Saturday, June 16, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful Fathers out there!

A special Happy Father's Day to Phillip, who has been an amazing Father for the past 9 1/2 years and to my Dad, who is the best Dad a girl could ever wish for!

Phillip got his Father's Day present early this year. He collects T-shirts and here is his latest one. Just a warning, he has a very bizarre interesting sense of humor. ;0)

Do you get it??


  1. Nothing rhymes with orange! lol Very cute!

  2. Do you know i have driven myself nuts trying to figure out what would rhyme with orange and for the lifer of me I cant!!! Too funny.

    Happy Fathers day to your hubby! Have a blessed one!

  3. LOL! I didn't get it until I read the comments and then went back to look at the shirt again. Very good!! Too funny.

  4. It took me a while. Then when I figured it out it seemed so simple lolol Great shirt! But wont people insist he stand there till they figure it out??? lolol

  5. I love the shirt! Very cute!

  6. Cute! but I, too, drove myself crazy trying to figure it out. I got the rhyme part, but took a while to figure out what was wrong with the orange! I kept thinking of the Knock! Knock! joke about the banana and. "Orange you glad..." I knew that oculdn't be it!

  7. Anonymous5:43 AM

    It took me awhile but I figured it out. Orange has no rhyme! Good one. He'll have people staring at his chest for hours :)

  8. i have no idea!

  9. I am not thinking clearly this morning. I am sure my husband would get it straight away! Have a great day. We're making strawberry shortcake later...maybe a picture tomorrow!

  10. It took me a while to figure it out too. :)

  11. Anonymous8:26 AM

    All I can say is your hubby is one serious shirt collector and this shirt proves it...Happy Father's day to him. I had to read the comments to get it...

  12. Mmmm, to a certain extent, I get it. It's a play on words. But... the orange doesn't have one and it's crying. Mmmmmm...

    Well, now that I wrote what I got, I can read the other comments and see what it really is! :-)


  13. LOL ~ too funny!! That poor orange, *squeezed* out of the rhyming game! ;o)

  14. ok, I had to cheat. I read other's comments to figure it out. That's funny, and I agree, people will tell him to hold still so they can look at his shirt! LOL!
    Happy Father's Day to your sweetie!

  15. I must confess I didn't get it until I read the other comments. I understood the rhyming, but the orange threw me. Now I get it!! (Small victory on my part!!!) Thanks for sharing this brain-teaser.

  16. FUNNY shirt!

    I hope you and your family are having a wonderful Father's Day. I am trying to catch up on all my reading since I've been home. It will take me a while!

    Thank you for all of your prayers for my neighbor and her family (and also for us). They are so appreciated.

  17. Arg! Too much thinking to do on a Sunday.... Just kidding. Very cute shirt.


  18. Poor orange. ;o) Cute t-shirt.
    Hope you enjoyed your weekend.

    ~ Christina

  19. Yes, very, very interesting! Happy Father's Day to both your good men!

  20. Anonymous11:09 PM

    I had to show the t-shirt to my 13-year old, because just the other day he told me that he finally found a word that rhymes with orange: doorhinge(LOL). (I had no idea that he'd been pondering this!).

  21. Heeheehee...I like the shirt, how fun!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.