Thursday, November 16, 2006

Thursday~The Patio and Gardens

It was such a nice day, I decided to spend it outdoors. The girls and Benjamin played in the sandbox while I got the gardens and patio ready for winter.

What a mess!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I also cut down alot of my perennials and cleaned out the vegetable garden. Looks like we are going to the dump on Saturday!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Much better!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I planted my pansies last weekend. Here are one of the flower pots by my front porch. Don't worry, the hedgehog is friendly. :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

If my pansies do well this winter, I will press them for Easter cards in the spring.

Pretty little maidens,

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Standing in a row,

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Looking towards the sunshine,

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Faces all aglow,

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Decked in pretty colors,

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

With their gloves of green.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

These lovely little ladies,

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Love to pose and preen.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Do you have a favorite pansy?

Pretty Pansy Poem by Tinuviel


  1. Your pansies are lovely! It sounds like you are having much nicer weather than we are...possibly some snow this weekend.

  2. How nice to see all those beautiful flowers. Everything around here is brown now.

  3. The pansy is my favourite flower. I love them all. Wow, your pictures feel like spring :) That must be quite a change for you after Ontario winters!

  4. Anonymous8:24 PM

    I just finished the last Dark chocolate chip pumpkin muffin! I didn't have a large cake pan, so I used a small one and I added a pan of muffins. I topped the cake with the melted topping but left the muffins plain on top which were great for breakfast. Jacob loved them too.
    P.s. That's great that Mom's science slides are still in good condition! I loved looking at them when I was little!

  5. I need to cut back in the garden!
    Thanks for reminding me!


  6. I've never cared much for pansies but yours are sure pretty. Maybe I'll try some.

  7. My favorite pansy is...whichever one I'm looking at! I simply adore pansies! They are my favorite flowers. I even like the yellow ones, and I am not too fond of yellow flowers. I think the pinkish/burgundy ones are quite beautiful.
    I just dismantled my morning glories yesterday. I harvested quite a lot of seeds this time. Do morning glories grow in Texas?

  8. Your pansies are lovely:) Oh, I wish I had green thumb. You have a very nice blog!


  9. Your after picture of the patio looks good and the pictures of the pansies will make lovely easter cards.

  10. What gorgeous flowers! I'm impressed; especially by the fact that you plan to press them and use them for future Easter cards. Now THAT is motivation!

  11. Anonymous5:52 PM

    You are so lucky! I love pansies! THey only grow here in the spring :( I sometimes wish that I lived further south so that I could garden and such longer than just the summer months!

  12. I love pansies but they only grow in the summer time over here. Your patio looks great and I'm envious...all my stuff had to be put away in my shed for the winter. I think I should move to a warmer place!!! lol Hugs xox

  13. I love the apricot colored one.
    It's all looking terrific Kelli. I'm impressed with how much you accomplish each day.
    My nephew has a pet hedgehog and it's very sweet.

  14. Pansies are one of my favourite flowers and though I like all colours, I especially like ones with purple and yellow.

    I wish I could grow some here during the winter, too. I'm jealous! :O)

  15. I love pansies. My Grandma used to say some of them have "faces" and those are my favorites :)

  16. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Beautiful pics!
    Have a blessed weekend

  17. The pansies are gorgeous. What a nice variety in colors! I love your patio. Looks like a perfect stitching spot.

  18. Thank you for the colorful pansy therapy! Its my favourite spring flower here.

  19. OH Pansies! I'm glad you posted about this! I was going to plant some this fall. I'm not sure if it's too late or not, I'll have to see!

    Your porch looks nice!


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