Wednesday, April 11, 2007

~Through the kitchen window-In Springtime~

"On the first day of spring, whenever that may be, any day of March, April or May, the sky is swept clear of cloud and rain and winter murk, the morning sun shines in through the kitchen window and there is a little warmth in it.

Start to spring clean, very early."

This is a quote for a sweet book called "Through the Kitchen Window" by Susan Hill. I did some spring cleaning in my kitchen last week.

I dusted my canisters and made sure they were full.

Here is the rest of Susan's quote...

"Turn out the cupboards. Sweep to the back, cleaning all the debris of spilled rice and sugar and currants and dead ants; rub away the sticky round rings of jam and marmalade. Throw out half-empty packets and half-full jars with lost lids, and dented cans and unlabeled bottles. Rip off the dirty shelf papers. Brush cobwebs from corners.

Soon, everything smells of hot soapy water, and woodwork drying slowly in the sun and the spring breeze blowing through the open door."

Along with spring cleaning, I also got out some of my special things to display. They had been put away around the holidays and I had forgotten about them.

This shelf holds a special plate and server that was a birthday gift from my mom. In the front are our mini creamers. We have a cow, elephant and bunny so far.

My friend, Julieann recently asked what we have on the top of our refrigerators. I have various tea things and a pitcher. They were all found at resale stores over the years.

I completely rearranged my sideboard last week. Here is the "before" from this past Christmas...

I tried to overcome my symmetrical issues by making things uneven. :0)

I've been wanting to do "Art Study" with the girls and Benjamin so I framed the first picture we will be looking at. Dried roses are in the silver dish and there is a Mourning Dove nest under the glass.

Various tea books and jars of apple butter are on the left.

After cleaning, I brought in some of my Asparagus fern and Columbine to enjoy in the house.

Lastly, I want to show you an idea I read about in an old Victoria magazine. I see teacup saucers that are missing their cups in antique stores quite often. They can be used as saucers for other glasses too.

If you have been spring cleaning, be sure to reward yourself with a special treat!

Thank you for looking at the pictures of my springtime kitchen!


  1. Kelli, you inspire me so much. What a lovely home you have.

  2. Everything is simply lovely! I really enjoyed the beautiful things on the top of your fridge. You are a wonderful HOMEmaker!

  3. Your home always looks so lovely and inviting. This morning I was reading the chapter on homemaking in Small Changes for a Better Life by Elizabeth George. Your home is a perfect example of wonderful homemaking.

  4. Thanks for sharing. This was a neat post. I need to get to more spring cleaning.
    I started when it was so nice outside by cleaning my windows on the inside and outside. I have lots more that I need to be doing though.
    I agree with the others that you have a lovely home and that you are a great decorator.

  5. Oh my you have such beautiful things, it looks so pretty. I spring cleaned a few weeks ago, I hate cleaning, but it definitely makes me feel much better.
    Very nice!

  6. Everything looks very springy Kelli!
    I love the idea of using the saucer for something other than a teacup!

  7. I enjoy Susan Hill books. I recently read The Magic Apple Tree.

    A hint I read many years ago before shelf liner became popular was: never line shelves with newspaper because people can tell by the date the last time you cleaned your shelves........

  8. Kelli, this was such a lovely post and perfect timing for me as I'm starting my spring cleaning and needed a little inspiration. Thank you for brightening my dad.
    Everything looks so wonderful at your house. It feels like I've just paid a visit to a happy home.
    I really like your little creamers, and the cake plate and server from your mother is beautiful.

  9. I can almost smell how fresh and clean and sprintimey your home is!!! Just the encouragement I need to tackle my pantry Thursday! The thought of it smelling of hot sudsy water and then drying wood makes the task sound pleasant!! Thank you!

  10. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Kelli, I was noticing your china and I had to tell you that I have a Nortaki set we inherited from my husband's great aunt that is nearly 80 years old. Ours looks somewhat similar to yours but yours has that kind of red trim around. We have a separated dish though that is in our set that looks like it was a replacement with your pattern. a couple of years ago, i broke two of my plates and haven't been able to find/replace them as yet. :( I have only tried Replacements, Inc. How old is your set?

  11. Kelli! You are an inspiration! I have decided that putting off spring cleaning until after the drywall dust settles make the most sense, but you can be sure I'll tackle it as soon as I can! I love the smell and look of freshly washed and starched white embroidered lawn curtains blowing in the breeze and gleaming woodwork. The dust is really beginnng to get to me, but it is all going to be so nice and NOT moldy when it is done!

  12. A truly refreshing site - after the long days of winter - spring is all the more beautiful and especially after reading your wonderful post.

