Thursday, September 20, 2007

"Show and Tell Friday!"

Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.

Today I would like to show you two of my special rings. This first ring was a gift from my parents, for my 10th birthday. I'm sure they thought it would be lost by now, but here it is!

The center stone is a ruby and with four diamonds around it. It only fits on my pinky finger now!

This amethyst (my birthstone) ring is also from my parents. They know what I like. ;0) I received it on Christmas day, 1993. It is a special reminder of my last Christmas at home, I got married 6 months later.

Thank you for looking at my special rings!

Show and Tell Guidelines

What is Show and Tell Friday?
Show and Tell involves showing something to an audience, and then telling them about it. Your show and tell must be something that you own, and is in your home or garden.

What items work well for Show and Tell Friday?
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
-Childhood keepsakes
-Family heirlooms
-A collection you may have
-A piece of jewelry
-A special gift
-A favorite treasure
-Gardening pictures

What doesn't work well for Show and Tell Friday?
-Posts with no photos have no "Show." Please don't use them.
-Photos of events (trips, vacations, celebrations, etc.)
-Photos of things you are selling or planning to sell.
-Photos found on the internet, graphics or screenshots. Please use photos you take yourself.

There is no place like home is the original home of Show and Tell Friday. Please do not host your own.

Please do not feel that you have to participate every Friday.

How can I participate?
Once you've got your photo(s) and your story, it's easy as 1-2-3!

1 - Publish your "Show and Tell" on your blog, including a link back to There is No place like Home. If you don’t know the link code, email me and I will send it to you.

2 - Copy the link (or "permalink") from your post.

3 - Add it to Mr. Linky, along with your first name. I usually put Mr. Linky up on Friday at 12:00am Eastern time.

That's it! After that, you can start visiting all the other Show and Tell participants!


  1. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Those two rings are gorgeous. I'm amazed that the one you got when you were 10 survived! How fun...

  2. What beautiful rings! I love amethyst stones!!

    Thanks for hosting S&T!


  3. Anonymous11:18 PM

    those rings are beautiful!!

  4. Both your rings are just beautiful! I still have the Daughter's Pride ring that my parents gave me when I was 14 years has my birthstone in the middle and both my parents birthstones on either side of it:-) xox

  5. Hi Kelli,
    Your rings are both beautiful. You must truly treasure such special gifts from your parents.

  6. Anonymous11:38 PM

    I love that you still have the one from when you were 10 years old! Beautiful rings!

  7. Those are so lovely Kelli and with such special meaning, for special occasions.

  8. I found the last ring to pull my heartstrings, as it was given to you beofre leaving home. How sentimental!

  9. oh that is sweet. That is very special that you have taken such care to a ring all these years. And, they are both gorgeous too!!


  10. Oh, I love these rings...absolutely gorgeous!
    And I love the sentiment behind them, too!

  11. Kelli, what lovely rings! Thank you for sharing them.

    This is the first time I participate in one of your Show and Tells! How fun.

  12. They are very pretty Kelli. I like that there are two. One for each of your girls one day.

  13. Wow....both rings are very nice. You got a ruby ring when you were only 10?!! [and you didn't lose it?]

    My birthstone is amethyst also...but my ring is of the real light purple with a filigree design mounting---I like YOURs better....wanna trade? *wink*]

    My show n tell is of the orient flair this week.

  14. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Your rings are lovely. Wonderful memories go along with them too.

  15. Oh-so lovely and the childhood ring reminded me of a tiny ruby ring I had as a child--it had belonged to my grandmother who was deceased. I lost it swimming in the Saint Lawrence Seaway (I think it is called?) and It was one of my greatest losses as a child and one of my regrets as an adult!

  16. One can never go wrong with rubies and amethysts! ;o) Beautiful rings.

  17. Beautiful rings!

  18. I love your rings, amethyst is one of my very favorite. I would never have been able to keep up with rings when I was 10.
    They would have gotten in the way of my playing football!LOL

  19. I love your rings and the stories behind them. How beautiful. It's neat that you still have the one from when you were 10, you must have been a very responsible young lady! :0)


  20. What beautiful rings and what treasured memories they represent. Thank you for sharing!

  21. Hello Kelly,
    My name is Ginger and I was just given the link to your blog. It is very nice. You should go to my blog and look at all the other blogs I have on there ( I added you so other people will clik on and see your blog as well) They are all women who love to nest and share and show there homes a special things to them.

  22. Very pretty rings. I'm sure they are special treasures to you. Neat that they are both from your parents.

  23. What a great idea, I may have to join you sometime.

    The rings are beautiful.

