Friday, July 21, 2006

My Watergarden in July

Here is the view of my backyard, when I sit on my porch. The fairy garden is off to the left. The watergarden is in front, the sandbox behind it and then further out the picnic table and playhouse.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I have always loved watergardens and decided when we got our own home, I would have one installed. I started out with a container garden but the plants outgrew it and the water got to hot for the fish. So, one day, 2 years ago (in August!) I started to dig. After awhile, I started to wonder what Phillip would think when he arrived home from work and saw a hole right by the back porch. Then I got the idea that it would be a fun surprise! Like a gift to him somehow. Clever huh? ;0)
Since it wasn't that big, and only 18 inches deep, I finished by noon and headed to Home Depot for the lining. By the time Phillip came home for dinner, it was full of water, with the plants enjoying their new home. Boy, was he surprised!! A "good" surprised though, we have spent many peaceful evenings out there, listening to the water and watching the fish.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Here is a view from the back. We have 5 goldfish, along with many snails. We saw one the size of a quarter last night! No frog though. :0( I have purchased 3 tadpoles (all at different times) and we have such fun watching them grow into frogs and then they leave. The neighbor behind me, has a large pond and I can hear frogs singing over at her place, so I think that is where mine go.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

See the little bunny trying to crawl into the pot?

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

These pink flowers are in one of the hanging baskets. Sparrows like to come and take some of the basket lining for their nests.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

The lilies are enjoying the sun!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I hope everyone has a great Friday. Stay cool!


  1. Kelly, what a sweet little pond. I am sure your children love watching the fish as well. Thanks for sharing your "Surprise" for your husband.

  2. It's lovely Kelli, wouldn't mind sitting out there in the morning.

  3. what a delightful little pond !
    We have a plastic pond sitting unused in our barn, perhaps its time to get a hole dug and plant myself a water garden. You have inspired me Kelli

  4. I love that little pond, this is definitely something I want when we have our own house.

    You have inspired me to make my own one day, might have to run back to you for some tips though LOL

    Have a great day,

  5. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Kelli!!!! The water garden is gorgeous, and your whole back yard is so pleasant. What a lovely retreat!!

    I am so impressed that you were able to do the whole installation in just a day! What a hard worker you are. I'm sure your husband was pleased.

  6. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Hi kelli,
    So very pretty.

  7. Truly, you have done a beautiful job!!! My husband is a pastor and we live in a parsonage right now. I dream of the day when we have our OWN home and I can put in my own watergarden!!! How dreamy!!!

    Mrs. U

  8. Just beautiful Kelli....great job! High five to you!! Thanks for inspring us!!

  9. How pretty! It sounds so peaceful. :)

  10. I'm so glad you all enjoyed looking at my little watergarden! Thank you for all the sweet comments. Yes, it is very peaceful and I could watch the fish for hours. :0)

    Patty, how exciting that you already have the mold! Be careful in the heat!


  11. OK I know that it wouldn't be healthy for the fish but I would really like to put my feet in the pond!! You dont mind do you?


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.