Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Emily's 8th Birthday

Our day started out very early...7:10am. For a night owl like myself, this was very painful!

At our house, if it's your birthday you get to pick out whatever cereal you want. Emily chose the very healthy Cookie Crisp. ;0)

Opening a present before Phillip went to work.

This was her big present. A Cinderella play set, complete with a pumpkin carriage.

Today was also the day that I introduced the girls and Benjamin to the greatest show ever....The Price is Right! Phillip isn't a fan but we won't hold it against him. ;0)

Next, we went to the children's resale store for a new birthday dress. We found this pink and white polka dot one for $8.99.

In the afternoon we met Phillip at the library park to check on the baby swans.

This is what they looked like back in April...

Now they are huge and just starting to get their white feathers.

Here is the birthday girl with her dinner...grilled steak and french fries.

Grace found these cute umbrellas for the iced tea.

Promise not to laugh at my Cinderella cake?? I'm going with the "it was really hot and the icing melted" excuse. ;0) Fortunately, Emily didn't notice!

Make a wish!

Since we've been getting so much rain, Benjamin gave her a new umbrella. She thought the duck head handle was funny.

Five minutes later, it was even funnier. I'm thinking the sugar high has kicked in!

Off for a ride on the scooter. We finally made her go to bed at 10:00pm. She was just getting ready to play with her toys!

Thank you so much for the wonderful birthday wishes in the previous post!!


  1. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Happy 8th birthday, Emily!!!!

    It looks like you had a wonderful day, and I love your pretty pink cake!! Very cute pictures!! =)

  2. Emily is a doll. Thanks for sharing the birthday photos!

  3. Happy Birthday Emily!! Kelli, I think you did a great job on the cinderella cake!! (and being a fellow Texan myself...I can sure vouge for the heat, rain and humidity we've been having the past few weeks!!)You are a good Mom to work so hard to make her birthday very special. Thanks for sharing all the pictures... they really bring it all to life!

  4. A day full of fun and celebrating for sure! What a lovely day you all had for Emily’s birthday (so pretty in her dress)! I loved all the pics, the swans are precious and the Cinderella gift is beautiful!

  5. Anonymous12:03 AM

    What a lovely day!! I love her new polka dot dress, too!

  6. It looks like she had a great day. It's wonderful that you make it so special!

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, EMILY!!!! Looks like you had a wonderful day. (PS - Your dress is very grown-up! Good selection!!)

  8. Happy Birthday Emily! What a blessed and special day!

  9. Clarice took the words out of my mouth! That did look like a perfect day!
    All except for the Price is Right part! LOL
    God bless!

  10. Wonderful. Gabrielle's loves to ride her scooter too. You must have had a wonderful day. Thanks for sharing.

  11. HaPpY BiRtHdAy Emily! :o)

    It looks like she had a wonderful day! So glad to see!

    (The Kid is an Emily too!)

  12. It looks like a wonderful day. Your cake is beautiful, the Cinderella set gorgeous, and the pink polka dotted dress adorable! :o)

  13. I am so glad she enjoyed her special day! The dress is so pretty on her. The expressions of pure joy on her face is priceless!

  14. Yes, indeed, the perfect day! Where did you find that Cinderella play set. I know a little girl (Grace) who would not mind getting that for her upcoming 8th birthday. And your cake was great. I love all the special touches you put on Emily's day. Great job.

  15. Happy Birthday Emily! It looks like you all had a most wonderful day celebrating Emily's life.

    Cookie Crisp, huh? At our house, the birthday person gets to eat leftover cake for breakfast the day after their birthday!

  16. It looks like Emily had a lovely day. She is blessed to have a sweet mom who always makes things so nice. What a yummy dinner; I cannot live without steak! Blessings, Kelli!

  17. Anonymous7:55 AM

    The cake was simply marvelous...
    Love the polka dot dress.
    Hope you all recuperate well today with no sugar melt downs!

  18. Looks like Emily had a nice day. Kelli, I think the cake is very pretty. Wish I had a slice!

  19. Emily has a birthday on a day with lots of daylight hours. Good for playing with those gifts!
    I love the update on the baby swans!
    My granddaughter's b'day (8th) is coming up...I am hoping to get a dress sewn for her today. I really like th pink polka-dot dress which Emily chose!

  20. Looks like she had a wonderful day. I love the umbrella, that was too cute. The dress was beautiful!

  21. What a perfect day. What a neat present. I love her new dress, what a deal. I think you did a great job on the cake:)


  22. Looks like she had a wonderful day!

  23. What a special day for a most SPECIAL young lady :o) Emily, you look just beautiful in your new birthday dress!

  24. I'm sure your Cinderella cake was the perfect touch for a lovely day!
    She'll have wonderful memories of this day for years to come.

  25. Terrific pictures! It looks like she had a fun, fun day. I love the shopping for the dress idea. Such a nice choice, Emily. You look great in pink! We may have to incorporate birthday dress shopping into *our* birthday plans this year.

  26. It looks like she had a great day! I LOVED the sugar high pic. too funny!

    The cake was very pretty!

  27. What a wonderful day you all had.

    It looks like she had so much fun opening up all of her gifts.

    The pink polka dot dress you found is so cute.

    Her Cinderalla cake turned out great!

  28. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Looks like a great birthday. I won't laugh at your cakes if you won't laugh at mine. My youngest daughter's favorite birthday cake ever was the one I made for her 4th birthday - 8 years ago. It was lopsided and horrible in my eyes, but she loves it still.

  29. Looked like a perfectly wonderful birthday. Kelli you did a great job on the cake, the icing is really pretty!
    Emily, your a lovely girl~ hope your birthday wish comes true!

  30. Happy Birthday to my friend Emily!!
    I loved seeing an account of the very special the pretty dress, the fun umbrella, the yummy looking cake and I sure wish I could come and play with the Cinderella set because that is my favorite all-time story! I remember as a child, laying on the floor with the Cinderella book in front of me just reading it over and over again. One page that really sticks in my mind is the page that showed the long flight of stairs in their mansion and dreaming that someday I would live in a house like that. :o) Anyway, to my penpal and new friend Emily, I do wish you a year of special joys and adventures!

  31. Sounds like a wonderful day! And I think the pink polka dot dress is lovely. (o:

  32. I love the Cinderella set.

  33. It sounds like the perfect birthday day. Emily's dress is so pretty! I love pink and polka dots.

  34. Now that's how birthdays should be:-) Loved seeing all the pictures and especially her smiling face! The cake you made for her is delightful!! Glad that the birthday girl had such a wonderful day:-) xox

  35. Oh, I missed Emily's special day! Happy belated birthday, dear Emily and all my best wishes from Germany!

    I hope you had a wonderful day - I am sure you had!


  36. Ahhhhh that made me smile...sweet~

  37. What a wonderful way to spend a birthday! I love the cake! It looks beautiful! So much thought in all the things you did!

  38. Happy 8th birthday, Emily!!! I love your new dress and I'm glad you had a wonderful day. :-)

  39. Belated Happy Birthday Emily!

    I was in a car crash the day after your birthday and didn't feel up to blogging for a week, but now I'm catching up! On Grace and Benjamin's birthdays, I told them their names in Japanese characters and I had planned to do yours too, so here goes.

    Do you remember that Grace's name came out as Megumi, which means Grace, and is written like this

    Your name can be written starting with the same character, which can also be read as "E", like this
    You pronounce it E-MI-RI and the characters each mean Grace, Beauty and Reason. Isn't that a lovely name? It is used in Japan for girls quite often, though sometimes the characters chosen are different.

    You look like you had a great day - enjoy the year ahead of you!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.