Friday, July 06, 2007

"Show and Tell Friday"

Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!" Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, an antique find. Your show and tell can be old or new. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!

My show and tell is an apron that I made this week, for my sister, Amy. She asked for something fun, so I found this polka dot and cherry fabric.

I added red rickrack to the top and bottom of the apron and also on the pocket.

My sister has a 14 month old little girl so I made her a matching apron from the leftover fabric. Grace's doll, Molly was nice enough to model it for us. :0) See how tiny it is?! You are never too young or old to learn how to cook!

Thank you for looking at my show and tell!

If you would like to join in for Show and Tell, here are the guidelines:

***Post your "Show and Tell" on your blog, copy the post link, come over here and add it to Mr. Linky. Please do not use Mr. Linky unless you have a Show and Tell or the link will be deleted.

***Link back here so that others can share and read through all the links. If you don't know how to do this, email me and I will send you the link code.

***Please do not host your own "Show and Tell Friday" at your blog. I'd appreciate it if you keep There's No Place Like Home as the only home of Show and Tell Friday.


Disney for Boys said...

How sweet, this is just adorable!! I love the apron and the fabric you picked out is so festive. I really need to invest in a sewing machine, so many fun things to make.

Have a great weekend!

Anita said...

Oh Kelli, your aprons are always very nice! I should try to sew one for myself, too!

I especiallly adore the baby apron! And how nice of Molly to model for it! ;-))))))

Have a great Friday!

Best wishes, Anita

Anonymous said...

I just love aprons! Have a wonderful Friday!

dot said...

Cute aprons and the food recipes sound delicious. I could use some of that peach cobbler for breakfast!

Momma Roar said...

Very cute - both of them! Thanks for sharing the recipes below!

Carole Burant said...

Your sister will love her new are sooo clever with the sewing machine, I'm quite envious:-) The tiny matching apron is just adorable too!! xox

LBP said...

The aprons are great! I really love the fabric. The little one on the doll is so cute. You are going to have to post a pic of your niece with this little apron on!

Karen said...

Cute, Cute, Cute!!
I'm really loving the cherry prints available out there these days! Christie is doing her kitchen in them, too.
The doll apron is so sweet and thoughtful!

Rebecca said...

THose are LOVELY. And it was lovely of you to do for your sister.

I LOVE Mama and me aprons. SO cute.

charish said...

you are very crafty. With all your panning for the 4th you even had time for sewing. Thank you for sharing

Laurie said...

Oh, I love that apron ~ very cheery indeed. The little one is adorable. Don't you just love aprons? Have a great Friday!

HsKubes said...

How cute. I love the cherries.

~ Christina

Kim said...

I love your new header!! And what pretty aprons.

jodi said...

Love the fabric and the rickrack. So very cute

Marci said...

You did a great job. It is really cute. I know your sister and her daughter are going to love it.

SimpleFolk said...

Hi Kelli!
I missed last week's show & tell, so I wanted to make sure not to miss this one! I've posted some Civil War/family heirlooms today. Anyway, I LOVE that apron~ so cheery and bright. I'm sure it will be put to good use.
I'll have to come back to check out your recipes.:o)


someone else said...

I love that cherry fabric. The Mommy and Me thing is so sweet. You should market that.

Anonymous said...

The aprons are delightful. The red rickrack is a great added touch. I'm sure they'll have fun wearing them. Blessings.

Amber said...

How cute! The little is too cute. Thanks for modeling it on the doll. Grace should make one for her also!

Trudi said...

Oh it's so cute. I need to get a new apron. I'm getting this apron feaver that is on all the blogs. LOL. Love your new banner.

Susan said...

How cute that you made the matching apron for your niece, too.
As always, thanks for hosting this fun event.

Anonymous said...

What a cute apron!
Hope you have a great weekend!
God bless :)

Anonymous said...

I just love that cherry fabric! And the American Girl doll. Is that Molly?

Julieann said...

