Thursday, September 06, 2007

"Show and Tell Friday!"

Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.

Today I want to show you my new squirrel friend. Isn't he cute?! I got him at Cracker Barrel last night.

The two acorns he is holding are actually salt and pepper shakers!

I also found three matching leaf plates, so I put them all together for an Autumn centerpiece on my kitchen table.

Benjamin had the great idea of putting a candle on each plate.

Then Grace suggested candy and we all liked that idea even better. ;0)

Thank you for looking at my show and tell!

Show and Tell Guidelines

What is Show and Tell Friday?
Show and Tell involves showing something to an audience, and then telling them about it. Your show and tell must be something that you own, and is in your home or garden.

What items work well for Show and Tell Friday?
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
-Childhood keepsakes
-Family heirlooms
-A collection you may have
-A piece of jewelry
-A special gift
-A favorite treasure
-Gardening pictures

What doesn't work well for Show and Tell Friday?
-Posts with no photos have no "Show." Please don't use them.
-Photos of events (trips, vacations, celebrations, etc.)
-Photos of things you are selling or planning to sell.
-Photos found on the internet, graphics or screenshots. Please use photos you take yourself.

There is no place like home is the original home of Show and Tell Friday. Please do not host your own.

Please do not feel that you have to participate every Friday.

How can I participate?
Once you've got your photo(s) and your story, it's easy as 1-2-3!

1 - Publish your "Show and Tell" on your blog, including a link back to There is No place like Home. If you don’t know the link code, email me and I will send it to you.

2 - Copy the link (or "permalink") from your post.

3 - Add it to Mr. Linky, along with your first name. I usually put Mr. Linky up on Friday at 12:00am Eastern time.

That's it! After that, you can start visiting all the other Show and Tell participants!


  1. Anonymous11:03 PM

    I love your little fall accessories. so cute. My first entry was pre-entered by mr linky with just my regular url. I signed up the second time with the direct url to the actual show and tell post. oops...

  2. Kelli, the fall plates are very pretty with the candles and candy....very fallish.....I'm excited about your of luck....Betty

  3. kelli the fall (or as we call it Autumn) dishes are so nice I love the smell of beautiful candles too.

    A lovely show and tell as always Kelli.

    I have joined your magazine subscription like many others and am thrilled for you.


  4. I love all your fall finds.
    I espcially love the leaf plates.
    Your little squirrels are so cute.
    I love your magazine. You are so talented and creative.

  5. Oh yes Kelli, the little squirrel is very cute!

    Me too, I am so excited about your new magazine! It's so special and full of wonderful inspiration for the coming fall! Can't believe it was YOU and and your hubby who made it! Very VERY VERY well done!!!!

    Have a wonderful Friday!

    Hugs, Anita

  6. Anonymous11:21 PM

    You can leave me at 3 with the correct url. Thanks Kelli...

  7. Kelli, I love the little squirrel S&P and the leaf plates. I just bought two leaf plates at Ross.

    I'll be gone all day/night tomorrow, but I always read ALL the Show and Tell and try to leave comments, even if it takes me all weekend, or longer!

    Thanks for hosting S&T!


  8. You are so ready for Autumn! Love that salt and pepper shaker squirrel - how perfect for the season. I like your new header too.

  9. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Love, Love, Love Mr. Squirrel and your fall items! So stinking cute!

  10. Very fitting for fall. I like the candy better, too!

  11. My mom used to collect salt and pepper shakers. She had tons of 'em. This one, I just know she'd like to have had. Cute!! [ps---love cracker barrel too!!]

    My S 'n' T is posted. This week, cameos Click Here

  12. Very cute. I love the warm autumn colors.
    Maybe one day I'll be bold enough to participate in one of your 'show and tells' too. :)

  13. Awwww what a cute little it that the acorns are salt & pepper shakers! The leaf plates are also lovely and that candy on them looks pretty good too! lol xox

  14. Kelli,
    I've NEVER been to a cracker barrel!! We do have one not far away last time I knew. I think your lil squirrel is too cute and the removable acorn shakers are too neat, I would have had no idea they could be removed and especially hold salt/pepper...hehe!!! Very cute for this season! Thanks for sharing your goodies.

    Oh and I LOVE LOVE the magazine. I plan on doing quite a few of the ideas in there. I'm having a harvest party of sorts for friends and their little one next month, so this was perfect timing for me!!

    Jenn =)

  15. Anonymous6:00 AM

    I love shopping at Cracker Barrel. They always have the cutest things. Love your little squirrel. Great treasures.

    Take care,

  16. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Beautiful! Your squirrel is precious.

  17. What a clever're squirrel that is! Cracker barrel has some of the cutest things!

  18. Kelli, the squirrel and leaves and candles are so pretty together! And I LOVE that he is holding the salt and pepper shakers!! I need to go to Cracker Barrell more often!

