Wednesday, November 22, 2006

~Happy Thanksgiving!~

May this day fill your heart with contentment and peace.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Happy Thanksgiving! I will be stuffing the turkey shortly, getting it into the oven, and then watching the Macy's parade. I want to thank all of you who come to visit me here every day. I never knew I would meet such wonderful friends when I started blogging this past January. Thank you so much for all your sweet comments, I really appreciate them! Whether you are celebrating Thanksgiving today or not, I hope your day is wonderful. I will be back this weekend with lots of pictures-maybe even of our Christmas tree. :0)

Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love endures forever. Psalm 106:1


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Kelli!! Have a wonderful day.:)

  2. Happy Thanksgiving!

    I'm taking a break from morning preps to read some of my favorite blogs.

    Definitely, blogging is a gift from God to be thankful for.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Kelli!! I'll be thinking of you all stuffing yourselves with turkey, cranberries, stuffing, etc...sigh!!! lol Have a fabulous day and will look forward to hearing all about it and seeing some pictures:-) xox

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Keli!
    I know it will be lovely after seeing all those wonderful preparations you shared with us!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving Kelli, I haven't had time to do much blog reading lately and even when I wanted to comment Blogger wouldn't let me. So hopefully I'll manage to catch up on what you've been doing over the next couple of days.
    Wish I could have some of the apple pie, it looks so good.

  6. Have a lovely thanksgiving Kelli!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you had a wonderful day with family and friends. Hope you didn't eat as much as I did.

  8. I hope your Thanksgiving was everything you hoped. Thank you for your wonderful blog!

  9. Happy Thanksgiving, Kelli! We're off to Georgia tomorrow, but wanted to let you know I received your sweet letter and to wish you and your family a happy day.

  10. Hope the day was wonderful Kelli. And look forward to picutures. Yes, it's now onward to Christmas.

  11. Kelli,
    I hope you had a joyful Thanksgiving! I am very thankful for your kind & thoughtful comments on my blog,

  12. Looks like a wonderful meal!
    Nice picture of the cook also!

  13. Dear Kelli,
    Happy Thanksgiving! It looks like your dinner was a real wonderful meal...I was getting hungry for turkey all over again!
    God bless!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.