Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Our Back Porch

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

While looking for homes to buy 7 years ago, I said it had to have a front porch. Well, they just aren't very popular in this area so we settled on a small back patio that we use like a porch.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

We put down grey patio carpet to match the walls. We added the lanterns a few years ago. Just plug in the switch and they are on!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

We have a group of friends from church over about once every other month and we all end up out back. We like to call it a game. "How many people can we squeeze out there?!" I think our record is 12!!! We have such fun memories of talking and laughing out there together.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

It has been so hot lately that we have stopped eating lunch out at the table so I am looking foward to cooler days and evenings when we can get out there and enjoy it again.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Good night! Goodnight!
Far flies the light;
But still God's love
Shall flame above,
Making all bright.
Good night! Good night!
-Victor Hugo


  1. Wow Kelli, I love your back porch! You've done a great job decorating it.

    Could you fit a 13th person out there? I don't take up too much room....


  2. What a lovely, lovely patio! I love the lights!

  3. Clarice is right, it is charming. All you need is some Italian music playing in the background! LOL Maybe you could squeeze 14 people???

  4. Kelli, That is such a pretty peaceful place!!! Just lovely....

  5. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Oh, Kelli!!!! The lantern lit pictures of your back porch/patio are breathtaking!! I love it!!!! What a lovely retreat.

  6. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Definitely a magical place to gather and eat! Love the lanterns - will probably use that idea at our next house.

  7. It looks so inviting and comfy! Love the lights. ;0)

  8. Thank you everyone!!! I'll bet we could squeeze a couple more friends in so come on over! ;0)


  9. Just beautiful, Kelli. I love the lights~they are just what I need for my back porch.

  10. Kelli it is enchanting looking!!

  11. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Your back porch is just lovely! I was wondering...is that a fabric couch or wicker? I've always wondered how to care for fabrics that are used outside. Do you just use them when entertaining??

  12. my dear:
    its getting better each time i go through your decos. your back porch is warm and lovely.
    home sweet home!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.