Thursday, July 13, 2006

~Thursday: My Favorite Brown Things~

Sue is going to the market today. I will be joining her this afternoon!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

My first favorite thing is an organizer that I got at an estate sale about 8 years ago. It has been by the piano holding misc. papers, but last week I moved it into the kitchen where it holds 2 weeks worth of daily t-do lists, my calendar, pens and pencils, Benjamin's letter sound flashcards and of course more post-its! ;0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

This is a child-sized apron that my Grandma made for my siblings and I. Yellow rick-rack frames the top. My love for aprons started long ago with this sweet one!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Lastly, a Victorian sewing box that I bought from Ebay last year.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Inside, there are lots of lace, ribbon, spools of thread and half-made dollclothes. It once belonged to a little girl. I love looking at the rusted keys and wondering what they unlocked long ago.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Back in March we did a lesson about the box. You can read about it here


  1. I'm enjoying all your pictures! :)

  2. I love the Aprons. How sweet to have something from your grandma.

    I love these posts. *Ü*

  3. Kelli,
    I just love your favorite things!...especially the apron your grandma made. What a treasure!
    You have posted so much good stuff while I was away ~ I can't wait to catch up.

  4. I just never get tired of all your pictures, you have the nicest things :)

    LOVED the victorian sewing box, what a beautiful thing :)

  5. Love all the pics Kelli, the vintage sewing box is lovely!
    Have a great day dear...

  6. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Your brown organiser is just gorgeous! What a great find. I'm really enjoying looking at your favourite daily/colour things.


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