  24. Gorgeous rings. I still have the gold bracelet my parents gave me before I headed off to college.

    BTW .... Guess what?? Amethyst is my birthstone too. :-D

  25. Anonymous8:53 AM

    The rings are beautiful in themselves, but they're sweet reminders of your folks and childhood as well.

  26. Beautiful ring...Kelli,I can see that you are very sentimental and value those things from your past.

  27. zHow pretty and how special ~

  28. What beautiful rings! Thank you for sharing!

  29. Those are beautiful, Kelli! How special. :)

  30. Oh, Kelli, those are beautiful! How wonderful that you still have them.

  31. Your rings are so lovely and delicate, Kelli. Do you wear them?

    I saw you all started Show and Tell last night, right before I was going to bed----(Giggles) Actually It was Friday everywhere else but in California--we are always the last to turn midnight:) I can not wait for the time change--okay, I just totally rambled ...LOL

    Have a lovely weekend my friend.

  32. Those are really pretty!

  33. Beautiful rings Kelli! It's wonderful that you still have the one you got when you were 10!

  34. Those rings are so beautiful! ;)

  35. Pretty, pretty, pretty thank you for sharing and what a wonderful remembrance

  36. OH I love those rings! The ruby is my favorite~It's my birthstone;).

    I have entered for the first time in your show and tell! Hope I did everything right.


  37. Beautiful rings! I had a ruby ring (my birthstone) given to me by my aunt one summer--and lost it in someone's yard after church one Sunday night. I couldn't find it in the dark, and the boy who lived there said he never found it, either. As we didn't like each other, I always wondered if he told me the truth. lol

  38. Looks like a lot of fun! Your rings are very pretty!

  39. Anonymous12:49 PM

    How lovely.


  40. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Seems like an heirloom in the making. I have an opal ring from my parents. I even had it resized so that I can still wear it on special occasions.
    Have a great day and thanks for hosting Show and Tell.

  41. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Rings are such wonderful keepsakes. Yours are just beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

    Take care,

  42. Beautiful rings, Kelli....such keepsakes.....Betty

  43. I think jewelery is extra special when it is given by precious people in our lives. How wonderful that you have a wonderful memory to go along with each ring!

  44. Kelli,

    Beautiful rings!

    I enjoy your show and tell and thanks for the idea! It will keep me posting (even if it is only on fridays LOL)

    ~Kristy Jo

  45. They are very beautiful! What lovely keepsakes. :) Ann'Re

  46. Your rings are so pretty! How great that you kept them so long. I also want to let you know how much I appreciate you doing this show and tell friday. I have met some very wonderful people thru your blog. God Bless You.

  47. both rings are beautiful. i think it's neat that you've kept the one since you were 10. i love the second one. was wondering if you wear it as an everyday ring?

  48. Pretty rings!

    I posted pictures of my special rings at http//
    and at (9/21's post)

  49. I love your jewelry! I'm a jewelry girl, too. I still have the little "princess" ring my father gave me when I was 5. Now, Summer wears it. Also, the ruby is my birthstone, so I especially love that little ring of yours!

  50. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Beautiful rings Kelli! Thank you for sharing them with us.

  51. Pretty rings, I'm amazed you still have the one from when you were 10! You take very good care of your treasures.

    I have to tell you what happened when I first posted my "Show and Tell" today. I accidently linked my post to a blog called "Kellis Konfessions" instead of yours. YIKES!!!

    Fortunately I always check my links after I post something and I quickly corrected the problem. :o).

  52. Such pretty rings! Your parents must have thought you were a very responsible little girl to give you something like that when you were 10!
    This is always so much fun!

  53. They're gorgeous rings. How special that you have them both still, and that they're in such great shape.

  54. Just beautiful!
    I think it's wonderful that you were able to keep these for all these years.
    Are you a February baby?

  55. Thanks you for sharing your special and beautiful rings! I could not participate this week because all of our camera batteries were being charged! :) I'm looking forward to joining back in next Friday. Have a wonderful weekend, Kelli!

  56. Very pretty rings!!

  57. What beautiful rings!! I love them. We just gave our 12-year-old granddaughter a birthstone ring for her Sept. 11, 12th birthday. She loves it.

  58. How pretty your rings are, and the fact of where they came from makes them even more special.

  59. Hi Kelli!
    Your rings are SO pretty!! And how wonderful that you didn't lose or damage the one you received when you were 10!! Smart parents for knowing they could trust you with a true gem!!

    Mrs. U

  60. Love your rings. And the memories they invoke for you!

  61. Kelli
    What a lovely blog space you have happening here. Tracked across to look at your Seasonal Delights magazine and even more of the good stuff over there too! You have really brightened my day with all the creative things you have happening here.

    Show and Tell Friday is a wonderful idea, many of us have little treasures tucked away that always seem to have a story to tell.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.