Friday, July 27, 2007

"Show and Tell Friday"

Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!" Do you have a something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, an antique find. Your show and tell can be old or new. Use your imagination and dig through those old boxes in your closet if you have to! Feel free to share pictures and if there's a story behind your special something, that's even better!

I have a special friend that I met through blogging many months ago. Her name is Kelly and she lives in Minnesota with her family. We email each other almost daily and yesterday she sent me a wonderful surprise in the mail.

Four of the prettiest little doll dresses, that she crocheted. I put a quarter in the picture so you can see just how small they are.

Each one has a little ribbon or....

...tiny button.

She made a red one for Grace, pink for Emily and a yellow and blue one for me. All of our favorite colors!

Here is the best part...they are actually bookmarks!!

To use, just open the skirt part, carefully slip it over the top corner of the page you want to mark, and slide it until the corner of the page comes through the neck opening of the dress.

I think they are the cutest things and I am very thankful for such a generous and thoughtful friend! Thank you, Kelly!

Kelly also shared the free pattern link with me so if you know how to crochet and would like to make some of your own, here is where you should go...
Crochet Pattern Central
Dress Corner Bookmark

Thank you for looking at my show and tell!

If you would like to join in for Show and Tell, here are the guidelines:

***Post your "Show and Tell" on your blog, copy the post link, come over here and add it to Mr. Linky. Please do not use Mr. Linky unless you have a Show and Tell or the link will be deleted.

***Link back here so that others can share and read through all the links. If you don't know how to do this, email me and I will send you the link code.

***Please do not host your own "Show and Tell Friday" at your blog. I'd appreciate it if you keep There's No Place Like Home as the only home of Show and Tell Friday.


  1. They are precious!!! I would never had guessed they were bookmarks!!! Too cute, wish I was so talented!

    Im off to bed, have a wonderful weekend!

  2. What a great friend you have! Those are darling... she must have super good eyesight lol

  3. These are the cutest things ever..and what a neat surprise for you! My Mom collected the crocheted pot holders that were made to look just like these little dresses and guess who has them now? Lucky me! Enjoy your weekend...and thanks so much, Kelli! Cassie

  4. I wish I knew how to crochet!!! Those little dress bookmarks are just so adorable!! I've never seen anything like it. How wonderful that your friend sent you some:-) xox

  5. Kelli,
    Those are just the cutest bookmarks I've ever seen. What a thoughtful friend you have in Kelly!!

  6. What beautiful gifts and such thoughtfulness! What a true friend!:)

  7. Anonymous1:07 AM


  8. oh how adorable, and so useful. What a clever idea someone had. I know you and your girls will be able to enjoy them for some time.

    What a neat blogging friend you have!

  9. Oh yes, they are soooo cute! Now I wish I still knew how to crochet! How sweet of Kelly to send them to you as a surprise gift!

    Have a wonderful Friday, Kelli!

  10. Those are precious!! What a sweet friend and to share the pattern, too!!

    Thanks again for hosting Show & Tell it's just such a treat every week to see and hear what others have to share :o)

  11. What lovely little treasures they are you are so lucky to have a dear blogger friend like Kelly.

    I do hope I am adding the links to my show & tell ok! but I truly am not sure how to do it and cannot get you up as a blue highlight so people can come back here. I will learn I am sure.


  12. Those are adorable! I'm so excited I can go check out the pattern, too! Funny, today I did my show and tell on the first hat I ever crocheted! Now I'll have to try one of these. Thanks, Kelli!

  13. That is so cool. I love to crochet but sadly am not very talented at it. These are great. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Those are adorable and I've never seen anything like them! What a precious friendship you have!

  15. Hi Kelli,

    I've come visiting via Peas site.

    I have to agree with everyone who has already posted a comment they are the cutest bookmarks I have ever seen. You are so lucky to have found such a great friend on the internet.

    Have a great weekend.
    Take Care - Greetings from Australia - Melinda

  16. Those are about the cutest little things I have ever seen! I was so amazed to find out that they were actually bookmarks!! What a sweet and talented friend you have:o)

  17. Anonymous6:50 AM

    I have never seen anything like that before they are precious.

  18. How cute! Makes me wish I could crochet.

  19. I like your crocheted bookmarks..great keepsakes...Betty

  20. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Those are the sweetest little dresses. Enjoy!

  21. Those are adorable!

  22. Kelli, Of all the crocheted bookmarks that I've seen, never one like that. What a cute and clever idea. :)

  23. Those are so cute! I love tiny things and for those to be bookmarks is even better.

    Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.

  24. I have never seen bookmarks like those before--very clever and cute!

    How sweet of your blogging friend bless you with them. :)

  25. Oh, those are just lovely and what a neat idea! Bloggy friends are such blessings, aren't they?

  26. They are absolutely precious. I am going to have to try and make some. They would make great gifts for my bookclub ladies.

    Have a great week-end!


  27. Those are adorable!!!!! What a wonderful surprise!!

  28. Isn't it grand how blogging has opened up the world to us and how such wonderful friends are now made available to us when otherwise they wouldn't be?

    Your friend Kelly sure is SWEET to make those things for you. Knowing how to crochet myself, now, I know how much work goes into something like that.

    But, I don't know of anyone who deserves 'em so much! :-)

    Have a happy Friday and rest of the weekend Kelli!

  29. These bookmarks are simply adorable!! Thank you for sharing the link to the instructions. I'm going to print them for my daughter and I'm sure she will enjoy crocheting a few of them for us.


