Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Another Fun Day

We must be in the mood for Italian food this week at my house! My friend, Heather made Cheese Stuffed Shells recently and I've been wanting to make some ever since reading about hers.

I found the recipe at Allrecipes.com. I added cooked ground beef to the cheese mixture and skipped the mushrooms.

I also made a batch of Strawberry Filled Oatmeal Bars for dessert.

This afternoon we went to a couple of resale stores. Bargain shopping runs in our family. ;0)

I thought I would share the things I found....

I've been looking for a picture for my back patio and I found this sweet picture of a girl feeding some bunnies. Price: $2.99.

These Hallmark terra cotta candles were new in the box. $2.09.

I haven't decided whether to leave these wooden birds on the patio, or bring them inside. $3.00 for the pair.

I also found a Pier One blue and white pitcher ($3.00), crystal candle holders ($1.00ea.) and ceramic coasters. ($2.00)

The coasters have pretty birdhouses on them, and they remind me of my friend, Betty. She just shared pictures of her birdhouses this past week.

My favorite find of the day was a big bag of note cards. There were over 75 cards in the bag and I got them all for $3.00!

A nice collection of Monet and Degas note cards that I'm going to save for our art study.

I love to write letters and the girls have several penpals so we will put these note cards to good use. There was a huge assortment of floral scenes.

I was especially happy to see these vintage Hollie Hobbie note cards....each one with a different scene and little saying.

The girls and Benjamin had lots of fun with Uncle Stephen today. After dinner, they went for a walk, played street hockey and played with a bug vacuum. They ended up vacuuming up crumbs in the kitchen and their own hair! :0)

Thank you for looking at my new treasures!


  1. Hi, Kelli, Finding such great stuff at the bargain prices can't be beat. It's a double win process, you have the fun of the search and going home with a bargain in a bag. :)

  2. Oh what fun! You found some really great bargains. Is your patio covered? I want to put a roof over ours so I can sit out there and enjoy the rain (in warmer weather, of course).
    I love Italian food, and I will be trying this recipe, too.
    Thanks for sharing this!

  3. Those stuffed shells look so yummy..but then all your food always looks yummy! lol Ooooh what great treasures you found...everything is just wonderful! I would have been excited too, to find all those notecards!! WOW! Your brother will need to go home soon just to relax! LOL xox

  4. Wow, you really got some great bargains. I love those little birds. Too cute!

  5. Definitely treasures! I love, love, love the Holly Hobbie cards.

  6. You have found some great treasures Kelli! I'[m coming to your house for dinner this week....yum!

  7. You really did have a successfull day shopping! LoVe the black birds!
    Your recipes are always comfort foods....yummo! Kelli thank you for your regular comments on my Florida posts! hugs NG

  8. Oh, I really like you new pitcher. What a great find. The birds are simply adorable. They seem like they will be great whether inside or out.

  9. I remember making a Holly Hobby Birthday cake with a Wilton mold for my daughter one year!
    I think your dessert looks very good and maybe healthy too!
    I have a small pitcher like your large one. I purchased it at an "Amish" style restaurant/gift shop on a trip to Pennsylvania.

  10. I still have my daughter's Holly Hobbie dolly. The cheese shells look yummy, as do the bar cookies!
    You're really quite the bargain hunter. I enjoy seeing your "finds"

  11. Wow! What great bargains you found!

    My favourite is the Holly Hobbie cards. So sweet. I was a big HH fan when I was about 11. I wish I had a daugther to pass that along to.

  12. Oh-I am jealous of that notecard selection! I just LOVE to write letters too, so that is REALLY neat.

    For Christmas, I got a bird similar to yours except mine is made from metal or something. Same coloring and everything-just HEAVY as all get out. Of course, mine holds a tealight too. I think they would look lovely on your patio...maybe next to a nest filled with little eggs?!

    It has been a LONG time since I have been able to go bargain hunting-perhaps I should give it a go?

  13. You found some lovely bargains! I especially like the little wooden birds, but I do wish you would stop showing the food photos! I am trying so hard to be good and all that cheese and chocolate.....Well if I die fat it will be partly your fault! LOL

  14. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Oh Kelli, you definately have an eye for home things. I love the pitcher and especially the birdhouse coasters. What a find. I wish we had resale shops around here. Your blogs inspire me!

  15. Wow! You found a lot of great items at some terrific prices!

  16. And speaking of your brother... Mmmmmm... Have you made any progress with bribing/convincing him to share the recipe for "Pizza Rustica"???? :-) :-) :-)


  17. Your dinner looked yummy! And what great bargains you find! I'd be tempted to frame the Holly Hobby cards. :o)

  18. Wow!! You done gooo-ooood! I especially love those wooden birds. I think they'd be great on your beautiful back patio, but then again...... When I bring something new home it usually gets moved around a few times before finding a permanent "roost".

  19. First of all the stuffed shells look SO good!!!! Love the plate they are displayed on too :)
    What a awesome deal on the note cards!!! Also, I LOVE the holly hobby cards!! I love the picture too with the girl and bunnies!

  20. Love those little wooden birds! I would love to find a few like that! What treasures!

  21. What wonderful finds--I absolutely adore Holly Hobbie--oh, how I wish I still had the Holly Hobbie toys I had when I was little. I don't care for the new and improved Holly--

    Your dinner looks wonderful---I am an Italian girl, you can never have too much pasta..LOL:)


  22. I could be in mood for Italian food every day I think :-)

  23. What terrific finds, and that Pier One pitcher - I love it. Must go to ebay! lol I collect pitchers. Why? I don't know, but I love 'em. I think I'm due for a day out shopping :)

  24. oh those look so good. I have never made stuffed shells but it looks like I will be soon. They look simple.

    I love all of the stuff you found. It definitely feels like Spring!

  25. Now I know we are kindred spirits! One of my most favorite things in the world to do is go thrift shopping. But since you mentioned my mama and her birdhouses, let me tell you...she is the absolute QUEEN when it comes to thrifting. She can go right behind me and find treasures that I overlooked! LOL
    The stuffed shells look great! I'm in the mood to try something new for supper, and this might just be the answer!
    Ready for spring,

  26. Wow! What goodies you got today! I love great bargains. I also shop at several thrift stores and Goodwill, but haven't found as many nice decorating things as you have. I think your food looks delicious. I will have to try the recipes. My girls LOVE anything strawberry.

  27. I was drooling from the stuffed shells, and it only got worse as I scrolled down your post! *LOL*

    Those are some wonderful finds! I think my favorite has to be the Holly Hobbie cards! LOVE THEM! :o)

  28. Oh Kelli, you found some wonderful items on your treasure hunt! The picture is so pretty and I just love the birds!

  29. I love your shopping finds. The Hollie Hobbie cards really take me back. That was such a cute little girl in her heyday.

    Last week you posted a Homemaking Meme and I just wanted to tell you I picked up your tag and have done one for today, Saturday.


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