Friday, July 13, 2007

"Show and Tell Friday"

Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!" Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, an antique find. Your show and tell can be old or new. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!

There was one more curbside find this week, but I wanted to wait until Friday to show you! Beside the rescued radio flyer wagon was this very heavy, black iron shelving unit. The girls and Benjamin thought I was crazy for bringing it home. ;0)

I washed it off with the hose and thought long and hard about painting it. Then, I remembered how much I dislike painting so I tucked it into a corner of my back patio and hoped it looked ok.

I already had the candles, baskets and other knick-knacks. The only new things are these pink impatiens that I put in one of the baskets and...

...a pot of tiny yellow daisies.

It's very cozy with all the candles lighted.

Thank you for looking at my show and tell!

If you would like to join in for Show and Tell, here are the guidelines:

***Post your "Show and Tell" on your blog, copy the post link, come over here and add it to Mr. Linky. Please do not use Mr. Linky unless you have a Show and Tell or the link will be deleted.

***Link back here so that others can share and read through all the links. If you don't know how to do this, email me and I will send you the link code.

***Please do not host your own "Show and Tell Friday" at your blog. I'd appreciate it if you keep There's No Place Like Home as the only home of Show and Tell Friday.


  1. Ahh...I like your curbside find :) Great Show & Tell! Have a wonderful weekend :)

  2. Wow, you really have a nack for this curbside finds! I have to laugh out loud when I see your posts and again I find something in there that I also have... I have that very same Marjolien Bastin box from Hallmark!!! Do you collent MB? Just wondering as I do, I love her stuff!

    It turned out beautiful by the way!

  3. I never see things like this on the curbside! I must not be paying attention! :-)

    Beautiful--You have a way of putting things together just right!

  4. Wow I have never had a curbside find. Lucky you. I love the shelf and how it looks.

    Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend.


  5. Lucky you, what a fabulous find! It looks wonderful with all your things on it on your patio.

  6. Anonymous12:36 AM

    First time "Show and Tell" for me.
    Hope you are all doing very well.
    Please stop by..


  7. It does look so cozy with those candles lit! You find the neatest things!!

  8. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Love the rack. Love the wagon. Love the Show & Tell. ;) Thanks, Kelli...Enjoy your weekend!

  9. Kelli,
    Why would anyone discard the baker's rack? It looks great where you have it....the candles are perfect on it...Betty

  10. I always find it amazing what people will throw away! I love where you put it and it looks marvellous with the little plants and candles as an added touch:-) xox

  11. What an awesome find, Kelli, and it looks like it was made for that spot.

  12. It looks lovely! I really enjoy all of your beautiful photography, AND I am going to just have to try those maple muffins!


  13. It looks great and so welcoming and cozy!


  14. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Wow, someone was throwing that out? It looks absolutely adorable on your patio! What a great find!

  15. What a treasure ~ I think you were right not to paint it ~ looks wonderful ~ and I love how you decorated it!!

  16. I absolutely love what you did with that shelf unit. The pictures with the candles are gorgeous. So very homey!

    Thank you for sharing!

  17. I love your finds. I really like wrought iron and candles.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  18. Kelli, what a great find and it looks great on your patio!
    Wishing you a blessed weekend!

  19. What a BEAUTIFUL treasure. And for FREE! WOW!

    And it looks LOVELY on your patio filled, brimming with more treasures. I LOVE it lit up!

  20. Kelli, It looks wonderful. Aren't the candles in the evening so fun! It makes the ordinary times feel festive. Good job!

  21. Kelli, what a great find! What do you mean they thought you were crazy for bringing it home? LOL It looks perfect and I love how you decorated it. It looks especially nice with the lighted candles.

  22. Anonymous7:53 AM

    It is very inviting and cozy. I love candles and lights outside. Good find!

  23. I am so jeolous of your curbside find!! I have been looking for one of those! -kriss

  24. I love it!! Trash to treasure!! Thanks for sharing it with us. You did a great job of displaying things on it.

  25. Wow! This show and tell is really growing! 23 people by 9 AM!

    I'd like to visit your neighborhood. People throw away good stuff there!
    Your shelf is reall cute!

  26. I will have to start looking more at the curbs when I'm out driving :-) Looks beautiful, especially at night.

  27. Kelli, I love the rack and how you are using it. Makes me want to go out on the streets and start looking! lol

  28. You find the neatest things Kelli! It looks so pretty with the candles lit! I can just imagine sitting there enjoying the peace and serenity after a long day's work. Ahhhhh!

  29. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I love it!
    It's so much fun to find someone's trash and fix it up to be a treasure!

  30. Anonymous9:15 AM

    What a great find! Looks like it was meant to go there.
    God bless :)

  31. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Love it! I'm with you on painting! Avoid - Avoid!

    Have a great weekend.

  32. Wonderful little treasure!! Next week, hopefully, I will partake in Show and Tell Friday. I've been meaning to, but always seem to forget. Today, I've already posted. I've made myself a note for next week!!

  33. I love the bakery racks. Great find.

    I have 2 of them in my dining area. I store a couple sets of my many sets of dishes on them :o) Mickey's gotten where he makes me (well he doesn't make me but he requests) get rid of an older set everytime I want to add one. There truly is just so much space!!!!

  34. What a wonderful find, Kelli. It looks like it fits perfectly in that little nook on your patio. It looks great.


  35. Very nice Kelli! How exciting to find two treasures in one day!

    I printed out the muffin recipe, they look wonderful!

