Friday, April 20, 2007

"Show and Tell Friday"

Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!" Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, a new antique find, an old love letter. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!

If you would like to join in, all you have to do is post your "Show and Tell" on your blog, copy the post link, come over here and add it to Mr. Linky.

Here is my "Show and Tell...."

It was the summer of 1994. Phillip and I were newlyweds and living in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. It was the perfect day for going out to the lake, and Phillip also thought it was the perfect day for teaching me how to drive his stick shift car. Oh, the mistakes new husbands make! ;0) The driving lesson took place on an old dirt road and my younger brother tagged along for the show. Let's just say I didn't learn how to drive stick shift that day but I did make a new record--stalling a car 168 times in 15 minutes! ;0) That was the end of that lesson. Forever!

I thought the day was ruined until my brother decided to go for a swim. On one of his dives to the bottom of the lake he found something shiny. I love jewelry so I was very excited to see this Black Hills Gold and diamond ring.

Being a young teenager, he didn't have any need for the ring so he gave it to me! On one condition though...when he got a serious girlfriend, I would have to give it back to him. I agreed.

The years have passed and the ring has been tucked away in my jewelry box. I wonder if my brother even remembers our trip to the lake! He will have been married for 2 years this May. Sounds like a serious girlfriend to me!

The time has come for me to hold up my end of the deal, don't you think?


  1. Kelly, your blog is so cozy! I also like to cook and have a food blog in English besides the photoblog. We have a few things in common, we were married the same year and have 3 children, and christians, I don't homeschool though. Happy Friday!!!

  2. Sorry, I misspelled your name.

  3. I remember watching QVC a LONG time ago, and they had a special on Black Hills Gold. I had never heard of it before. Your ring is gorgeous! You're a very sweet big sister to give it up!
    I think I'm linked, so I better post it!
    Thanks for coming up with this neat idea!
    Blessings and Hugs,

  4. I do love Show and Tell day, it was always my favorite in grade school!!

    Here is a picture of my vintage toy piano that I fixed up for my fairy grandbaby.

    What a pretty Black Hills Gold ring. I used to live in Sioux City years ago and wanted one, but never got one at the time. Seeing yours makes me think I should pick one up now, for a kind of keepsake of that time in my life!

  5. Hi Kelli, came over from Momma Roar's to check your Show and Tell out. What a neat idea. I'll have to see what I can find. Does your sister-in-love have a blog? I'll bet she'll be surprised with this story and the ring. How wonderful.

  6. What a neat little story!

  7. Neat thanks for sharing your Black Hills Gold ring story with us. I love black hills gold.
    That is so neat that you lived in SF. That is near where I live. It's a small world.
    I want to do this too. If I can figure out how to do it.

  8. What a great story and beautiful ring! Your brother will probably tell you to just keep it, you think? ;-)

    I've posted about my three oldest cookbooks.

  9. I love Show and Tell idea :)
    I love your ring and story!
    So I decided to participate and show my wedding ring and tell the story..


  10. What a neat story ~ doesn't Black Hills Gold have some pink in it too?? Its a very pretty ring!
    Love this idea of show and tell, thanks for being the hostess!

  11. Kelli would you have remembered that day as good if your brother had not found that ring! LOL! He cant have it back because everytime you look at it you WILL ALWAYS remember that day. Neat! How did you come up with the idea of a show & tell day any way? Neat!

  12. Kelli, this is fun! Hope you have a great weekend!

    Emily @ Shady Hill House

  13. Kelli, I did not sign up with your Mr. Linky, because I am not sure my show-n-tell today qualifies. =)

  14. I posted my Show and Tell. Please come on over and take a look.

  15. Kelli,
    I'm sure your brother will appreciate your generosity in giving him that beautiful ring he found so long ago!
    I love the "Show and Tell" and although I can't participate this week, I'll be trying very hard for the next time!!

  16. Oh my! I love this story.
    Won't your sister-in-law be surprised to hear the story:)

  17. So romantic --- what a neat story! Your brother is fortunate to have such a sweet sister.

  18. My hubby's grandmother had a ring that was made of Black Hills Gold that she got as a young girl. She told me about it all the time. She was so proud of it. Thank you for sharing with us.

  19. Very nice story Kelli! I hope that your brothers wife will appreciate it as much as you have!

  20. what a neat find and treasure, kelli!

    thanks for sharing... I'm searching my house now for my 'show and tell' item :o)

    what a great idea!!

  21. Oh Kelli, that really is such a lovely story! You need to tell us how your brother reacts when you give the ring back to him! Do your think his "girlfriend" will treasure it the way you did all those years?

    If I had more time, I'd written a Show and Tell Story, too!

    Thanks a lot for sharing yours!

  22. Kelli,
    I loved the story of your ring. You are kind to decide to return it. I'm sure that your brother's wife will be thrilled with her new acquisition.

    I've linked my post! This was fun!

  23. What a fun idea! Maybe next week I can participate in the show and tell. (Hope you make it a weekly thing) I will be interested to know if your brother's wife will want the ring or let you keep it. :-) I've enjoyed visiting your blog, thanks! Diane

  24. Kelli,
    I put my post up.
    Thank you for coming to my blog.
    Are your daughters going to blog? If they do I would like reading them.

  25. Kelli,
    What a neat story! I wonder if your brother will take it back or if he will let you keep it?
    I posted a show and tell too! It was a lot of fun.

  26. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Kelli, that ring is amazing. What a find! I'm not sure I'd tell your brother you still have it :)

  27. My grandmother had a small brooch in the shape of a wreath. The leaves, arranged in a cirle were black hills gold. It was one of the eartiest lovely objects I was exposed to!

  28. Yep, I think it's time!

  29. Kelli, I like your ring and I think your brother has forgotten about it, don't you?

    Show and tell is a neat idea.

  30. OK I don't know what a Mr. Linky is, but I left my name....I just wanted to say, I wonder how old that ring is? I imagine the history and mystery behind an old treasure like that....
    How romantic...

  31. Sorry I'm late with my show and tell Kelli. Your ring is lovely and very unusual. Hope I did this linking thing OK - I'm not very computer savvy I'm afraid:)

  32. :::waiving::: I did it--yay!!! I am a day late but I did it:)

    Your ring is just lovely Kelli--and thank you so much for putting this together--what fun!


  33. Oh, what a sweet story:) That is a very pretty ring...I think by now it is definately yours to keep, lol.

  34. I've so enjoyed reading and seeing all the show and tells! Great idea Ms. Kelly!
    I say if he don't ask for it...he don't need it...teehee!
    Loved your story!
    The ring is beautiful!

  35. What a neat story and pretty ring. I did my show and tell on Saturday instead of Friday, but I figured that was ok. =o) I love your blog and will now begin to visit it regularly!

  36. I would love to do Friday show and tell! And, I love your story about the ring!

  37. Help!!! Mine doesn't work!! What did I do wrong????

  38. I am such a dunce!!! With a capital D!

    Disregard #33 as apparently I can't spell the words "sews". I am really #34! Sorry.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.