Wednesday, July 26, 2006

What is going on in the blogging world?

Let's just forget about that mess down below and talk about nice things. :0)

Have you heard about the Tour of Homes? You can read all about it here.Tour of Homes
I think it's going to be alot of fun so get those camera's clicking!

My friend, Sandra started her own blog this week. She is having theme days:

~Mondays will be "At Home" - all things on the home-front such as decorating, crafts, gardening, pets and family.

~Tuesday is "Everyday Elegance" - the small details that make life special.

~Wednesdays I'll be in "The Reading Room" - all things books and reading.

~Thursdays will be "Tea Notes" - tea, recipes and ideas for the perfect cup.

~Friday is "The Maple Leaf Forever" - a day dedicated to my country, Canada, with snippets from yesterday and today.

I am really enjoying my time there and want to share the link with you. Head over to Ravenhill Cottage for a nice visit.


  1. I will stop by and visit your friend.

  2. Ah Kelli, thanks for mentioning my blog. You're a sweetie!


  3. Sandra's blog sounds wonderful and I can't wait to check it out. Meanwhile I will be catching up on all your great posts, Kelli, as I haven't been able to visit as often as I would like!

  4. I LOVE SANDRA's blog too! I like the way she is doing a theme for everyday. I cant WAIT for next Fridays post!!!!!!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.