Tuesday, July 18, 2006

A *SIDEWALK* Fried Egg Sandwich

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Are you tired of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? Scratch all the teflon off your frying pan? Most everyone has a sidewalk and I put mine to good use tonight.

A hot sidewalk. 106+F works well. ;0)
Non-stick spray (some sidewalks may not need it.)
1 egg

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Be sure to keep a close eye on your egg. The edges of mine are already turning white.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Ta-da!! A yummy fried egg. Put between two slices of bread. I like a little miracle whip on mine.

Fried egg
Originally uploaded by pwinn.

As with all hot cooking surfaces, children should get permission from a parent before using.

Ok, confession time, the egg didn't actually cook on the sidewalk but given enough time in this Texas sun it may have! My kids enjoyed this "silly mommy" moment!


  1. Mommy can be silly and keep her sense of humor in the heat! I am enjoying your comments on my posts thank you!:)

  2. Oh Kelli, you're too funny! Love your sense of humour though.


  3. LOL I was thinking, "SHE ATE AN EGG OFF THE SIDEWALK?" Ewww! LOL

  4. I was wondering what you put on the sidewalk first to clean the gunk off of it. I am sure this will be another treasured memory for your children of time spent with you.

  5. That is so funny! And it is hot enough to fry it! Enjoy your day Kelli and stay cool!!

  6. Anonymous12:33 PM


  7. Kelli I cant wait for Mama to see this !!!! I love it!!!

  8. How funny!
    I can vouch for the egg cooking thing in Texas. I'm sure I became a missionary so I could escape the heat of Texas!!

    You didn't eat it, right???

  9. Hi Everyone!
    I'm glad you all enjoyed the pictures! Grace wanted to try it again yesterday but I suggested sun tea might have a more successful outcome. LOL. The egg went straight into the garbage!


  10. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Kelli, that was so funny! Like everyone else I couldn't believe you were really going to eat that egg!!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.