Sunday, December 03, 2006

Cookie Exchange

Last night my sister-in-law and mother-in-law hosted a cookie exchange.

Everyone took 5 dozen of their favorite kind of holiday cookie, and then came home with a sampling of all the cookies that were made. I took Gingersnaps-mine are the soft kind.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

All packaged to go in a snowman box.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

The girls and I made more tree ornaments yesterday. I was "blog hopping" earlier in the week and saw these lovely ornaments at Posy Gets Cozy.

We glittered the tops of an upside down pinecone. Then glued a mini nest with a cardinal inside. I took them as hostess gifts.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

We skipped the nest on this one but I think I will use gold glitter next time.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Grace made hers with two little birds at the top. So sweet.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

The party was fun and I brought home lots of delicious cookies! Hmm..which one to try first!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.


  1. Oh yum!! Your gingersnaps are beautiful and looks so nicely arranged in your box to go to the party! Cookie exchange parties are such fun. I haven't been to one in several years. It looks like you came home with a wonderful variety!

  2. I've NEVER been to a cookie swap. Sounds like fun! Your ginger snaps look really good!
    The pine cones look so pretty. I love the one with the bird on top!

  3. I'll take that cookie...and ummmm that one there...and this one...hehe! Gosh, they all look so good! I've never been to a cookie swap either but they sound like so much fun! Love the pinecone ornaments too!!!

  4. We used to do a cookie swap in PTA. It was such fun and time to just relax and visit away from volunteer duties. We also shared the recipe for the cookies and I treasure those now (about 30 yrs later!)

  5. A cookie swap sounds like a lot of fun, and you got some great loot! The Posy blog is my new craft blog addiction. Did you see the link to her gumdrop wreaths? I want to make some with the kids, but it would be such a fun way to get a group of friends together, turn on some holiday music and just have fun together.

  6. The cookies look real good and being on Weight Watchers I sure do enjoy looking at them.......can all most taste. I like all the pinecone ornaments and the little birds on top are so cute.

  7. Oh, what fun!! I have never been to a cookie swap before but I would love to go to one someday. Your gingersnaps look absolutely yummy and it looks like you have some wonderful new delicacies to try. BTW, I just love the ornament you and the girls made. They look so perfect on your tree!

  8. I also attended a cookie exchange Fri. night!
    It was my first ever and it was
    wonderful coming home with 8 different
    ~*dozens*~ of cookies!I never thought to photo mine however I did of the goodies I received. I ~*sampled*~ 1 of each before storing away in cookie tin! Yup I was Ms. Piggy.mmm..they were delicious! :)

  9. The cookies look very tempting. A cookie exchange at Christmas is a very American thing, doesn't happen in UK, we have our Christmas cake and mince pies rather than cookies. It's a long time since I made cookies, must give it a go again - trouble is there are only two of us to eat them these days!

  10. I love gingersnaps and yours look wonderful! The ornaments are charming Kelli and it was thoughtful of you to give them as hostess gifts. What a great craft for children too. My son would have enjoyed the gathering of the cones as much as the decorating.

  11. We've also done cookie swaps; came home with over 70 cookies last year! I thought I'd have plenty to give away, but not too many made it out of the house! :) I'm not the real culprit, though. I don't have much of a sweet tooth, but the girls do - and inherited it from their Daddy!!

    Pretty ornaments! Looks like you all are really in the Christmas spirit!

  12. What fun!!! The ladies at our church are having a cookie exchange next Monday night and I am SOOO very excited!!! I've never been to one and can't wait to taste everyone's sweet confections!!! :)

    Thank you for sharing this with us!! And your home looks soo pretty!!

    Mrs. U


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