Friday, December 08, 2006

Time for Tea

This afternoon, we are having some friends over for afternoon tea. My friend and I will sit in the livingroom with our tea, but I thought I would set a more fancy table for the girls and their friend. And Benjamin, of course! :0) Paper doilies make anything fancy!! They will be drinking hot chocolate and munching on Gingersnaps, Coconut Macaroons and Red Pear slices.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Once they are all full of sugar they will be making the Scrappy Fabric Ornaments that I shared last week. :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Tonight I am going to a "Truffle Making Party." I will be sure to share pictures and recipes!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Have a wonderful Friday!


  1. As always everything you do looks so attractive. Enjoy your truffle making party - and take a large all-enveloping apron. They are delicious but very messy things to make:)

  2. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Everything looks so pretty Kelli!
    Enjoy the time with your friend and enjoy the Truffle making party!
    Wishing you a blessed weekend!!

  3. You seem to make every day special Kelli! Your blog is always a joy to visit..
    When my daughter was teaching preschool, she would have an annual teddy bear tea. The children truly loved it and looked forward to it.
    Yours sounds like such fun!

  4. I want to come to your tea party. It likes like it would be so much fun.

  5. HOpe everyone enjoyed their tea party! Will be looking forward to hearing about the truffle making.

  6. Everything looks just wonderful Kelli, I can just imagine how people love coming to your house, you are such a perfect hostess!! Hope you had a great time today and can't wait to see pictures of your outing from tonight!!

  7. Anonymous6:31 AM

    I hope you had a great time...sounds like so much fun. It all looks great.

  8. Nice party you are having ! :) And I love your new treasures! Good job!

  9. Are you related to 'Martha'? :o) You are such a wonderful entertainer, Kelli! I wish I lived closer! Everything looks lovely and I'm sure your guests felt like royalty.

  10. How delightful the table looks. I am sure you had a wonderful visit with your friend and tea !

  11. Your house is decorated beautifully, and I don't just mean the Christmas decorations - whenever you show a photo, I have a good goggle around the edges of the photo to look at your furniture, walls,carpets or whatever, and everything is beautifully chosen and coordinated. I wish I could learn to do stuff like that....

  12. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Beautiful photos. How great to make a special table for the kids!

  13. I like the figurines on the tray idea, very nice!

  14. I love having a Christmas Tea ~ yours sounds like such fun and fun for the children too!

  15. Kelli, I would love to be a guest in your home some day. You make it look so inviting and you really have a gift for hospitality. You make the guests feel very special.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.