Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Black Cherry Berry

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I was making some Iced Celestial Seasonings Black Cherry Berry tea the other day and read this cute story about summer, that was printed on the side of the box.

"When Mother thought to build a monument to summer, that brief, sweet season, her neighbors were skeptical. 'What will it look like?' they asked. "Where will she build it?' But Mother, renowned maker of pies, was undeterred. She chose a spot in her backyard, drew up plans, and asked for help. 'It's a cup to hold summer's essence,' she explained, 'made of summer's fruits.' The stonecutter cut fruit from a rock; school chidren painted each cherry a deep, delicious purple, and the whole town gathered to assemble the monument. When the last stone slipped into place, the people cheered, understanding that even in the deepest snows of January, the cup would hold enough summer to tide them through."
-Cullen Bailey Burns

We are having our 30th day in a row of temperatures over 100F so reading little stories like the one above helps me keep my cool. ;0)


  1. That tea was worth buying just for the story.

  2. Anonymous11:25 AM

    30 days over 100!! Oh, Kelli!! Keep brewing that iced tea!!

  3. Sounds nice and cool! We've gone through two pitchers of strawberry lemonade today!

  4. Kelli, I am glad you have a house with AC. WOW, I am sure you are ready for a break in the temperatures. Are you children mostly staying indoors?

  5. We've finally had a break in the weather and went on our first picnic in forever today. Hang in there--fall is coming. :)

  6. Dot, I agree! :0)

    Mrs. Linebarger, it seems to crazy to be true! My poor flowers.

    We've been going through alot of cold drinks too Revee!

    farmgirl, we are all staying indoors. I think we are getting a bit of cabin fever. I can't wait to be able to take walks again.

    Michelle, a picnic sounds perfect!!

  7. Hi Kelli:-) Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment...hopefully it won't be your last time!! I see you have links to a bunch of your recipes..I will be back later to take a look at them, I love to cook and bake:-) We're having much cooler days now and today the temps only got in the middle 60's. I much prefer that to the heat we'd been getting! Can't even imagine having high temps like you're having for so long!!!!

  8. I love Celestial Seasonings teas--the boxes, and the tea! I think I have that tea in my tea drawer! :)

  9. We are not as hot as 1980 yet but .... I feel wilted !
    I haven't tried that kind yet, does it taste like cherries ?

  10. I love their boxes! Lately I've been drinking their Pear/Vanilla tea and really like it alot.
    Goodness I hope things will cool down there soon!

  11. Hi Patty,
    It has a nice cherry flavor.

  12. I also love their tea and the little sayings on the boxes.


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