Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Call Me Crazy!

Most people go to the salon when they want a new hairstyle. I like to go to!

I know two people who have gotten great results from the following internet instructions:

1. Gather and comb the hair upwards on top of the head and secure with a rubber band - like a ponytail on top of the head.
2. Comb the ponytail straight up, all the way up and hold it there.
3. Take the scissors and, cutting straight across the held up ponytail, cut off around three or four inches depending on the length of your hair.
4. Pull out the elastic band and give your head a good shake.

My supplies are all ready...

A comb, scissors, grey coverage, and the phone book. The phone book is for looking up a nearby salon in case Google lets me down. ;0)

My hair is slightly curly and down to my waist so hopefully I'll be back with something easier to manage. So, am I crazy?!


  1. Go for it! Your hair is long enough that you'll still have plenty to work with if it turns out to be a mistake! Please post before and after photos!


  2. Good luck! I chop my own hair all the time. But it does help that my Mom is professional hairstylest, and I have watched her cut hair for years..

  3. Kelli, I remember Revee saying what beautiful hair you have. So all I can say is "good luck"! Have you cut it yet?

  4. oh my! you're brave to try this! good luck! lets see the results on pictures, I'm curious if the 'haircut-recipe' is really that easy :-))))

  5. You are brave. You aren't crazy.
    Good luck!
    I've never cut my own hair.
    I've had my husband help me color my hair though at home here. It saves bunches of money.
    I think that is the same brand I use too..Nice and Easy. I have a couple of them up in my bathroom cupboard.

    Please take photos and show us how it turns out.

  6. There was a time I used to cut my own hair but I don't try it anymore. My hair was bothering me so badly last week in Paducah (and the photos on my blog show it) that I called yesterday for an appt and she worked me in today. DH says it looks 'much better' so I suppose he secretly agreed with my feelings. Since your hair is to your waist, you can make a mistake and still have enough hair to seek a professional if you decide you need to.

  7. You're going to cut your own hair??! Well, I must admit to being on the conservative side and head to the hairdresser. The great thing about hair is that it WILL grow back if you don't like it. I think you are 5% crazy and 95% braver than me!! I hope you will post pictures!! Good luck!

  8. Nah, you're not crazy! I agree with the first commentor, your hair is long enough and you still have plenty to work with.
    Make sure you share those pictures Kelli!!

  9. Can't wait to see the pictures!

  10. I've never had the nerve to cut my own hair. I'll be looking for pictures of before and after

  11. You certainly are brave! Be sure to post a picture!

  12. you are kidding, RIGHT??

  13. My MIL, who is a hairdresser,would probably say that it's hard to mess up curly hair...and you can always head to a salon if you REALLY get in trouble! LOL I'll cut my own bangs, but that's as brave as I get. I have to laugh however. Once my husband insisted that I COULD cut his hair. After I accidentally clipped off his sideburns and left a few 'gougy' bald spots in the back, he agreed that cutting hair was NOT my calling. He hasn't requested my services since. But he does cut our boys' hair most of the time.
    Good luck..and You go, Girl! Be sure to share photos! LOL

  14. I am looking forward to seeing your hair ~ I am sure it will turn out just lovely!!

  15. You are a much braver woman than me! :-)

  16. Kelli, Good for you! I cut everybody's hair in the family (I bought a book to teach me how!) and have even devised a system for trimming my hair that allows my eldest son or daughter to shorten it or just trim my ends. (My son puts a piece of masking tape across my back creating a straight line to follow. Then one of them just cuts layer upon layer to that line until it's all done! ~ I do my own bangs - lol!)

    I love this idea for creating layers, though; it sounds very logical, actually. I'm thinking I might try that on one of the girls if they finally decide they want to go with layers (they've been contemplating it).

    Please let us know how it goes [or went as the case may be]. :o)

  17. Oh my goodness!! Does this really work?? Usually I have Mr. U cut my hair because it's just a quick trim straight across the bottom (and it doesn't even have to be perfectly straight because my hair is wavy and it curls up anyway!!). I would really like to cut my own hair!!

    Mrs. U

  18. You are brave!! I did this in highschool and it come work very well. Thankfully I had enough hair left to let the professionals do something better.
    You need to post pictures.

  19. You are braver than me...of course my hair is shoulder length so call me a chicken :) Good Luck!

  20. What an experiment :) I would not have the heart to cut my own hair.
    I did it once when I was about 5 years old and found scissors somewhere in the house - the result was not very professional and my mum was not very amused when she discovered what I have done.
    I keep my fingers crossed that you will like the result!

  21. I can't wait to see the results. You will let us, right? Sorry, I've been away for awhile. Moving is more demanding than I remembered. I am enjoying the sun porch. I wish I had your magical touch though. I know you would make it a magical place.
    PS. I did cut my bangs one time in 7th grade. I made them crooked and too short! Oh well.

  22. I don't know if I'd call you crazy...but I sure call you brave!!!

  23. P. S. Will be anxious to see the before and after pictures.

  24. Hi Kelli,
    I had no idea your hair was that long! This is exciting! One of my daughters does hair cuts for several in our family, including me, and through her I have learned to cut my teenage son's hair.
    I can't wait to see how yours turns out...we need to see a photo!