  36. Great finds! Everything looks beautiful--very warm and inviting and so inspiring too! I do enjoy your blog so!
    Blessings to You! Claudia O.

  37. Trash to favorite.

    After a few weeks of watching so many participate in Show and Tell Friday, I have actually signed up:)

    Thank you!

  38. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I think you're wise not to paint it. I painted a wicker shelving unit once, and now years later it's flaking off. It makes a very pretty, cozy addition to your patio!

  39. You have such a way with everything! I receive fresh inspiration for my home with every visit to your blog.

    Your show and tell today is very pretty.

    Enjoy your weekend! :)

  40. What a great find Kelli! I love how you just filled it with the things you looks like it has always been in your home!
    BLessings to you on this Summer day!

  41. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Oh, Kelli! That black shelving unit is GREAT! I love the way you've used it as a display piece on your patio

  42. you have great luck I think the stand and the wagon are great.

  43. Love what you did with your *find* does look so cozy with the candles!

  44. Anonymous12:03 PM

    That shelf looks awsome and the price is right! Great find. I love the decorating of it to. I think it looks good black.

  45. It is so cute! And it looks very handy for holding lots of things. YOu must have good yard sales in Texas!

  46. I love the candles

  47. Hi Kelli!

    Oh, I had such a busy day today and was not able to post my this week's "Show and Tell" before I went off to work this morning (as I usually do).

    I adore your black rack and the way you arranged it! It looks so cozy with all the candles on it!

    Over here, it's 10.30 p.m. now, time to go to bed, I am very tired!

    By the way, we will get A VERY HOT HOT HOT week-end and I can't wait go get up very early tomorrow morning to enjoy the first daylight... You know, only the early bird catches the worm... ;-)))

    Best wishes and have a great week-end, Kelli!

    Hugs, Anita

  48. Kelli, the rack looks wonderful! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and I'll be back to play along with you next week. :)

  49. Oh my, what a great find! I LOVE what you did with it on your porch, it's just perfect there!

    Actually, you have given me an idea for my front porch as well... so thanks for sharing your genius!

  50. Kelli, love your curbside find and what you have done with. Thank you for letting me share in Friday Show & Tell.

  51. I'd call that a great curbside find! It looks so nice the way you fixed it.

    I couldn't get myself organized for the show and tell today, but I'll be back with one again soon. It's such fun.

  52. So pretty, Kelli-you really know how to turn trash into treasure!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  53. I applaud your creativity! :o)

  54. What a neat idea to do show and tell. I suppose my entire blog is pretty much show and tell (: Eye candy and such. Love your blog! --Kelle

  55. Anonymous7:15 PM

    You are too clever...
    Thanks for sharing! I am ALWAYS looking for fresh ideas.

  56. this is my first time joining show and tell. thanks for hosting

  57. That looks so pretty! Especially with the candles all lit up. You have a great find.

  58. I just love your "find." I love the candles and flowers. It is really beautiful. I am glad you found something so nice, I have been seeing "Show and Tell Friday" for a while and I am planning on taking part this next Friday. I hope I can figure out how to do it. It sounds like so much fun. I see a lot of my blog friends already here. Thank you, connie from texas

  59. I love your treasure! What a find. I, too, have that MB box. I kept my rubber stamps in it until the collection grew too large. I also have that Sunflower Houses book. It's one of my favorites. Sweetheart gave it to me a few years ago on an anniversary. So many fun ideas!

  60. I'm late, but I did it! :)

  61. I love it Kelli! What a find! I saw one very much like it at Bed Bath and Beyond for $120! If it does need some touch up paint - you can't see it from my point of view, but don't forget that spray paint is your friend!

    You did an awesome job accessorizing - can you work your wonders on my empty bathroom shelves?

  62. I liked this so much I did one on my other blog as well!

  63. Just think - when you are tired of it, you can sell it on ebay and make a nice profit! Especially if you use the photo with the candles - lovely!

  64. You always find such great deals! Even free ones!

  65. What a great freebie! I love it! And I love how you arranged everything on it. It looks great just where it is.

    Enjoy your weekend ~

  66. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Wow! What an amazing find! You have inspired me to go garbage hunting.

    JOYFully in Him,

  67. Very nice shelf! And it fits right in where you put it! Looks great! :-)

  68. wow, thats very pretty...I never see things like that...Great find..

  69. I miss participating in this feature, hope by next week I'm back to doing it :)

    I LOVE LOVE your find, it's something I would have brought home myself. It looks beautiful in your patio, especially at's gorgeous.


  70. I love your new shelf!! I am with you on the dislike of painting!!!!!!!!! You have it decorated so cute.

    Love, Heather

  71. Anonymous1:22 PM

    NICE and you did a great job fixing it up with all your neat lil nit nacks and the night time shot with the candle glow, very COOL!!

  72. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Kelli that is so pretty. I paid real money for one a couple of years ago. Hmmm. I should go "shopping" with you sometime.

    I have missed your show and tell. But ... I'm back.

  73. That's a wonderful find Kelli, and I love what you did with it. The lit candles at night look so charming!

  74. Very, very pretty! You have such a talent and an eye for the picturesqe!

  75. How cool! I love it!

  76. Sorry I missed show and tell, oh well this Friday. Your self is great. It looks wonderful in it's new spot.

  77. Kelli, I just love this idear as I am a lover of "cheap" finds so thanks and I enjoy that others like to show and tell as well and share their pictures

    So thank you for letting me share mine today.

    Your curbside finds! wonderful! Lee-ann


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.