Monday, December 18, 2006

Monday, December 18, 2006

Did I hear it was only 1 week until Christmas?! I spent most of the weekend baking cookies. They are used for gifts and the rest go into the freezer. Between now and New Years Day, they get eaten up.

I made Rice Krispie Squares, Gingersnaps, Peanut Blossoms, Shortbread and Peanut Butter Marshmallow Squares.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

The Scottish Whipped Shortbread recipe came from my friend Heather, at A Quiet Place of Rest. They really do melt in your mouth!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

These Peanut Butter Butterscotch Marshmallow Bars have been named a new Christmas tradition at our house. I took them up to my in-laws for dinner last night and my brother-in-law was quiet for an entire 5 mintues while he ate them. ;0) For all your holiday baking needs visit PEA's Corner. She is the holiday baking queen!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I still have a big pile of Christmas cards to send out. I just picked up our Christmas pictures yesterday.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

My livingroom is the gift wrapping station right now. I have 5+ boxes to take to the post office this afternoon. I hope it's not too busy.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I always end up with a big pile of garbage when I wrap gifts. Looks like someone is getting Butter Lovers Popcorn for Christmas! Actually, all the single guys in our family are getting a package of popcorn, candy and a $5.00 Blockbuster gift certificate. Nice and easy and something they can use.

Wrapping paper
Originally uploaded by pwinn.

We don't wrap the kids' presents until Christmas Eve. Maybe not the smartest tradition but if I wrap things early, I forget what I got them and then stay awake all night wondering if things are even. (Did I just say that outloud?!)

This is my system for hiding gifts. Put them into a heavy duty green garbage bag. Double knot the handles and lay 3 hairs across the top. Check every hour to make sure they haven't been moved. ;0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Phillip does not trust this system with me. He takes my gifts into his office and brings them home *wrapped* on Christmas Eve. Humpf!


  1. OH YUM!!!! The cookies look sooo delicious!!! I'm baking a ton today and tomorrow. We have Christmas caroling at church tomorrow night and each year I make cookies and cider for everyone to enjoy afterward. I LOVE IT!!!

    I am definitely going to make those Peanut Butter Butterscotch Marshmallow Bars!!! YYUUUMMMM!!

    Mrs. U

  2. Pea is the Queen of everything Christmas isn't she? I think you rate at least a princess rating with all that you've been doing!! Your cookies look wonderful!
    I remember those days of children peeking at Christmas gifts!

  3. Everything looks so yummy Kelli! I wanted to tell you I think that is a really great gift idea for the guys because it is something that they will LIKE AND USE! I also want to thank you for my "giggle" for the day! I am absolutely in love with your present hiding system!! You are most definitely a Mother! LOL!!

  4. Anonymous12:37 PM

    The cookies look wonderful!!! I had to laugh at your security system on the bags!!!LOL...I do enjoy visiting your blog! Peg in Missouri

  5. Your cookies look scrumptious ~ I still have many to make. I love your gift idea for the guys and also your gift hiding system. Too many times my kids could guess a gift just by shaking it!

  6. "...forget what I got them and then stay awake all night wondering if things are even. (Did I just say that outloud?!)"

    Hehhhhh... Yes, you did! And I have memories of all those years of....."Are things even?!?!?!?" Oh sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... :-)

  7. Kelli, the cookies look so good!
    Christmas is fun when you have children in the house. I used to keep a list of everything I had bought for Tina and her brother each year, trying to keep things even. I wonder how many times they found that list and read it. lol

  8. You are a busy lady, aren't you?!

    I got a good laugh about Phillip hiding, er, I mean, keeping your presents at work and bringing them home on Christmas Eve. :o) Have you been a "bad" girl in the past, sneaking peeks or shaking presents?

  9. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Our gifts are hidden in my husbands closet in cardboard boxes under off season clothing! They each get three things - a book gift, a clothing gift and a toy gift - and of course the stockings!
    We are hiding the gifts and leaving clues so that they have to work a bit to find everything - like a big scavenger hunt I guess - it is fun - except for thinking up the hiding places and clues! I keeps the day interesting anyway!
    Heather from A Place of Quiet Rest

  10. Those cookies look scrumptious! I absolutely love your gift idea for single guys! Blessings!

  11. Peanut Blossoms are part of wonderful Christmas memories for me! I think I may have gained a few pounds while visiting here! *Chuckle*

  12. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Sandra, she has been very naughty indeed. Of course, I don't just keep them at work -- I also keep her in the dark about whether I've bought anything, what I might (or might not) have bought, and more.

    When I do bring them home, usually a day or two before Christmas because of office schedules, I wrap it oddly, with extra weights and large boxes and whatever else I can think of to throw her off the scent.

    As far as I know, she hasn't tried to cheat in years, but those first few years were enough to ensure that she won't get another chance!

  13. Well! Next he's going to say I cheat at Monopoly. :P

  14. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Send some cookies over to Norway "pliiiz"

  15. Yum!! You have been busy and have inspired me to make some of those peanut butter blossoms. All your goodies look great!

  16. You are a busy little elf! MMM...those cookies. I took out a tin from the freezer last week and natureboy and I have eaten them all!!! Yikes...oh well that's what they are there for!# tins left to pass around!I love my sweets!

  17. OOPS.. sugar overload I meant to say 3 more but I posted #.
    I forgot to mention we always put together ~*the toys*~ Christmas eve when we played Santa.


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