Monday, May 28, 2007

My New Apron and a *Giveaway!!!*

In addition to my yo-yo projects I have also been working on a new apron...

I went to check out a new quilt store and as soon as I saw this line of April Cornell fabric I was in love. :0)

I used an apron I already have, as a pattern and copied the design from a vintage apron I remember seeing a long time ago.

All finished...

I covered each seam with either rick-rack or tiny daisy trim.

Well, guess what? I ended up with enough fabric for two aprons so I thought I would have a giveaway for the other one!!

If you'd like to be entered into the drawing this coming Thursday at noon (central time), then let me know in the comments! I am opening up the "anonymous" comment option too so be sure to leave your name!


Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered in your drawing for the beautiful apron! I am a homeschooling mom in Texas, too. I get a lot of inspiration and joy from reading your blog. Thank you,
Mrs. Harris

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered into your drawing. I love reading your blog and get alot of inspiration from you.

Susan P. said...

I would love to put my name in the hat! The fabric is so lovely and the daisies are just adorable:)

Anonymous said...

kelli-i love your blog. you sound like somebody i would be such good friends with. thank you for sharing your life. you encourage me to keep my focus on my home. please enter me in your little drawing for that lovely apron. thank you!

Paula said...

Please count me in! The apron looks lovely--very "summery"!

Gena said...

Oooh, Kelli! That apron is beautiful. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

April Cornell has beautiful fabrics. I get a catalog from Hancock's of Paducah and they always feature her line. The colors are gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That apron is quite possibly the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! LOL Pleeease enter me into the drawing too!
God bless :)

Susie said...

Hi Kelli,
Your apron is really cute! I'd love to be entered in your drawing!!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the drawing, as well. I love April Cornell and your sewing skills are wonderful!
Thnak you!

Sheri said...

Kelli your apron is just beautiful and I really want one! Consider me entered in your drawing... also, could you write a blog on the best way to get started sewing. I was never taught and am just starting to learn. Thanks bunches!
~ Sheri

Karen said...

Oh Kelli, Be prepared!! Your comment box will be overflowing!!
I would LOVE to have that adorable apron! The fabric is beautiful, but the trim just adds so much, too! Please include my name in the drawing. How sweet of you!

Anonymous said...

Kelli, I am so pleased you opened this up for anonymous comments. I have been reading your blog for several months and really love it! I see you are from Ontario, I live in New Brunswick :o) The apron you made is just beautiful, such pretty colors...would love to enter your drawing for it! God Bless, Kathy

Susan said...

Oh Kelli - This is so pretty. I don't have an apron and would love to have my name drawn for this one. Thanks for putting my name in the hat.

Mrs.Garcia said...

Kelli, I would love to be entered into the drawing if I may.
God Bless,

Paula said...

Throw my name in, too! Lovely apron - your fabric choices are sweet. One catalog I enjoy is Victorian Trading Company which features clothing items from the April Cornell collection.

Sandra said...

Beautiful apron Kelli, I would love to be entered into the drawing :)

BTW, I was wondering why you hadn't updated your blog in so long, turns out my BLOGLINES wasn't updating for some unknown reason, so I'm glad I came by to check today LOL

Have a wonderful day,

Anonymous said...

Hello Kelli.....I would love to be entered in your apron drawing. You have a lovely blog. Sylvia

Heather said...

Oooooo ... April Cornell :)

I would love to be entered into the contest as well. You inspire me ....


Tom said...

My four daughters and I are having "apron mania" right now. They are making them for 4-H to enter into the county fair. I thought it would be fun to enter your drawing. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Wow, the apron is very pretty!!! You know what, Kelli? I could always use another apron, so yes, please, enter me in your drawing!!

Anonymous said...

Kelli ~ Please enter me in your drawing for the beautiful apron. I read your blog daily with my morning coffee ~ it almost feels as if we're chatting over the back fence. You're such an inspiration.
Helen in California

Kelley said...

Hi Kelli!
What a beautiful apron!
Just wanted to come by and wish you a blessed week ahead! *Ü*

Rebecca said...

WOW! That is a fabulous giveaway, I'd say!

I won't hold my breath though, I know how dear you are to so many people. I can only IMAGINE how that comment number will be skyrocketing by Thursday!

But I sure would love it if 'luck' found me!

Regardless-you did a LOVELY job on your apron. I love the varying widths of yellow. The attention to small details make it extraordinary. My fabric fabric is the pale blue and yellow with roses. Too pretty!

Lovely job Kelli!

Christine said...

Hi Kelli! I would love to be entered into the contest. You have such a knack for making lovely things.

Rebecca said...

yeah-that would be 'FAVORITE' fabric.

Not fabric fabric.


Wendi said...

Such a cute apron. I especially like the daisys and rick rack. I would be delighted if you would enter me in your drawing!

