Wednesday, September 26, 2007

"Show and Tell Friday!"

Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.

Today I would like to show you my miniature cast iron stove. I keep it on the bookshelf in my bedroom, near my Little House and other pioneer books.

My mom just read an article on these stoves a few weeks ago that said they were made in the early 1900's. I have also heard that they were salesmen's sample stoves.

This particular stove belonged to my Great Grandmother, Irene. She lived in London, England and was the daughter of a preacher. In 1939 she moved to Canada and got married at the age of 20.
Evidently, she was very sophisticated and the canoe trip that her new husband took her on for their honeymoon didn't go over too well. ;0)

The oven door actually opens.

A pail and shovel for the coal.

Tiny pots and pans.

My Great Grandmother passed away in 1984 and my Grandpa (her son) gave the stove to my mom because he thought my siblings and I would enjoy playing with it. When I got married my mom gave it to me, and that's how I ended up with it!

Thank you for looking at my show and tell!

Show and Tell Guidelines

What is Show and Tell Friday?
Show and Tell involves showing something to an audience, and then telling them about it. Your show and tell must be something that you own, and is in your home or garden.

What items work well for Show and Tell Friday?
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
-Childhood keepsakes
-Family heirlooms
-A collection you may have
-A piece of jewelry
-A special gift
-A favorite treasure
-Gardening pictures

What doesn't work well for Show and Tell Friday?
-Posts with no photos have no "Show." Please don't use them.
-Photos of events (trips, vacations, celebrations, etc.)
-Photos of things you are selling or planning to sell.
-Photos found on the internet, graphics or screenshots. Please use photos you take yourself.

There is no place like home is the original home of Show and Tell Friday. Please do not host your own.

Please do not feel that you have to participate every Friday.

How can I participate?
Once you've got your photo(s) and your story, it's easy as 1-2-3!

1 - Publish your "Show and Tell" on your blog, including a link back to There is No place like Home. If you don’t know the link code, email me and I will send it to you.

2 - Copy the link (or "permalink") from your post.

3 - Add it to Mr. Linky, along with your first name. I usually put Mr. Linky up on Friday at 12:00am Eastern time.

That's it! After that, you can start visiting all the other Show and Tell participants!


  1. Anonymous11:02 PM

    You're little cast iron stove and accessories are so great. I'm off to watch the CSI premier!!!

  2. Such detail for a miniature....Happy weekend....Betty

  3. How cute! I've always had a thing for old cast iron stoves, once I had a Ben Franklin stove in our family room before we moved. I have one of those little skillets somewhere, haven't seen it in a long time!

    Thank you for hosting S&T!!


  4. Oh wow, that oven is so cute indeed and thanks a lot for sharing the story that's behind!

    In fact, I immediately remembered a post on your bedroom bookshelf a couple of months ago when I admired the oven for the first time.... ;-)))

    You your ancestors came from London, how nice! Have you ever been to the British capital?

    Have a great Friday, Kelli and I hope your weather is still nice! Over here, it has been raining all day long....

    Hugs, Anita

  5. You always "show and tell" the sweetest things! I love the miniature stove. It is so realistic. I can see how it could have been a salesman's sample.

  6. Too cute! That little stove is just precious!

    Thanks for the info the the morning glories!

    Hugs & Blessings,

  7. Kelli I hve ever seen them before and just think they are adorable, were they salesmens samples they went door to door with.

    To think they are that old how wonderful.

    I am so pleased to be back here today and look forward to visiting everyone.


  8. How cute is that. I really like the details of it, like the pail for coal.

    Happy Friday!

  9. I love the mini-stove; how precious!

  10. It's just so cute Kelli. I have read or heard that they were salesmen's samples. How lucky you are to have such a treasure!

  11. I love your little stove! I have two mini stoves like that and an old fridge too! I think it is so neat that it was your great grandmother's. It's wonderful that you have it now and how you value it and display it!

    Have a wonderful Friday!

    Blessings ~ Sharon

  12. Kelli - these are so cute. Thank you for sharing these with us. I'm so happy to join you for this Show and Tell! :)

  13. This is a really cool feature and I really enjoy your blog. I love antiques.

    Please stop by my site and enter my contest for a hard cover Terri Blackstock book.

  14. How cute! What a great little thing to have passed down to you. So neat that they have miniture skillets and all with it.
    Have a great weekend :)

  15. Hi Kelli, what a wonderful little miniature your cast iron stove is and so lovely that it has been in your family for so long.

  16. love the history behing this --what a wonderful story!

  17. Kelli,I love your little stoves,it's
    very precious. Thanks a lot for sharing the stories that's behind.
    Have a great weekend

  18. Now that is the cutest thing ever! I love minature things like that I noticed the Pioneer Women book in the background, I love that book! So fun to read.

  19. Kelli,
    You have the best treasures and I'm amazed that you house never looks cluttered with all the keepsakes. Instead it is welcoming, and beautiful!

  20. What cute little pieces!

    When we go to our BJs (like Sam's club or costco) they always have the mini tents and sleeping bags - I want those!! heehee

  21. I always enjoy your S&T stories.
    Mine is up over at (4:53am)...
    Happy Weekend, Kelli!

  22. Kelli, that is the cutest little thing! Tina has one but she won't let me play with it!

  23. I love the cast iron stove. So old fashioned which I love and the heritage behind it is wonderful.

  24. Anonymous7:51 AM

    That is so cute! I love how you have it displayed with your "Little House" books. The Christmas episode of the TV series when Laura secretly sold her horse to buy her mom a new stove is one of my favorites.

