Thursday, September 21, 2006

Smocking Update

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Here is how my sister's smocking project is coming along. I just love it! It is so delicate and soft. Do you think she would notice if I traded mine with hers? ;0)


  1. Oh, my grandmother did smocking! All of the photos are so pretty and interesting! So, you just embroider right on the top - going all the way through to the back?... or do you keep it just on the surface? Can't wait to see those aprons!

  2. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Oh I just love the smocked look! Now I want to make one too! :)


  3. Very pretty!! I'm sure your's very pretty too, Kelli! You are a very creative person. :)

  4. Kelli, I am sure yours will look great, but hey what are sisters for? Trade and see if she notices!! =)

    Maybe that is why God only gave me brothers and 4 of them at that.

  5. Kelli I had no idea how that was done! Amazing!! It is so pretty!! Boy that is so nice that you are learning something from here while she is when you are smocking, you will always remember the good visit you had with sister could teach me how to tree a squirrel...boy what a memory!! LOL!

  6. Kelli, you should have your children come and visit my blog today. It is especially for them, Revee's girls and Pat!!

  7. Wow,Kelli, you have REALLY done a great job!!! I am very proud of you!

    Mrs. U

  8. Hi Nicole,
    You embroider on the top 1/3 of each pleat. I'm going to work on mine this weekend. :0)

    Thank you Kim!

    Hi seoulsisterstevens, thank you for visiting! The bullion knots sound beautiful. We are making doll aprons. My sister is going to start a bigger project next. You can also make smocked baby bonnets.

    Thank you Revee!

    Thank you Marci...I have a feeling she would notice..hehe.

    Tina, you are right. We will have lots of fun memories of our visit!

    Thank you Mrs. U!!

  9. Smocking has always been a "if there were another 10 hours in the day" project for me. I love the look and just have to remind myself that it's okay if I don't have a project of every kind of needlework going. Keep up the good work!

  10. She certainly does beautiful work and I've no doubt yours will look just as nice:-) I miss having a sister to be able to do things like that 4 brothers are no fun that way! lol Hugs xoxo

  11. I have not smocked in years, but it is so fun to do! If you are going to do more of it, you might keep your eye out for a used smocking pleater - I don't know the brand name, but they are most handy and get you past the gathering stage more rapidly! You just roll the fabric through and a row of threaded needles perfectly pleats your fabric. Too fun!

  12. So so beautiful. You know I've tried many hobbies and crafts but smocking is something I havent done.
    I have two brothers and I envy you having a sister.

  13. This is absolutely beautiful! Little girls always look pretty in smocked dresses. I've got a pattern for a knitted and smocked is a challenge...and at the moment "I'm a bear of very few brains!"


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