  30. Those are so cute, I had doll dresses like that for my Ginny dolls that I had as a kid

  31. I was really surprised when you told us they were bookmarks!! How adorable! I'll have to go check out the pattern. Thank you!

  32. Oh Kelli, those are so sweet! I have finally gotten something up this week for Show and Tell.

  33. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Those are some serious treasures. Absolutely darling idea.

    Thanks for sharing.
    Take care,

  34. Anonymous8:57 AM

    How darling! And what a neat idea. So generous of her to share the link, too. I don't crochet, but this is one thing that makes wish I did!

  35. I love those crocheted bookmarks.
    They are so cute.
    I will have to check into that pattern. I love to crochet pot holders and dish clothes.

  36. How clever is that? What a talented, thoughtful friend.

  37. These are adorable - even before I knew they were bookmarks! What a creative twist on a common item!!

  38. Hi~ Those are really cute! I have a friend who will love them too! I enjoy you site and shared my first show and tell today. I hope I did it right.

  39. how adorable. i've never seen bookmarks such as these. they are really cute. thanks for sharing.

    p.s. i love show and tell friday. i see so many interesting things. thanks for hosting it.

  40. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Those are so cute! What a thoughtful gift too.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    PS Thank you for your comments on my blog.

  41. Anonymous10:29 AM

    How precious! How creative!!! Thanks for sharing!

  42. OH I LOVE THAT! I am going to hop over there right now to see if I can make one of those! (and I can see many Christmas gifts being made in the process!) What a precious idea :o)

    Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

  43. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Absolutely Adorable!

  44. What cute little dresses! I would have never guessed them to be bookmarks. Thank you for hosting Show And Tell Friday--great idea!

    Cathy :)

  45. These are so cute and very neat! Especially because it becomes a bookmark! I love reading books and when I come across a unique bookmark I just go crazy!

  46. What a cute idea. I'm always folding my page corners down, much to my hubby's dismay. I can't crochet, but I think it's a cute and useable idea!!

  47. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Oh how cute! Lucky you!
    God bless :)

  48. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Those are the cutest little bookmarks!!! I called Dani in to show her and hinthinthint about crocheting some. She'd already been to your blog and seen the bookmarks. I think I need to go drop some more hints! ;)

  49. Those are so cute! I can't wait to see them in person. :) Makes me want to learn more about crocheting.

  50. What precious bookmarks; they are just darling.

  51. What a precious gift! Those are so sweet! Thanks for sharing them. :o)


  52. Oh my, how adorable is that!

    [Trying that again in my own blogger account ~ lol!]

  53. As a kid I used to crochet. Blankets mostly. They weren't pretty, though. Kind of crooked looking. lol. Pretty much any time I try to do anything crafty, it turns into a disaster! lol. I am most definitely not gifted in that area. My talents seem to be fighting crime, training horses, and digital photography. I was daddy's little girl growing up - always out in the garage with him working on the car engines, building a deck, pouring cement for a sidewalk, working on computers, stuff like that. Although, I am great in the kitchen when it comes to whipping together gourment meals! (much to the happiness of my mother)

  54. These are too sweet. I would love to try my hand at these. Looks hard.

  55. It is so much fun to get a gift from someone that makes you feel so special! Thank you for sharing the pattern.

  56. Those are so cute~I've never seen any like them. What a sweet gift from your friend!

  57. Looks like today was a day for crochet. I put up three crocheted items made by a friend. Yours are so cute!

  58. Those are the sweetest bookmarks-what a special friend you have. I wish I knew how to crochet.

  59. Sweet! What a nice friend!

    I did not prepare a Show and Tell in advance this week. Real life events have kept me busy yesterday and today. This week I will have to just enjoy visiting everyone else. I'm going to prepare several S&T posts so I will be ready the next time I have unexpected responsibilities1

  60. Those are absolutely adorable. They remind me of ones my grandma had hanging on her kitchen wall above her stove. I think her's might have been potholders. - Anyway, those are too cute! I love them! - I may have to join in on your show and tell next week. - What Fun!!!

  61. You and my mom are conspiring against me!

    Kelli, I logged on this morning and saw the cute book placeholders. What a neat idea! After seeing them my mom got on and said "Oooo Dani, I think you should try some of these." then I check my comments later and here you are telling me the same thing, now I see my mom has even commented about her hinting!!! It's a conspiracy I tell you!!!! ;)

    Methinks I need to pick up some crochet thread :-D

  62. Those are just adorable. I have one very similar to that from an aunt that past on many years ago, that I just treasure.

    Thanks for sharing and have a blessed weekend my friend.

    Hugs, Lyndy

  63. Those are so cute. What a unique idea.

  64. Those little crocheted doll dresses are just too cute!! Love the idea of using them for bookmarks!!


  65. Those have to be the cutest bookmarks I've ever seen!

  66. Oh, so sweet! What a dear friend. I too would have never guessed they were bookmarks. Very clever.

  67. Thanks Kelli!
    I missed you too :)

  68. Oh they are just precious!


  69. Utterly charming! Such a cute idea and such a nice gift. :)

  70. How cute Kelly! What a crafty friend =D


  71. Those are adorable, like something my great grandmother would've made.

    I've GOT to learn to crochet!

  72. Anonymous3:17 PM

    They are so cute the bookmarks. I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

  73. This sounds fun. I am new to all of this linking and all - so it is taking me a little bit to figure out how to do it!

    Looking forward to the next 2 weeks


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.