Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday ~ Daily Cleaning Challenge*UPDATED

Today is misc. or catch-up day. If you haven't had a chance to finish up a room or project, now is the time to do it!

I will be cleaning up where I keep my letters and notecards. This ribbon bulletin board is in the hall, by our bedroom. I will have to find a place to store the older letters, since I'm running out of room!



Our dollhouse also needs a little work. We have never decorated it for Christmas, but I thought it would be fun for the girls if we got a Christmas tree and other tiny things.




What are you working on today?


  1. Happy Day to you Kelli! The photo of your dollhouse reminded me that I wanted to tell you what I am working on for Corynn for Christmas this year...

    a dollhouse!

    This one is going to be built by Matt and won't be a fancy house replica but will be more like a dollhouse bookcase, only with doors in the front to hold in the clutter (I hope!)

    Matt hasn't started on the actual house, but I have already started on the furnishings and furniture! Actually, I am posting some of the things this very morning!

    If there are any dollhouse accessories that you made that you could share a photo of (that I might replicate or be inspired by...) I sure would appreciate it!

  2. Last evening I got one corner of my kitchen counter more organized and today I will be working on the section where the stools are...its so easy to let it all pile up. ugh

    I'm hosting Thanksgiving for my family this year...only got word a few days ago - Today, I must make my menu, straighten up the rest of the kitchen, and I want to clean my desk...ugh, again! :-)

  3. I'm going to be cleaning my entire house today we have company - family flying in on Saturday.

  4. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I think it is a great idea to decorate the doll house. I do hope you will show pictures of the tiny family enjoying the holidays. How fun!

  5. Oh, I do hope you decorate the little house for Christmas. I would love a dollhouse of my own someday to decorate for the seasons. How fun! Do show pictures if you get it done! :)

  6. I love that doll house!

  7. Your before letter board just cracked me up! It sure looks top heavy and its a wonder it stayed on the wall. ;) Great job at decluttering it.

    What a neat idea to decorate a doll house for Christmas. :)

  8. Hi Kelli, it's me again! I am still catching up with all your interesting recent posts and just discovered your ribbon bulletin board! Did you make it on your own? It looks great! I am asking you this questions because making such a board is on my to-do list! I already purchased 7 metres of ribbon the other day but I do not yet have any clue how to start this project! It would be great if I could get some advice from you!

    Hugs, Anita

  9. I loved your blog Kelli and became a friend. Very nice ideias. Loved. I am a pastor in Fort Myersm Florida. 3 kids. Why do you prefer homeschool? Just curious. My older just start kindergarden.
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    God Bless


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.