Tuesday, November 28, 2006

O Christmas Tree!

We began our evening with a little snack. Crackers and cheese, snack mix, "candy cane" Hershey kisses, and eggnog!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

We used our Christmas dishes that I found at a yardsale a couple of years ago. Service for 8 for $8.00 total!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Even though Phillip is a major Pepsi fan, he was sweet enough to get me these Coke bears back in 1994. It looks like one of them has snuck off with a real bottle of my Coke! ;0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Time to decorate the tree! We used white lights, silver and red balls, candy canes and a variety of ornaments that we have collected. The kids pick out a new one every year.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

This year, it was Emily's turn to put the star on the top. She needed a little help from Dad, 8 feet high is scary when you are only 7!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Ta-da!! All finished!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

We put our nativity under the tree.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Here it is with the office lights off. We all love how it turned out!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Thy leaves are so unchanging;
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Thy leaves are so unchanging;
Not only green when summer's here,
But also when 'tis cold and drear.
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Thy leaves are so unchanging!

Thanks for looking!


  1. Your tree looks beautiful! What a yard sale find on that Christmas dishes!

  2. What a great job, your tree looks beautiful!!

    Jackie in ON

  3. Gosh!

    Our tree wont be up for acouple of weeks yet.
    Do you put your tree up at this time every year?


  4. Beautiful tree and a fun family time!

  5. What precious photos of your tree-decorating time! I know that will be held as a special memory to your family. You make every day a holiday, Kelli.....your children will look back with fond thoughts of home some day! I love your bargin Christmas dishes too...very nice!

  6. It's gorgeous Kelli! I bet it smells wonderful! Thank you for sharing the wonderful tree trimming photos. Your children are so sweet.
    The dishes are so pretty.

  7. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Oh Kelli...what wonderful pictures!
    I am starting to get out my Christmas things and I am really starting to get in the mood for Christmas!
    Your blog is a blessing and encouragement and inspiration to me!

  8. The tree is beautiful, Kelli. I like your idea of making the tree-trimming an event with snacks and everyone helping.

  9. So lovely! I've been moving furniture around and tidying up today to prepare for the tree. I'd like to put it up this week, but my husband is away and took my camera with him. Still not sure what I'm going to do...

  10. Kelli, I like the christmas dishes and what a bargin. Your tree is beautiful and I am sure you had a fun family night. I like the snacks, oh I forgot I am on Weight Watchers.....hee hee

  11. Oh Kelli, your tree is absolutely gorgeous!!! I love the way everyone decorates their tree:-) I miss having my boys helping me but now they have their own homes and their own Christmas trees! Those Christmas dishes were certainly a great find...I have a set also and need to put them on a lower shelf so I can use them every day now:-) Hugs xox

  12. Are you enjoying the wonderful smell of your *live* tree? That's one of my favorite things! The tree looks great!

  13. Kelli, its a lovely Christmas tree. I love the white lights on the tree and to sit with some beautiful music in the evening....peaceful times!! Enjoy...

  14. Congratulations Kelli, what a great tree! Well, I am still amazed to learn you you in the US already put up the tree at the end of November / beginning of december! Over here in Germany, it's traditionally a task for the morning of Christmas Eve (24th of December).

  15. Beautiful Christmas tree!

  16. Wow ~ you have been really busy decorating! The tree looks beautiful ~ I am hoping that next year we will be in the house and can have a big tree ~ nothing beats a real one!

  17. I loved looking at this post! We don't get our tree up until the week before Christmas, so I'm going to live vicariously through yours!

  18. What an awesome family evening! Your tree looks fabulous. . . I feel a little more into the Christmas spirit now after seeing your pics.

    I'm a Pepsi woman myself. . . almost took a pic of my Pepsi can for my new icon pic yesterday! : )


  19. Anonymous11:41 AM

    oooooooo, ,aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!

  20. Looks beautiful Kelli ! We haven't put up our tree yet, this weekend we hope to get things done.

  21. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Now I finally know the real words to the Christmas tree song!I like yall's Xmas dishes, very pretty. And I think I'll make a special snack/dessert for decorating the tree too! Great idea :) I hope we get ours soon, we're going to a tree farm to pick one out of the field!

  22. Your tree looks lovely!!! I love all the pictures:) Ohh, and I love eggnog--yummy!


  23. Love your dishes...what a great find and your tree is just beautiful, too!

  24. Mrs. Nesbitt, putting the tree up the weekend after Thanksgiving (or the day after!) is a very popular tradition here in the states. I sure hope ours lives through December!

    Thank you for all the sweet comments everyone!!



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