Friday, May 11, 2007

Show and Tell Friday

Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!" Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, an antique find. Your show and tell can be old or new. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!

This week my show and tell is a lighted grapevine swag that hangs from my front porch and a special family that lives there each spring.

This view is from my front door. At the far right is a cozy little nest...

...where a mama Mourning Dove and her two babies live. As you can see the two babies are almost grown now.

It's time for a flying lesson!

The baby makes it up onto our air conditioner...

...and then up to the roof with Dad!

Falling into the gutter may not have been part of the lesson. ;0)

I hope you enjoyed meeting our bird family!

If you would like to join in, all you have to do is post your "Show and Tell" on your blog, copy the post link, come over here and add it to Mr. Linky.

Please don't use Mr. Linky unless you have a Show and Tell and be sure to link back here in your post so that others can share and read through all the links.


theups said...

How sweet!!! I think the grapevine swag looks SO pretty!! And the bird family looks very happy in their abode!! We have bird families, too, that takes up residence on our front porch each Spring. We used to say we were going to put something up to keep them from building nests, but we decided we LOVE watching them too much to take it down! :)

Mrs. U

Paula said...

I can't believe you were able to get so many great pictures of the birds without them flying off first! :-)

Your swag is lovely. It gives a romantic touch to the outdoors.

Tracy said...

Wow! This family must know you well to let you get so close to them. I love watching the mothers teach their babies. The gutter shot was funny!

Anonymous said...

Kelli! Our show and tells are the same thing this week. How fun is that??

Your bird family is delightful. I love the way God takes care of the birds in the sky - it makes me feel so loved as well.

I sure enjoy your show and tell.

Trella said...

Wow! You were able to get some incredible pictures.
That is just the sweetest thing. I love the gutter shot.

Carole Burant said...

It always amazes me the places birds will nest! I love doves and we have them here all the time, nesting in our trees:-) Such wonderful pictures you took of them! xox

Jenn4Him said...

Neat! My show and tell probably won't inspire anyone, but it is posted. I love the lights on the vine too. So lovely.

Barbara H. said...

We used to have some little birds -- I think we figured out they were starlings -- who used to build a nest every year on the top of a post under the roof of our front porch in one house where we used to live. We couldn't get any close-up pictures of them, though -- they'd scatter whenever we opened the door. But it was fun to listen to them and watch from inside while the mother and father brought food and taught them to fly.

The grapevine swag is lovely! And I am glad you let the birds live there. I had one friend who constantly swept away any beginning bird's nests from her porch -- I felt she missed out on some fun. :)

Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts

Lori said...

I love your show and tell.
That is a pretty lighted grapevine swag.
That is pretty neat that you can get that close to the nest of birds.
Cool photos.

You have a wonderful Mothers Day weekend!

dot said...

Did someone have to sit and watch for a while to get those neat pictures?

LBP said...

Your grapevine swag is so pretty! And you get the extra bonus of having the birds there. Usually every year birds will make a nest in the ferns I hand on the front porch and then I must water very carefully not to disturb the nest.

Dawn said...

Love the vines...
My S&T is up at my place...
Happy Friday, Kelli!

Kelli said...

This is the 3rd year that the Mourning Doves have built their nest there. They are amazingly calm. We do try to keep quiet when we open and close the front door and I don't plug in the lights while the mom is nesting. This is her 2nd batch of babies. She usually has 3 sets of twins. I was sitting on the bench in the front yard when I noticed them on the side of our house so I called Phillip out. He has a nice camera lens so it looks like he got *very* close!

These photos were taken 6 days ago and the mama is already sitting on a new batch of eggs. It all happens so quickly!

Karen said...

I'm loving all the varied Show and Tell posts!
The grapevine swag is so pretty and welcoming, and how fitting for a dove to be nesting there!
Blessings and Happy Mother's Day!

Gena said...

I love your grapevine wreath. And, what a sweet thing to have a little bird family living there! My brother and his wife have a dove family that nests on their porch each year. I love to go and watch them.

Amber said...

How got such wonderful photos!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your show and tell today! I love the grapevine swag!

Great pictures of the bird family!

Have a blessed weekend!

Reviekat said...

I love your bird family and think the mama has found the perfect place to nest! That's amazing that you were able to capture the "flying lesson" in action. :)

Jennifer said...

Oh I love the grapevine! it's a beautiful accent to your front door :o) How in the world did you get such great pictures of your bird visitors? Thanks so much for sharing this ~ neat!

Sandra said...

Love the pictures Kelli, the birds are beautiful and I'm surprised they let you get so many pics :)

Mine is up, I'm sorry I missed it last week but I'm back :)


Laurie said...

I love your idea of lighting the grapevine!
Mourning doves are some of the sweetest birds aren't they?
Great photos!

Sharon said...

I love your grapevine swag! The birds feel safe at your house, I'm sure. Otherwise, how could you have gotten so many neat pictures!

Julie said...

Your pictures are so wonderful! We have mourning doves in our yard that have been cooing to us each morning this spring, but I have never seen a nest. North Dakota has a mourning dove hunting season. Isn't that horrible? Just like mockingbirds, I think it is a sin to kill a mourning dove.

SimpleFolk said...

I LOVE that grapevine! Those were great pictures. I posted mine, so pop over for a visit when you get the chance! :o)


Momma Roar said...

I was thinking the same as some of the others, that you were able to get so many pictures of the birds!

Lynne said...

What a sweet little family of doves. They must really trust you to allow you to get so close. Great pictures!

Jodi said...

You and Kimberly (Kimberly's Cup) both have birds nesting in the most unusual places - lol! I finally got a show & tell up before the day passed ~ barely - lol, but I made it! Yeah! :o)

Ruth said...

I love both the swag and the doves! Great pictures. =o)

Janice said...

What wonderful photos and narriation of a day in the life of the mourning dove family! Thank you for sharing!

Suzy said...

Kelli..loved your show and tell...especially since I love anything with wings! I would be watching them all day and get nothing else done...I have two cockatiels that are 15 years old.

Open Roads Mama said...

very sweet!!!!

Myrna said...

The pictures of the dove family are wonderful.

I found you through Susan--Penless Writer. I really like the S and T idea. I have posted one. I'm a little late, but some days are like that!

Unknown said...

I loved meeting your little bird family! What a unique "show and tell" item! I have now participated for 2 weeks and just LOVE it! I can't wait to see what each blog surprises us with!

Anita said...

Oh yes Kelli, it was a pleasure to meet your bird family, how sweet to have doves in the garden!

I missed your Show and Tell Friday again - I am overloaded with work at the office these days and got home quite late in the evening these past days. Now, I really need a relaxing week-end!

Hugs, Anita

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Kelli, your entry way is so the grapevine swag...very pretty! I loved reading about your dove family, too!

I just posted my Show and Tell, but it's a day late...the mess being made at my home because of the new windows and siding didn't leave me time to post on Friday...hopefully I'll get it right some!

Christie Belle said...

How neat! I love the lighted grapevine, it's so friendly and inviting. I also love that a little bird family has taken up residence there, how cute!

Sharon said...

Kelli, you've been tagged! Stop by when you get a chance.

Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

Peculiar Blogs said...

your swag is beautiful! We have purple martin's on our porch that are our "guard" birds! LOL.