Thursday, November 30, 2006

Winter Wonderland

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening,
In the lane, snow is glistening
A beautiful sight,
We're happy tonight.
Walking in a winter wonderland.

Well, it wasn't exactly a winter wonderland but it was wonderful just the same! :0) It started snowing mid morning and continued until late into the afternoon.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.
Brrr...even my flowers look cold!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

We started out with little ice pellets but by afternoon big fluffy flakes were falling.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Along with it being a "snow day" I declared it a "stay in pajamas and make crafts" day too. The kids got dressed to go outside, but I stayed in my sweatpants and t-shirt all day.

The first craft we made were Scrappy Fabric Ornaments. We used small styrofoam balls and 1 inch squares of fabric, cut with pinking shears. They *do not* have to be perfect squares.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Place each square on the ball and push down into foam with a pointed object. Sharp pencils work well as do shish kabob skewers, which is what we used. The end result should be a crinkled up piece of fabric sticking out of a foam ball. Don't worry, the end result is pretty. ;0)

Benjamin is hard at work on his ornament.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Here is one partly finished. Tuck in the squares of fabric fairly close together.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

We added a embroidery floss bow and loop mad onto Benjamin's ball and he found the perfect spot for it on the Christmas tree.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Here is the one I finished, with a ribbon bow.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

The next craft we did was transform our Christmas cards from last year into "new" cards.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

We cut out the pictures, glued them on a plain white card, then applied glitter all around the edges of the picture. We added little dots, swirls, etc. with a gold pen, along with Christmas verses and greetings.

Finished cards
Originally uploaded by pwinn.

We had such a fun time and I want to show you my favorite part of the day....

You really can make a snowman with only 1/2 an inch of snow! Grace made this little fellow and he is about 1 foot tall. :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Thanks for letting me share our "snow day!"


  1. I love pajama days AND snow days. What fun y'all had!! I think the ornaments you made are just adorable and I love your Christmas card idea:) Tell Grace I love her snowman!

  2. Hi Kelli, that's great what you did with those styrofoam balls! I need to try that, too!
    Happy 1st of December!

  3. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Wow! Sounds like the perfect day Kelli!
    The ornaments are adorable...thanks for sharing them...
    Have a blessed weekend!

  4. Don't you just love them snow days! hehe Oh Kelli, those fabric balls are just wonderful, what an excellent idea!! The Senior Citizen Home near here are always looking for craft ideas for the elderly to make for their annual Christmas Craft sale and I think this would be easy enough for them to make!! I love a fresh snowfall and what a gorgeous little snowman Grace made!! xox

  5. Those foam ball ornaments are great! I think I'll do that with my older munchkins, too.

  6. I remember making something similar to the foam ball ornaments when I was young, only we would tuck the edges of the fabric into the ball. I like your idea better! I'll have to try it with my kiddos.

  7. What fun ornaments! A great thing to do when it's so cold outside. The kids did a great job! :)

  8. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Woo hoo, snow!!!! How fun!

    We call days like that "all day jammie" days. Gotta love 'em!

  9. I think I'm going to be adding styrofoam balls to our (ever-growing) list for Michael's tomorrow.

  10. I was hoping you'd do a post about the ornaments. Thank you! They're just as pretty as I imagined. I really want to try this now. And your cards are lovely!

  11. HI Kelli!
    We have our first snow day today! I may have to try these ornaments. I will actually have to go out and drive. Hee hee I love when people get snow down south and everything closes...we have to get about two feet for everything to close. Lol


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