    Thank you

  13. I agree, you do inspire us to find simple, yet elegant ways to be more of a homemaker. Thank you,Kelli!

  14. Your kitchen looks wonderful! I have "synmmetrical issues", too, and think you've done a great job with your accessories.

    Hopefully I'll get to another room on my list today. Have a wonderful day!

  15. It just makes you want to breathe a bit deeper, doesn't it?
    Freshness, and organizing my home. I need to get busy!!
    (I also have issues with symmetry)
    Everything looks wonderful, Kelli!

  16. How refreshing! Everything looks lovely!

    Did you find any dead ants?

  17. I always love looking at your pictures of what you have done to your home. You inspire me too! You are such a beautiful decorator.
    Hugs, Christie
    P.S. I have symmetrical issues too!

  18. Hi I found your blog through riverbend ramblings. Your blog is very fun to read! I have enjoyed severel of your posts, and you have given me some great ideas for spring cleaning!

  19. I love the saucer under the glass. I have been looking for stemware of some sort. I want the light blue color like depression glass.

  20. lovinthosebunnies4Him, the china is originally from my great-grandmother, who got it from her son (my great-uncle?), who bought it in Japan. It was supplemented by my mother from eBay and Replacements before she gave it to us a year ago or so.

    Some of the china is stamped "Made in occupied Japan" and some "Nippon Toki Kaisha".

  21. You are a beautiful woman, God sure blessed you with the ability to beautify your home for your family and to bless others and to teach others....

  22. Anonymous1:10 PM

    You have such an eye for grouping displays together. Absolutly beautiful girl. And I bet you have suh a wonderful feeling after accomplishing this too.

  23. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Where did you get your canisters, Kelli? I love the "antiquey" look!

    Thanks for sharing these photos. :-)

  24. I just moved in to my cottage so I did not have to spring clean this year but enjoyed a walk through your kitchen. A very good idea about the glass on a small saucer. And love all the lovely dishes.........I to put every thing in two or four........

  25. I was just wondering the other day if you still had all of your canisters above your stove. :D
    I love the look on your sideboard, especially the nest. And the lemonade looks gorgeous on that little saucer. I'm going to need to start collecting tea things. :)

  26. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Your home is so cozy and inviting ... no matter the season. Thanks, Kelli. I can't WAIT to do my spring cleaning. But I will have to wait until school ends ... the end of May. I just don't have it in me at the end of the day, or even the weekend. One of the reasons I can't wait to retire. Energy for the things I enjoy and find important.

  27. You have things looking good! I think I might skip spring cleaning this year. Isn't it almost summer time? lol

  28. Oh, so beautiful! I love the quotes from the book. I hope I don't have any "dead ants" in my cupboard, though!

    I am beginning my spring cleaning, as well. Ours starts with getting rid of all of the pine pollen that has coated everything. Then, I start "beautifying" my surroundings.

    I, too, have those symmetry issues. My children tease me about it all the time.

  29. Everything looks so beautiful, Kelli. I especially love the tea things atop the refrigerator. I have started spring cleaning, but am hoping for a little bit warmer weather so I can open windows and hang things out ~ can't wait!

  30. Kelli, As always you have shared so many ideas filled with photos. You are the Martha Stewart of my blogworld! Connie

  31. Oh, I am SO needing to do some spring cleaning myself. We are off to Disney's Animal Kingdom tomorrow for the weekend and then I'll have guests again on the 24th. I hope to get it done in between there!

    Your house looks terrific. Love the new asymmetrical look of the sideboard and the nest under glass is a great idea!

  32. You have a beautiful kitchen! I love antiques too,I collect any kitchen type antiques. I guess you would say my kitchen is kinda Cracker! I donot have have alot of things but I have managed a modest collection of interesting things over the years. My husband is in the milk industry so I have lots of old milk bottles...maybe I will blog about them sometime! I enjoyed looking at your lovely kitchen!:-]]

  33. Beautiful sunny, spring comes to announce the return of compassion and love in their hearts

  34. Kelli I love your home & I love your blog !! I'm coming to Texas one day!!!!!

  35. Very nice and tastefully done!


  36. Through The Kitchen Window is such a lovely inspiring book isn't it? It does make you want to spring clean and make jam and all those other comforting domestic things. Using the saucer to hold a glass is such a good idea, it looks really pretty.

  37. All so pretty! I love the goblet sitting on the pretty saucer; it's got a very southern charm tea time air about it! Hmm - Texas must be taking hold of you - lol!

  38. I just noticed the links to your home on your sidebar! Very lovely. The keyback chairs around your table are almost identical to mine!


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