Saturday, August 05, 2006

My New Desk~Part 2

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Welcome to my new writing nook. I'm so happy with how it turned out! A good cleaning with orange oil and all the scratches disappeared before my eyes. Plus, it smells really nice too. :0) I found both lamps at the resale store and they were 50% off! The boston fern is new and Fern (our kitty) wasn't too happy about giving her her new napping spot. She spent the entire afternoon up there!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I had fun finding places for all of my letter writing supplies. I was a little unsure of where everything should go, but once I sit down and actually use it, things will fall into place.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

My favorite find was this buttery cream crocheted blanket. It is so soft! It will be perfect for keeping me warm this winter.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Here it is all closed up, but I prefer it open, so that is the way it will stay most of the time.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

If you don't hear from me tomorrow, you'll know I'm sitting at my new desk, busily writing letters!


  1. Kelli, you did a beautiful job, but then I knew you would.

  2. Oh it's so beautiful, warm and friendly! I want to use it! You did a wonderful job. :)

  3. I just love rolltops! really neat!

  4. Oh Kelli its perfect. The light is the perfect touch to create an atmosphere of creativity and old fashioned beauty.

  5. Oh that is so pretty. I'm so jealous of your spot!

  6. Kelli, I knew you would love it!! It's not a "monster" anymore, is it?? LOL It looks so charming and old fashioned and the perfect place to spend time writing letters or dare I say it, pay bills??Ick.. My theory is if you have to do an "unpleasant" task you might as well do it in a beautiful spot!!

  7. It's so nice Kelli and looks like a wonderfully cozy place to write.

  8. Your writing area turned out beautifully. Good job Kelli!

  9. Kelli, I love the lamp that sits inside the desk. Very antique looking.

    Great job!!!

  10. So pretty! I have always wanted a rolltop desk, ever since I was a little girl!

  11. Your desk is so pretty! love your lamp too! great job!

  12. Kelli why in the world would anyone want to give that away! I love all that you have done with it!! I love that bottom lamp!! Will you write me a short note!

  13. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Oh, Kelli, it's gorgeous!!! And I LOVE the lighting you took the pictures in. It made an already beautiful, romantic scene even more lovely. I know you will enjoy your special writing desk. What a treat!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.