Thursday, June 14, 2007

A View From My Bedroom Window

Good Morning! We are on our way to visit the dentist and I can't think of a better way to spend a morning. ;0) Grace recently had a cavity filled and it's been hurting for the past few days. Hopefully it will be an easy fix!

Mari-Nanci is having a theme day at her blog, Smilnsigh. She's calling it A View From My Bedroom Window.

I have three windows in my bedroom. I don't like looking out this particular one because of a hole in our fence. A pesky rabbit is responsible for that.

He's been eating my Hosta, among many other things. In a moment of desperation I purchased something that I never though I would. No, not a shotgun. ;0) A canister of dried fox urine. The lady at the gardening center said to sprinkle the nasty smelling stuff around the yard and rabbits will stay away. I'm not sure our suburban rabbits have ever heard of a fox though so we'll have to see if it works!

Here is the view from the other window...

Well, the dentist is calling so I'm off! What are your plans for the day??


  1. The pond is lovely! Thanks for sharing and I hope things went well at the dentist's office.

  2. I pray all goes well at the dentist.

    I love the story about the rabbit and hope that the "urine" works!

    I love the pond, what a beautiful view and thanks for sharing.


  3. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I'm washing bedding, cleaning, dusting, vacumning, blogging in between, writing grocery list for tomorrow. We're having 2 couples over on Saturday. Good ole friends. So I'm making our little condo clean and comfy for my guests! Blessings on your day...
    Enjoyed the views from your windows.

  4. I really enjoyed your views!!

    I'm working at packing - I'm excited to go away, but I don't enjoy the planning and packing.

  5. What a beautiful view from your bedroom window!

    Good Luck with the dentist.

  6. Oh how beautiful! I'm honestly embarrassed of the view from my bedroom window ;o) but one day in the fall, we'll be able to spiff it up.

    I hope everything goes well at the dentist. There is nothing like having a tooth ache. Ouch.

    Have a GREAT day!

  7. I really love the view of the pond and the flowers. It is so beautiful and tranquil.

    Happy Thursday!

  8. Oh, I can imagine myself sitting with a good book next to that pond...hope the dentist visit was not painful!!!! Are there fish in that pond? A waterfall?

  9. The other 2 views from your window are delightful!

  10. Your pond views are very peaceful; what a lovely thing to look out on from a bedroom. Your naughty rabbit story made me laugh. I hope you are successful in ridding your yard of him. Hoping the dentist went well! :o)

  11. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Where did you get your fox urine? I have read that is the thing to keep the cats away. Our three neighbors have 12 cats between them and we are between them, if you know what I mean. Since we no longer have a dog the cats are lurking in our bushes and pooping in our flower beds and sunning themselves on our porches. I am not an animal hater, I just am a firm believer that if I wanted a cat I would have one of my own.

    So can I get this stuff at Home Depot or Lowe's???

    By the way, I love the flowers you can see from your bedroom. I love your yard. Rabbits and all :)

  12. Your water garden is lovely. I sure hope the fox urine works.

  13. Oh you have pretty views! I'm so glad I got you to share with us.

    Now, for me to remember to share something in your 'Show And Tell'! :-)

    Have you heard of putting something *hot* like Caynanne {spelling???} Pepper on the things which critters love to nibble? Not so good if it's your-eats too. But Hosta would not be eaten, by the family. :-)

    Oh those rabbits! We usually have one around too. When/if I see her nibbling at my flowers this year, I'm going to try the *hot* pepper.

    Hope the dentist visit went well and quickly. -sigh-


  14. The pond is beautiful.

    I always dread going to the dentist but I hope all goes well for her.

    Today I am getting ready for a garage sale. Hopefully, the rain will stop so we will have some luck.

  15. What pretty views! Mine are the road and the house of the neighbor across the street, or my next door neighbors window air conditioning unit! LOL

    I hope that the fox urine works for your bunnies. Before I got married my parents had a bunny show up on the property. It was really fun to watch! Until it disappeared, then reappeared with several baby bunnies. Then again! My dad used more... ummm... permanent measures ;-)

    Our plans for today are done. 2 week check-ups for mom and baby. She's gained WELL over what they hoped :-D (baby, not me) A tetnus shot for Little Miss Feisty. Some thank you notes written and sent out.

    I think the next plan is a nice long nap :-D

  16. Beautiful view, Kelli!!!

  17. Hope the dentist fixes the discomfort!!

    What a great idea, taking pictures from your room---:)

    I enjoyed them very much.

  18. Hope you can get rid of the rabbit. I know they can be a pain sometimes. As for the dentist. I hope that everything went well. :)

  19. Love the water view from your window! Our pond is perpetually murky.

    I hope the dentist appointment relieved Grace's pain.

    Mrs. C

  20. Oh, I hope the dentist visit went well.
    I like the view of the pond!

  21. Love your views. I hope that fox urine does the trick because your gardens are too pretty to be eaten by that naughty bunny!

  22. Your view is so pretty with the pond and the flowers. Nice to wake up to each day/ special when it is a trip to the dentist.....hope all went well.

  23. Well if that dried fox urine doesn't keep the rabbits away, it will keep the neighbours away! lol I so love the view of your garden from that one window...just beautiful!! Hope all went well at the dentist! xox

  24. Kelli - you view is so pretty - we also have three windows and usually I look out on my hanging baskets, but I have not put them up yet - terrible, I know, but I just haven't gotten around to it! Thankfully they lasted well into October last year and were lovely, so there is still motivation to get at it!

  25. Beautiful view!I hope all went well at the dentist visit today! We have a 4 yr old that needs to go soon for a cavity to be filled :-( No fun.


  26. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Heeheehee, cheap pee! You are funny. Thanks though. I'll look for it. Or maybe I'll just catch a fox. It might be cheaper.

  27. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Beautiful view.
    I was a bit late in telling you about my day! I was flying home in an airplane! Thursdays and Mondays - Fly days!

    We used the urine for pesky raccoons that decided our rock garden was the perfect spot for pooping! Yikes! It worked, but you have to use a lot!

  28. Your other 2 windows have a beautiful view! The fox urine story is funny...hope it works!!

  29. Love the last two views from you window looking at the pond and etc.
    That pesky rabbit anyhow.
    Good luck at the dentist.


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