Kelly said...

I would love to be entered also! Its so pretty!


Anonymous said...

I don't sew, and I don't own a machine, but there's a reason why I stay away from our local quilting shop. I'd come away with so much fabric! I love the colors you've chosen. Very cute pattern! Please enter me in the drawing.

Mrs. Hurzeler said...

I would love to be entered into the drawing for your beautiful apron. God Bless. Have a nice day!

Tina Leigh said...

Kelli PLease send it to me! I love the daisys on it!! Mama & I were saying this morning that your blog is always cheerful!

Julieann said...

OHHH, I just adore aprons!!!! The fabric is lovely too. You sew so beautifully Kelli!!!


Open Roads Mama said...

Please put me in for the draw too!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for including me. I love the colors of the apron. I just purchased fabric for a quilt that matches your fabric choices. Have a blessed day! Maryellen B

Diane @ A Watered Garden said...

How beautiful!!! I would be honored for you to enter my name in your drawing. I like to wear aprons when I'm working around the house.

JacquiG said...

That is a very pretty apron! I love the colours and the fabric, and the finishing touches are great ... what a great job! Yes, please, I'd love to be entered in your draw!

Anonymous said...

I would like to be entered in the drawing, Kelly! You are so kind to do this. :-)

Just Mom said...

OK. Sign me up. :-D

LBP said...


Your apron is adorable! I just ordered the Edwardian apron pattern from Sense and Sensibility! Please enter me into your drawing!



Mrs. H said...

Oh that apron is really pretty! I'd love to enter the drawing.

LadySnow said...

Oh, me, me!!!! I would love to be entered into the drawing. Your apron is beautiful. =)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli, I love your blog---it is such an inspiration to those of us who care for our homes and children. I would love to be entered in the drawing! The apron is so pretty! :)
Christina I.

Lori said...

Oh I'd love to be entered in the drawing for the apron.

It is pretty.

Jenn4Him said...

I'll put my name in the hat too. Your apron is beautiful. You are very generous!

Anonymous said...

The colors are so beautiful! Please enter me in your drawing. What a lovely gift.

Peculiar Blogs said...

I would LOVE to win your apron....please put me in!

Thanks Kelli!

Amy O'Quinn said...

Ooh,ooh, me me! LOL I would love to be entered into the drawing! The apron is beautiful!

Momma Roar said...

Raising my hand in PA!!

Anonymous said...

How lovely! Please enter me in your apron drawing! I think it would be so fun to have a giveaway. Too bad I don't have a blog. Maybe one of these days.
Theresa Pohlman=)

Teresa said...

Please put my name in the drawing. It's such a nice apron. Thank you.

theups said...

How pretty, Kelli!! I would LOVE to enter your giveaway!!

Mrs. U

Kim said...

Please enter me too. I love aprons, and am so jealous of people who sew well. Mine all turn out poorly.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli! I would love to be entered in the drawing for the apron. All of my aprons are full, the ones with a bib and a skirt, and those get kinda toasty in the summer months here in MN. I can't stand to have that strap on my neck on a hot summer afternoon while making supper. So I usually just wear mine with the bib dangling in front. What a romantic sight for hubby to come home to, poor guy! Anyway, I'd love to make one like you did, but my hands are so full now getting to know our new little baby we just adopted that I don't have much time for sewing projects. If I don't win your lovely apron, I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for one this style at my favorite thrift store! Hugs from Kelly in MN

Kimberly said...

I love your aprons!
You did a beautiful job. April Cornell's fabrics are so pretty.

dot said...

Kelli, I love that fabric and you did a great job on the apron. Please don't just put my name in but draw it out on Thursday! lol

Heather said...

Thanks for hosting this giveaway! I would love to enter your drawing.

Myrna said...

The apron is lovely! You do beautiful work. I would be love to be entered in the drawing. thank you for sharing with us.

Anonymous said...

I would love to enter. I need a new apron and I love April Cornell. Too sad the stores here where I live closed. :(


Mrs. Townsend

~~Deby said...

Would love it..and age 50 something..I am just getting into aprons...AGAIN...did them when the kiddos were young...and gave them up....
love your blog toooooo....
WA. State

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

Please sign me up! It's beautiful. Great job!!

Anonymous said...

Your site is such an inspiration to my daughters (22 & 17) and me. Your apron is very pretty.
I am a normally a lurker, but came out to ask if you'd please put my name in as well.
Thank you.

Amber said...

Count me in. I love the fabric! Thanks so much!

Ruth said...

Wow, Kelli! I'm response #63!! This must be a record response. Well, I'd LOVE to win that beautiful apron, so feel free to enter me in your give away...but the odds are slim! LOL!! Have fun putting all of these names in a hat! =o)

Teresa said...

What a cute apron! Love the fabric. Please enter me in your drawing.


