Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I'm Weird!

I've been tagged by Copperswife for the Six Weird Things About Me meme! If you haven't met Copperswife yet, you should go visit her after reading this. She is so wonderful that I'm thinking about asking her to adopt me. :0)

Ok, here they are: Six Weird Things About Me! Actually, before I begin I should tell you that they are known as "issues" around my house. Let's begin with my "Raisin Issues."

1. I don't like raisins. Don't like looking at them or even thinking about them. My dad likes to throw them at me which leads to screaming, hiding under pillows and even locking him out of my house. ;0) And if that isn't weird enough, I love currants. And no, they are not "little raisins" as Phillip likes to call them. They are completely different! And yummy. :0)

2. "Leftover Issues." I don't want to be a wasteful person so I'm getting better with leftovers, but there are some rules. No tupperware. No storing soft foods like mashed potatoes or cooked noodles in ziplocks. Refrigerated leftovers must be put in glass dishes and covered with tin foil or saran wrap.

3. "Bridge Issues." I don't like driving over bridges with water underneath them. You never know if its on it's last leg and my van is the one that finally does it in.

4. "Pumping Gas Issues." I know gas pumps have this nifty way of clasping the handle down so you don't have to stand there holding it the entire time, but I don't trust it. How does it know when your gas tank is full anyways? Does it have eyes? I can see it now...Gas pouring out, all over the van, my shoes and me not being able to get the handle unclasped or find the emergency stop button!

So, I just "guess" when it's full. I stop pumping somewhere around $28.00 or $29.00. When gas prices change this really messes me up! Of course, it drives Phillip crazy when I don't fill it up all the way, so I try to trick him by stopping at a random number like $28. 67 or $29. 34. I make it different every time..hehe. He is much too clever for this though, but he is sweet and doesn't say anything.

5. "Repetitive Noise Issues." And by repetitive I mean more than two times in a row. Clicking, thumping, humming, banging, etc. As you know with three children this happens a lot, all day long. :0) So I just grin and bear it (most of the time!) and repeat to myself, "It's almost over, there, there, deep breaths."

6. Oh, please don't make me embarrass myself any longer! Last one. "Balloon Issues." Actually, it's more of a latex issue. I can't stand the smell. When I paint, I get non-latex gloves. I dread birthday parties because of the balloons. Festivals, store openings. Please don't offer my children a balloon! Plus they make that awful squeaking noise and you know someone will show them the "rub it on your hair and stick it to the wall" trick. Ahhhh......

Is anyone still here? I promise not to be scary anymore!! Thanks for tagging me Copperwife! I'll email you about the adoption thing. ;0)


  1. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Kelli!!!! ROFLOL!!!!! You are SO similar to me and my daughters, It must be genetic!! Therefore, I don't think an adoption is necessary!!!!!!! No wonder you "get" our goofy sense of humor! Thanks for playing along!

  2. Oh Kelli - I'm right there with you on the latex (actually - balloons - I have issues with balloons) and tall bridges. You are so witty! The gas pump does intrigue me though. :)

  3. Anonymous3:08 PM

    ROFLOL!!! I agree with my mom! You don't need to be adopted, you must be a long lost relative!

    I'm totally with you on bridges, although they don't have to be over water. My husband regularly threatens to take me on this one: http://www.foothill.net/~andreaj/Images/Bridge-01.jpg
    (if you see it in person, it's MUCH higher than it looks in that picture!) It's one lane in each direction and the 3rd highest bridge in the country! I get weak in the knees just thinking about it!

    When I did this, I was glad I only had to list 6!

  4. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Thanks for joining our weirdness. I like your calling them "issues", I need to remember that one.
    Hoooooboy, I'm still laughing. Are you sure you're not a long lost relative?

  5. (giggles) Kelli, bless your heart--I loved it.


    P.S. if we ever meet, I promise to hide the raisons:)

  6. Kelli,
    You really made me smile with these. I love how you stop at odd numbers at the gas pump! You would have a hard time here in the Bay Area, because there are l.o.t.s of bridges and they are all over water. Most are fairly high too! Not my favorite thing, but I can deal with it. OK I'm off to check out your "adoptive mom!"

  7. I sooo identify with #5 - Repetitive Noises, they drives me nuts! I hate the sound of a ticking clock in my bedroom or other such noises.

    It's a hereditary thing as my Dad is the same way. :o)

  8. Love your weird things...I did that meme about a month ago. I especially agree about the left overs!

    BP still up, so I am still chillin', though we had to drive have way to Stephenville to take a book to the oldest grandson.

  9. Kelli, what a fun blog to read! I'm glad I started back into the blog world this week so I didn't miss this. Now you have me thinking...what would be wierd about me? Bet'cha, Clarice could come up with a few things about me...

  10. LOL Kelli. I am with you on the balloon issue.

  11. Kelli, I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the bird pictures.

  12. That was cute Kelli! I think we all have a little weirdness.

  13. Enjoyed getting to know you better! *Chuckle*

    I am SO with you on the whole bridge thing! My hubby thinks it's funny how I ride in the car like my mamaw did... One hand clutching my pocketbook and the other on the door handle. *Grin*

  14. Aren't we all strange LOL?
    So much in common!

  15. LOL Kelli, I think you're my lost twin LOL

    The whole gas pump thing, I do the same thing, I don't trust it, how does it know when to stop, knowing my luck it won't stop and then spill gas which will set everything on fire and explode.....see my train of thought? LOL

    This was too funny....loved it :)

  16. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Those are some very *weird* issues you have!!! :) But, don't we all have our own *weird* issues? I know I do! I loved your honesty...too funny!

  17. This was funny but you know what? We all have weird issues. Wanna know something else? I dont even know how to pump gas. It's illegal to pump your own gas in our state.

  18. I enjoyed reading all of your comments! LOL I'm glad that I didn't scare anyone too much! It seems we all have our "issues. :0)

    Copperswife, Dani and Corin, thanks for the warm welcome to the family..hehe. Corin, I have to admit that bridge picture made me a little sick to my stomach..LOL

    Mrs. Darling, I want to live in your state!

  19. Wow you ARE weird!!! LOL Just teasing my friend! We all have some weirdness in us so it's not just you! lol Loved all your answers but I almost choked at the fist one because as I was reading it, I was eating a tea biscuit with raisins! hehe Hugs xox

  20. I would NEVER trust those gas pump things! I know they have sensors, but I like to make sure that all is well when I'm filling the tank. Your filling the tank to the same dollar amount, rather than just filling it the whole way, is a riot.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.