  25. Oh I love it! It is so cute. Thanks for sharing your cast iron stove with us!

  26. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I have a very similar cast iron stove that just happens to appear in one of my photos today. I highlighted my doll house treasures.

    I love your stove. Mine had a door that opened too, and the top covers on the stove top came off with a special little utensil so that the dolls would not burn their fingers.

    Isn't that fun?

  27. Anonymous8:37 AM

    My grandmother had something extremely similiar that I remember playing with as a very small child. wow!! Thank you for sharing

  28. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Your sweet momentos never cease to amaze me!

  29. Anonymous9:05 AM

    How precious!


  30. I had a little stove just like that in my doll house, I will have to look up a picture of it. I remember buying it in Vermont. So cute !

  31. Great show and tell, Kelli. My forever friend had one of these and I loved it. Wonder if she still has it. Such a treasure. You've displayed it so well with the books.

  32. What a sweet little cast iron set! I see something else in your picture that I shared today for Show & Tell. :)
    Mrs. C

  33. That is so, so neat! When I was a little girl, my mom and sisters and I stayed at a lady's house for a few days while my dad was out of town. She had one of these little stoves, and my sisters and I loved to play with it!

  34. Hey Kelli! It's been a while, but I participated.

    I love your stove! It's absolutely adorable! I want one. :)

  35. Awww, so cute!My show and tell would like to play with your show and tell!

  36. I love that! Its whimisical :) Thanks for sharing!!!

  37. What a cute iron stove,I have never seen such little things with all details.I am waiting for you to see my show and tell.
    How can I add your link??

  38. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Those little pots are so cute! Every little girl's (and big girl's) dream!

  39. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Dang! I keep accidentally hitting enter before I'm finished. I posted "Those little pots are so cute! Every little girl's (and big girl's) dream!"

  40. I HAD one of those - but who knows where it disappeared to. My family members weren't savers.


  41. Anonymous11:56 AM

    My Show & Tell is up at

    I love your cast iron stove, Kelli. It is so adorable!


  42. Anonymous2:07 PM

    thanks for visiting my blog

    that is VERY COOL!!!!!

    I love miniatures and I also love the 1900s

    I also like where you have it displayed

    Ill be back to visit again :)

  43. I love your little stove! How lucky you are to have it with all the small pieces that go with it!

  44. Anonymous2:57 PM

    That's a great stove - and an heirloom to boot!

    You could build a whole doll house around that.

    Thanks for hosting.

  45. I've always found these little stoves to be so charming. I remember one of my grandmothers cooking on a big one like that when I was a girl. She made the best biscuits and gravy.
    I have a little stove similar to yours. I really enjoy the memories it brings back for me.
    I hope you have a happy weekend Kelli. Take care.

  46. I love your little stove. How perfectly it goes right by your Little House books!


  47. I love the little cast iron stove set. What fun it must of been to play with. I know that my girls would love to play with it. Thanks for sharing! :)

  48. Those are just adorable, Kelli! I love miniatures, and that little stove is perfect for the Little House books!

    (I didn't have time post my Show and Tell this week, but I hope to be back next Friday!)

  49. That little stove is adorable, Kelli. I've seen one for sale in a local mountain store, but it's not got as much detail as yours. What a treasure!

  50. What a precious keepsake!

    Your great-grandmother sounds like my kind of gal :o) Canoeing on my honeymoon is not something I would enjoy either ~ heehee!

    Do you have any idea where she got the little stove?

  51. Anonymous9:55 PM

    I love it and how touching that it was in your family. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  52. Kelli, I think I have a little stove like that. It was my mother's --- I will look for it (packed away with many things from her belongings). It's very cute.

    I really enjoy your Show and Tell Friday's and look forward to them. Thank you for being such a faithful hostess!


  53. Oh this is precious! And I love the story of how the honeymoon canoe trip did not go over well. Mmmm... I'm not particularly sophisticated but it wouldn't have gone over well with me, either. :-)

    It's a bit of a wonder that your family continued, to this very day. ,-) She well might have hopped out of that canoe and caught a big boat, back to England. -giggles-


  54. I have the same little stove and accessories. I've had it for years and it was always in my kitchen until we began our kitchen remodel. I put away everything except the essentials and then I didn't find it all when I began to put things back together. A few days ago I accompanied my sweetheart to the attic and 'found' a couple of boxes of wonderful treasures - the missing things he thought were not in the attic. I am slowly going through the boxes we brought down and I have found my little stove. Today or tomorrow it will find its way back into the kitchen again.

    Thank you for sharing yours. So special. I'll have to ask my dear mother if she remembers where I got mine. I was in college and I think she found it at a thrift store for me.


  55. Your miniature collection is so cute and the story behind it is beautiful! I am sorry I haven't been around, I am going to read the previous posts now. Have a blessed weekend!

  56. Anonymous11:17 AM

    My grandmother had the exact same stove and as kids we played with it (It was on special occasions and it couldn't leave the dining room table).

    I felt a little sad today, remembering that stove. I have no idea whatever happened to it. Thanks for sharing yours!


  57. Very cute! And how appropriate to keep it with your Little House books!

    My middle name is Irene. =)

    One of these days I'll be organized enough to participate again in Show and Tell Friday!


  58. Anonymous8:18 PM

    My grandmother, who was also named Irene, had the same stove. My mother now has it. I used to love playing with it as a little girl. Thanks for sharing! It brought back happy memories for me.


  59. That little stove is adorable! I love tiny things.

  60. So cute! I have one of these little stoves and accessories myself! Mine came from my great aunt, who was born in 1907. I wonder if it was something she played with as a child?


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.