Carole Burant said...

Yup, I need that apron...know why? Cuz I don't own one! lol Oh Kelli, it's beautiful and yessss please, add my name to your draw:-) xox

Melissa said...

wow. wow. wow. that is so gorgeous. I love the detailing you did!!!! ohmygoodness!!! I don't know if it would be fair to put your sister in the drawing and I was going to say 'don't bother'... but I love that apron! Is Grace drawing names again? How fun!

Disney for Boys said...

Wow did you think you would have this many ladies jumping at the chance to get this lovely apron??

Please enter me too!

Lena said...

This is one of the prettiest aprons that I've ever seen Kelli.
I loved reading all these nice comments about you. I've always said that you are one of sweetest people in all of Blogville!
Take care, Sweetie Pie!

Janice said...

Oh Kelli, that apron is beautiful!! You did a wonderful job! I honestly think you could make and sell those! I would be honored to be included in the drawing. Blessings!

La Tea Dah said...

Totally adorable apron! I love it!!!! Please enter me in your drawing. Thank you so much!


Unknown said...

Whoa! 70 comments! I don't think I can read them all like I usually do. Please please enter me into the drawing. I would love an apron like that especially since it would be made with love from one of my new bloggity friends!

Anonymous said...

Oh, please count me in ! I LOVE your blog and sing your praises on other sites I visit like Frugal Living on

We adore your recipes and all my extended family here in England have made and enjoyed your Cherry Pound Cake from Christmas 1

Anyway, please count in in, the apron is just gorgeous, it looks french country somehow and the daisies and the ric rac make it to die for ; )


Anonymous said...

I love your blog! I just found it a few weeks ago:-) Please enter me...thank you.

Mindy said...

I would love to be entered in your drawing for such a lovely giveaway!!
Blessings for a wonderful day!

Patty said...

Hi Kelli
I too would love to be entered into your drawing. That is such a pretty apron !

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous apron! Great job! You can put my name in the hat too!

Shannon B. said...

It is so pretty! Please add my name to your drawing.
Thanks, Shannon B.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe there are 77 comments here! And I'm sure there will be many more - what a great apron!

I was just stopping by this morning to say hello, and that I'm doing a little giveaway on my blog too. Come check it out!

God bless :)

Cori said...

What a beautiful apron! Count me in for the giveaway. I love the colors and my aprons get plenty of use. Thanks.


Keri said...

Enter me please! This is too beautiful and "provency"!
Your fellow Texan, Keri L

Anonymous said...


I LOVE aprons!! Enter me, too, please!

Julie D.

Anonymous said...

Most of all I love being able to post a comment!!!!
The apron looks awesome Kelli, good job! Enter me please... I love surprises and pressies!!!

Anonymous said...

Please count me in on your apron drawing. It is soooooo cute!!!! Stephanie

Christie Belle said...

WOW...83 comments!!! Well, of course, I love the apron. I am a big fan of paisley prints, in fact, I wish I could find a duvet cover for my down comforter in a blue paisley print, but I may have to get my mom to help me make one b/c I can't find one!

charish said...

I would love to win such a wonderful apron. I sew also but have not made any thing since last summer..maybe i should get on that to keep me busy.

Creative Life Studio said...

Glad I stopped by even while on vacation. It's such a pretty apron - please enter me in the drawing! :)

Jada said...

I love reading your blog, too! Please enter me in your drawing for the lovely apron you made. I remember my great-grandmother wearing an apron all the time!


Anonymous said...

Count me in! Soooo cute!!

mommy to six J's said...

I would love to be entered thanks for the chance. Char

Betty said...

Yes, Kelli, please enter my name in the apron drawing.....It's beautiful and will be a blessing to the winner.

Thank you for coming by and commenting on Justin and his restaurant....Betty

Anonymous said...

That is a super beautiful apron! Wow so many people have entered but I hope I win it is so pretty.


Tracy said...

It's adorable! I would love to have a chance at it.

Elizabeth P said...

Hi there:
Love the apron - any April Cornell fabric is beautiful. I'd like to enter my name into your giveaway too.
Elizabeth P

Bethanie said...

Oh, I just saw this and right on time too.

Anonymous said...

I would love to be added to the list. You did a wonderful job! Looking forward to check out the rest of your blog!
Robin C

Tammy said...

I hope I'm not too late...

Jthemilker said...

Am I too late? If not... count me in. I NEED an apron - not just a new one - I just NEED one.

Anita said...

Wow Kelli, that apron is wonderful! Well done!

Wow, almost 100 people entered your drawing, what a pity that I missed it! ;-((

Dani said...

Oh bummer! Missed the give away, it looks beautiful!

I'm so used to having your site bookmarked that I could not remember your address, thankfully my mom linked to your show and tell today :-)