Saturday, October 28, 2006

Time Change!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Don't forget to change your clocks back an hour tonight!

Picture is


  1. Whew! Thanks for the reminder. I completely forgot!

  2. Yeah..I'm a day late & a dollar short, LOL!! Read my post on OFT Kelli!! LOL!

  3. Thanks for the reminder!

  4. You know, I had COMPLETELY forgotten that the time change was going to happen until I we were listening to the radio last night. That would have been embarrasing, showing up for church an hour early... or late? Oh, I'm so mixed up.

  5. I really thought this is just in it was interesting to read that.

  6. I knew that the time was changing. I knew it last week, and I knew it before I went to bed Saturday night. However ...

    Woke up and my alarm clock said 7:30, so I jumped up and went downstairs and turned the TV on to watch Coronation Street. The time on the TV said 6:24am!

    Yipee!!! Another hour sleep!!!

    Off I went to snuggle back under the blankets, and didn't wake up again to Corrie had already been on for an hour!!! Oh well, the sleep was good.

    Jackie in ON

  7. I enjoyed an extra hour of sleep too, Jackie. :0)


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