago. We would always go to the one in California while visiting family. It is such a fun place!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.