Monday, March 12, 2007

Rock Garden

Well, it's already Tuesday afternoon so I'm a little behind on my garden tour! The first spot I'm going to share with you is around our front tree.

After a dry winter and lots of birds hanging out under the tree (this is where I put my birdfeeders this winter), this area was in need of some help!

One of the biggest problems had to do with the rocks I had placed around the tree last year. They were supposed to keep the dirt and wood chips from sliding out onto the lawn but as you can see, they didn't!!

I don't have any "during" the project pictures but what I did was remove all the rocks and put up a black plastic guard all around the outside. Then I got some gardening books from the library and attempted to make a rock garden. My brother, Stephen helped out out a lot. I am a very symmetrical person and had all the rocks lined up like pizza slices! LOL I told him to mess them up for me!

Here is it all finished! If you click on the picture, they will show up bigger. I did buy a few larger rocks for the area along with several ferns and flowers. I'm hoping they do well and fill in the spaces this summer.

All is missing is some green grass! I may have to lay some fresh sod down around the edges.

An Asparagus fern and one of my new moss covered rocks. I LOVE moss!

Pansies tucked in among the rocks.

I can't remember the name of this plant but the flowers look like mini snapdragons.

One of my favorite annuals, Caladiums. I planted several of them around the tree.

Thank you for looking at my new rock garden!


  1. Your rock garden is so nice! I laughed when you said what a symmetrical person you are. Sounds like me :) My hubby laughs at me whenever I'm arranging something because I'm looking for symmetry. I use to get mad at him, but I just laugh with him now. I just can't help myself! ;)

  2. Love the rock garden! Looks so lush and welcoming! Hope your enjoying your day..
    Blessings to you and yours..

  3. I love the rock garden. Very nice.

  4. I would so LOVE to be your neighbor!!!!
    Everything you do is so lovely!

    p.s... thanks for the prayers too!

  5. Kelli--Your rock graden is awesome. It is so springy.

    I saw a show on TV a long, long time ago--and they decorated one wall inside the house all of moss..(LOL) It was one of those decorating shows, I will never forget that episode, but I can not remember the show---but I like moss outside on your rocks, then in someones house--Giggle.


  6. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Pretty rock garden Kelli.

  7. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Here I am trying to catch up again. I love the rock garden. It is gorgeous!!!

  8. Kelli, the rocks look really nice. I can't imagine having to pay for rocks because I've always lived where there were plenty. Wish I could ship you some!

  9. Dear Kelli,
    That turned out really pretty. Great job!

  10. Well, Kelli, I would never have thought of putting rocks in like that. I love it! I have an area just about the same as yours, and I might have to get busy and re-do it. I'd love to see pics when the plants and flowers fill in more.
    Thanks for your thoughts on how to work with the "cracked crock".
    LOL. Makes me think of Barbara Johnson's "Cracked Pots".

  11. Kelli, are the mini snapdragon-like plants sweet peas, perhaps? Maybe not. It all looks very nice!

  12. Kelli, You have an eye for making things look just right. It all looks really nice, I like the rocks. :D

  13. Not only do you make your house look charming, your garden is very appealing as well.
    If you like moss, I have a whole patio of bricks that Bill is getting ready to clear off. Happens every winter!!

  14. Great job, Kelli. I really like the the rock garden. :)

  15. Kelli, I love the interest created by jumbling up the rocks with the tucked in plants! That looks fabulous! My 4 year old would love to get his little Hot Wheels cars in there to play. . . Something about your rock garden inspires the imagination!


  16. Very pretty, Kelli! I like the combination of the hard rocks, soft grassy greens and punches of color.

  17. I really do like it much better the way you have it's wonderful! I've got two pine trees I want to do something with around the bottom so I may just take up your idea:-) xox

  18. What beautiful landscaping. I love the look with the rocks and flowers. Different, but VERY pretty. If I had a yard, I'd have to attempt something like this. LOL.

  19. It's looking good, Kelli. Be sure to show us pictures when it all fills in later in the season! :)

    BTW, I'm a moss lover too!

  20. pretty!

    Thanks for the encouragement. So if I kill the orchid, can I blame it on you and my mom? ;-)

  21. Wow, the rock garden is great. It's going to be stunning in just a short while when the plants fill in. It's already so pretty just as it is!!! You've got me itching to go out and do some gardening!!! I did pull some weeds today, does that count? ;)

  22. A creative talent - richly deserved of praise.

    A delight to see - thank you so much for sharing.

  23. It's lovely, Kelli! :o)

  24. That rock garden is really nice! It gives me some ideas. ;)

  25. It is lovely. I too had to laugh about your brother helping you mess it up. When I paint, I have the same problem. I paint a spotted animal and they looked like a stuffed one from the store. All their spots are right where they need to be. =)

  26. Kelli, I absolutely LOVE your new garden. I would love to do something like that. I think I can incorporate something of that in my front garden. Thanks for the inspiration!

  27. So sweet, such a nice beginning of spring in your garden!

  28. So pretty! I love to see flowers and things among the rocks! You just need a pretty waterfall too! :)

  29. What a beautiful rock garden! :) Gives me some ideas for our yard!


  30. Hi Kelli! Your yard is shaping up very nicely! Isn't it great when long range plans come out so well? I like your rock garden very much - I am a moss person too! I actually grew some last year on pots and it was too cool! It turned cold here again so I wasn't outside gardening, but I keep seeing more green here and there so spring is on it's way!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.