  25. I say go for it Kelli. Make sure you take before and after pictures.

  26. Loved the phone book part... "just in case"! LOL Good luck! Diane

  27. Hi Kelli, Will we be favored with before and after pictures? I'll bet it looks great.

    Thank you for the visit and kind comment about Don and his family. We leave today for the funeral tomorrow.......

  28. You're so brave! I can't even be brave enough to choose a hairstyle, so it's all one length for me! LOL

    Are you going to post before and after shots?

  29. I think you're brave, as well, but I say, do it! I cut my own bangs, cut my mother's hair, and trim and shape my husband's. I have also cut all the girl's hair. It is scary at first, but not too hard once you get the hang of it. Now, my son does his own hair and my 12-year-old daughter came downstairs with much shorter hair because she had trimmed it herself! It actually turned out very well.

    You will do fine, but the phonebook addition was very funny. Let us see pictures of how you look after the cut.

  30. Recently, I let my husband cut my hair.

  31. I can't wait to see pictures!

  32. Well, since your hair is long and curly, I don't think you could mess it up too badly! Just don't get it too short!

    I've had no hair cutting training, but I am my husband's only hairdresser. I think I do just as good of a job as anyone else has!

    I can't wait to hear about your results!!

  33. Go for it Kelli, I've done this before actually, the ponytail and cutting layers your hair. LOL

    I've also let my husband cut my hair before LOL I am starting to think that I'M the CRAZY one LOL

  34. I can't wait to see the results!!

  35. Cheaper then a salon! I did mine fro years although mine is shorter. I found a friend at a shop who cuts, colors, highlites all for $35.00 I know I am Soooo lucky.

  36. You're not crazy. You're actually funny. I probably would have the phone book nearby too.

    I hope you plan to tell us what you did. :-)

  37. I fuss with my hair all the time, whether with highlights or cutting small, not long inches... good luck, can you please do the before/after?

  38. Wow!!! You are a brave girl!! Be sure and show us some "after" pics!! I'm sure you'll end up a with a cute new hairstyle!

  39. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Kelli how did it turn out? I read this post too late to tell you this, but with such long hair you could maybe let your girls try to trim it? My hair is long and straight, and I would let my oldest daughter practice trimming it when she was little. Now she gives me all my trims and they are great!! It was amazing for her confidence to know I trusted her. I will let my youngest daughter start, soon!! :-)

  40. I just gave myself a trim this weekend too.

    I didn't realize your hair was THAT long!! Your icon photo doesn't let us see that as well.

    Looking forward to seeing how it went. I hope you didn't need the phone book! :)

  41. Are you crazy? No, but a lot braver then I am LOL---I would love to see a picture of your hair now--your profile pic, I didn't know your hair was so long--I bet it is gorgeous:) With your talent of so many things, I bet you will do a great job TRIMMING your hair;)


  42. Pictures...we want pictures!! hehe I trim my own hair all the fact, I just cut off about 5 inches a couple of weeks ago. My hair was down almost to my waist and now it's just about where my bra strap is at the back! Hair needs a good trim once in a while to stay healthy. Good luck and hope it turned out for you:-) xox

  43. You are so talented...I am sure you will do a great job! Blessings!

  44. My hairstylist daughter would say, "No." I say, "Why not?" I nip at my bangs sometimes and she says, "Mama, have you been messing with your bangs, again?" ;-)

  45. Kelli,

    Hi, this is Julie from Celtic Woman ( I saw your comment on Lila' blog (Indigo Pears) regarding the robin's nest necklace and just wanted to let you know that I have now written a post about Dog Day Designs including all info to contact the other Lila - Lila Marquart. Hope you order a necklace or something else from her, or just spread the word around as she deserves more widespread recognition.

  46. I am turning 50 years old in June and I have cut my own hair since college. Really. I have given myself several hair styles. Currently I have a short style but I have done the shoulder length bob and even a longer layered look from time to time.

    I use a scissors, a comb, some clips, and my Flowbee and vacuum cleaner ;) I AM SERIOUS. I get compliments on my hair all the time. All. The. Time. Perhaps I should post a picture sometime.

    Go for it. You get really good with practice. And you MUST post pictures.

  47. I cut my hair for years when it was all one length, but now that it's layered I'm a bit chicken. You are very brave, Kelli.

  48. I'll tell you a secret...I do this too! Seriously, I've been doing this for the past 6 years.

    It pains me to go to a salon and pay about $35 dollars for something that I can do for free. I could easily spend that antiquing instead :)

    I think you'll do a great job. It's easy to do and you will have somewhat of a long layered look. If you like bangs...then you can do that too. Just take the amount you want to trim and hold it upwards. This will give you a fuller look.

    My hair used to be mid-back length. Now it's a little below my shoulders.
    Have fun at "your" salon. No will grow again :)

  49. I have been known to cut my hair...and usually like it! I've never had hair as long as yours! (Too busy cutting it I guess!)BTW
    []....Julie...has posted on her blog about the artist who makes the necklaces you saw on my post today!

  50. Oh, yes, my dear! You are most definitly crazy! LOL But it seems to have worked out well for you!
    BTW, there's stuff out now that you spray on your wet hair the "flattens it". Maybe you might want to try that, as it sounds like you have some of the same hair issues as I do!
    God bless


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