Kelli--I just love the apron!!! The little apron is just precious too--what a cute idea:) You have such talent Kelli.


Kelley said...

What darling fabric Kelli!
The apron is such a sweet gift and the baby apron is just sew cute!
What a sweet sister and aunt you are!
Have a blessed weekend!

Lyndy said...

That is just adorable and I love the pattern.

Thanks for sharing and have a blessed weekend.


Ruth said...

Cute! Cute! Cute!!

Jodi said...

Oh, Kelli, how darling! I'm sure your sister and niece will be thrilled. :o)

Amanda said...

I have an odd assortment today for show and tell. The doll is so pretty and that apron is really cute! I bet your sister will love the one you made for her daughter. :)

~*Marie*~ said...

Sweet! Love that Molly, my DD has her and another one and she has plenty of homemade clothes that my mother made for her....they sell like hotcakes around here. Great job!

Anonymous said...

That certainly is a fun apron! And how sweet to have a little one, too!

Myrna said...

What a cute apron! You are just the most talented person--and so gracious to share with all of us and let us share with one another.

Thank you again for a great Friday!

Anonymous said...

First of all - the new header is great!

The apron is just adorable. Thanks for hosting Show and Tell Fridays. They are a highlight of my week!

Heather Anne said...

I have a piece of that fabric in my stash! I love it! You did a great job - as always!

I have a silly show and tell, but it is a big deal to me - our bathroom renovation is completely finished - now on to the decorating!

Creative Life Studio said...

Super cute apron, Kelli! I *love* cherries! It's so cheerful!

Looks like you've had a terrific few days. Your cake was so pretty. :)

Sonya said...

Love, love, love the apron! I'm an apron kinda gal myself! And I think being a weather girl would be a blast!

Naturegirl said...

Kelly that banner up top is so YOU!! shortcake and lemonade..yup that's perfect for this time of year!!Oh that little apron is darling!
P.S. I like that you share my blog with your children..those comments inspire me to post more ~wee~ garden visitors! sending you rays of sunshine hugs NG

Susan P. said...

What an adorable apron with two of my favorite things ~ cherries and ric rac! Miss Bonnie also had a Molly doll when she was little and she would have been thrilled to have an apron for her:o)

Come Away With Me said...

Matching aprons - very cute! Isn't it fun being creative. Thanks for the great idea of Show and Tell Friday.

Jennifer said...

You are so creative, and thoughtful! I know that little girl is going to just adore her apron as much as her mom will :o)

I hope you will post a picture of your sister and your niece with their aprons on soon!

Too precious!

Lynne said...

Cute aprons-love the cherry fabric and rick-rack, so vintage looking.
And Molly is the sweetest little model.
Have a great weekend Kelli.

Gena said...

Those aprons are so adorable! I just love the little one.

Anonymous said...

This is my first time hearing about this. This is so neat and I am excited about it.


Susie said...

Hi Kelli!
What a wonderful job you did on the matching aprons. I also enjoyed reading your recipes. They look delish!

Anonymous said... the fabric, love the aprons, love it! And the rick-rack is the perfect addition. Thanks for sharing your talent with us...

Lallee said...

Kelli, the apron is adorable. The red ric rac makes th perfect finish for it. Making the additional doll apron was a super idea.

smilnsigh said...

Both are sweet, but that little girl one is soooooooo precious!


Henny Penny said...

It's beautiful! And the matching one is a hoot! :o)

Abigail said...

I have the doll Molly too. I play with her a lot.

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

I'm sure your sister will love the apron you made for her! The fabric is wonderful!

Sharon said...

The apron is just adorable! I love the matching baby apron, too!

Maybe I'll be able to start participating again next Friday. Things around here have been on the unusual side lately.

Lori said...

I missed show and tell again. I will try and join in this Friday.

Love that fabric. It is so pretty.

Linda aka yellowroseli said...

Looking foward to joining inon the fun on Friday.