    Mrs. U

  19. I love the Cracker Barrell! We don't have one near us, but we are going on vacation next week and always stop at one (or two, or three) I can't wait to see what they have out for fall.

  20. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I love your fall accessories! Fall is my favorite season.

  21. You have got me really excited about fall girl....and I love Cracker Barrel.

  22. I love shopping at cracker barrel.

  23. I have that same little cutie squirrel bought at CB. I love that place!
    I didn't get the rest of the things you did, though. I might have to go back! That wouldn't be all bad, would it?

  24. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Those are so cute! I love Cracker Barrel and haven't been there in ages. It's neat that something cute also has a good use! I love the ideas for the leaf plates -- I have seen some around but never thought of doing that.

    I've been resisting putting my fall decorations up just yet -- maybe will do so in another week or so. It's still feeling like mid-summer here.

  25. When I was at Cracker Barrel a couple of weeks ago I was drooling over the fall items. It's a good drive to the closest Cracker Barrel, but I'm heading there tomorrow. Maybe they'll be on sale!:)
    Mrs. C

  26. Oh I love it! It's so festive looking.

  27. So cute, Kelli! You are certainly ahead of the curve with your autumn decorations. Guess you had to be with the new magazine. We are loving it!

  28. I LOVE those squirrels and little plates! So cute, and what a great idea for a centerpiece! :)

    This is my first time participating. Thanks for hosting Show and's so fun! :)

  29. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Too cool!!! Don't you just love all the fun seasons!

  30. Hi Kelly,
    I love fall and I think you have done a nice job with your pics.

  31. I have my own site now and this is my first show and tell!

  32. How adorable! Our nearest Cracker Barrel is 3 hours away. We used to live where we had 2 in town and I always enjoyed their seasonal goodies. This little guy is just too cute! Thanks for sharing!

    Cathy :)

  33. Ooooo Fall decorations, it's almost here isn't it?

    I love the squirrel, he looks so sweet sitting on your table.

  34. Kelli, he is adorable. I love all the little finds you got. I cracked up when you said everyone liked the candy idea better. Smart family you have!!! =) LOL

  35. Don't you just love autumn accessories? I particularly love the acorns--something about acorns just clicks with me.

    Thanks for sharing!

  36. Love your autumn decorations. They are sooo cute! Thanks for doing the Show & Tell!

  37. I love your little squirrel! Squirrels always remind me of Bill Peet's, Merle the HIgh-Flying Squirrel. If you have never shared that story with your children, I highly recommend it--especially since they have a new squirrel in the family! It is a really good book.

    Now what got me started down that path! I sound like a retired educator or something!:-)

  38. I do recognize those caramels! Mmmmm! Your squirrel is too cute for words! do you think they'll have a 'run' on them at Cracker Barrel now that you've shown your readers what a great centerpiece you can make with one fine fellow and a few plates?

  39. I too was at Cracker Barrel last night, just not the same one. What cutie-pie goodies you found there.

  40. I'm wanting to go by a Cracker Barrell...I love their seasonal items!

    Back a few weeks ago at the Farmers market I saw a lady demonstrating making leaf dishes like that with concrete and real was facinating...

    I like the candy idea the best too ;)

  41. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Those fall plates are just so darn cute. I really like how you set them up with candy on it.

  42. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Congratulations on your new magazine!!!

    It's actually starting to feel fall-ish here. A couple of nights we've ALMOST had a frost. I'm not ready for cold weather yet!

    Your little squirrel is so cute. Your display of the autumn dishes with the candles and candy is really pretty.

    My Show and Tell is my "garden dawgs"... please visit!

  43. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Love the squirrel!!!!!! So cute!

  44. I love your cute squirl! He is fine! I like his acorns that are S&P. I have a show-n-tell, but I am not sure how to do it! Please email directions!

    Thanks, Sharon

  45. They are so cute, Kellie! I love everything Autumn-y. naturally, right?!?!
    And yes, candy is better than candles. =)

  46. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Kelli-those are too cute. Love it

  47. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Very, very cute, and oh, so fallish! I LOVE Cracker Barrel. Such sweet finds in there!

  48. Anonymous12:28 AM

    How cute! Thanks for sharing! :)


  49. that litle salt and pepper shaker is just precious! Cracker Barrel has such great fall accents... I often have to force myself to stay away :o)

    Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

  50. That little squirrel and the plates and candles are adorable! So fallish!

  51. I am so ready for autumn. I love your darling decor. Blessings!

  52. What delightful little fellows. I'm going to try and jump in next Friday. What a marvelous idea! I used to post Friday's Favorite Corner, just for me, but I haven't done that in a while. This is much more fun with a group! May I add you to my favs list? And I am having trouble getting on to your other site. Perhaps too much traffic! It looks wonderful from afar.

  53. I love the squirrel! Very pretty accessories. I'm going to post for Show and Tell Friday.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.