Thursday, October 05, 2006

Special Gifts

My sister, Melissa has been in town for the past couple of weeks and we have been having lots of fun "crafting." She made the girls nightcaps yesterday, and we have plans to make the boys some cowboy aprons with jean pockets this weekend. I wanted to show you some knitted things she made for the girls and Benjamin.

Grace was so excited to recieve this soft knitted pillow. She loves the horse, of course! Melissa did all of the embroidery without a pattern!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Here is Emily's pillow. The roses are actually knitted and then attached to the front. I wish you could see it in person, it's just beautiful!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

She made Benjamin the neatest scarf. This is her also her own design - an amazing rocketship and star!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Thanks for looking and letting me brag about my sister. :0)


  1. Sounds like you are very lucky! I was an only child...found out when I was 20 I have a half brother...bit of an age difference.

  2. You have a very talented sister :) Thanks for sharing the pics. Always good to get more project inspiration!

  3. What beautiful work you sister does! The horse and the flowers are excellent. :)

  4. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Oh my goodness, your sister is very talented! I could never do free hand embroidery like that. Everything is beautiful. Did you two sisters recieve your creative and artistic talents from your parents?

  5. How very pretty it all is. She is creative just like you!

  6. All I can say is "wow", your sister does beautiful work all without patterns --- amazing!

    I'm loving the rose pillow. It's just lovely.

    Tell her she a very talented knitter!

  7. Anonymous9:25 PM

    WOW, she's very talented. My mom quilts and would love to pass on the craft to me or my sister, but I don't have the patience for it. However, I have seen some recent pictures of fringed quilts and my mom says she will teach me that. My daughter wants to work on some cross-stitch together during the winter months. I'm looking forward to it!

  8. Beautiful work, I love the pillow withthe flowers!

  9. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Your sister's knitting is beautiful. Hey, how are the lavender bags coming along? I know that you two sure seem to be having a wonderful visit.

  10. What a creative sister you have. I am glad you got to enjoy one another for a bit. Everything is lovely.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.